Village of Strasburg

105 East Commercial

P.O. Box 385

Strasburg, Illinois 62465

Ph: (217) 644-3007

Fax: (217) 644-3005

Minutes of January 19, 2015 Strasburg Village Board of Trustees Meeting

The monthly meeting of the Strasburg Board of Trustees was held January 19, 2015. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Present were President Michael Antonacci, Trustees Jack Clark, Shane Corley, Cinda Held, Anita Renshaw, and Chuck Wade. Also present were Village Clerk Linda Oakley, Fiscal Clerk Bridget Polk, Village Attorney Dustin Probst, Gary Kull, and Karen Kull.

Recognition of Visitors

Karen Kull reported that the SCAN Marketing Committee had received a grant from the Strasburg Foundation to develop a new logo for the Village. She presented the results to the board. The new logo incorporates a picture of a gnome in the word Strasburg. Logo will be used on flyers, brochures, etc.

Gary Kull reported that he and Karen had attended the Effingham Chamber’s Gala. The Village of Strasburg is a member of the Effingham Chamber of Commerce, and had an ad in the program book. He announced that the Illinois Institute for Rural Affairs annual meeting will be held March 5 and 6 in Peoria. He encouraged members of the Village Board to consider attending.

Mr. Kull noted that the Strasburg Foundation was again taking applications for grants for projects within the community. Information can be found on the Village’s website or by contacting the Village Office. He reported that donations have been received through the Foundation for the Parking Lot at the Community Building. The Village has received a grant through the USDA and these funds will help with the matching funds needed.

Mr. Kull announced that the quarterly SCAN meeting will be held Sunday, January 25 at 3 PM at the Strasburg Community Center. He encouraged members of the board to become an active member of SCAN.

Omnibus Agenda

Item 1 – Minutes of December 17, 2014 Meeting

Item 2 – Financial Report including Reconciliation of Accounts

Item 3 – Approve Expenditures

Item 4 – Approve Transfer of Funds (January 5, 2015)

Motion by Trustee Clark to approve the minutes of the December 17th meeting, athe financial report including the reconciliation of all accounts, the proposed expenditures and the January 5th transfer of funds was seconded by Trustee Held. Motion voted on and carried. Clark – yea; Corley – yea; Held – yea; Renshaw – yea; and Wade – yea. 5 yea / 0 nay.

The following transfer amounts were approved: $1,833.33 from Water Fund to Rural Bond Debt (January Water Bond Payment Reserve), $3,116.83 from Water O & M to Sewer Fund (December Sewer Portion of Water Bills), $413.73 from the Water Fund to the Water/Sewer Emergency Fund (December 3% Rate Increase), $1,583.33 from Sewer Fund to Sewer B & I Sinking Fund (January Sewer Bond Payment Reserve), and $1,355.59 from the Water Fund to the Sewer Fund (December Sewer Portion of Water Bills).

Clerk Oakley presented the current water bills that had not been paid. She noted that this was as of noon on Saturday, January 17, as the post office and bank were not open for the MLK holiday.

Clerk Oakley presented the Medicom Proposal for internet and phone. Following discussion, the Board expressed no interest in pursuing the proposal.

Committee Reports

Water and Sewer

Trustee Wade noted that 3 water breaks had been repaired in the past month (behind Wayne Wirth’s house, infront of St. Paul’s church and right west of concession stand at park.) He reported that the part for the water softener had been received and installed.

It was noted that Todd Apke had started backwashing on Tuesdays and Thursday. Discussion help regardnig establishing a policy for pay if backwashing only during the week. Board members were asked to think about possible policies for February action.

Streets & Alleys

Trustee Corley noted that the permit from IDOT’s Utility Department had been denied for the work in front of Chris Bower’s house. He noted that an application had been filed with the correct Department and he was expecting approval to be received soon.

Discussion was held regarding the work to be done in front of Bill Walker’s house. Trustee Corley will check on permits for the work along that section of the highway.

Discussion held regarding the possibility of trading the backhoe in and purchasing a newer backhoe was held. Trustee Corley will check into prices of a used backhoe. The Board will discuss whether it would be more feasible to repair the current backhoe or to trade it in and purcahse a used backhoe.

Economic and Community Development

No report

Finance Committee

No report

Building & Business Expansion; Permits

A building permit had been issued to Shortstop for an addition to the south side of the building.

York Acres

No report

Community Center/Park

President Antonacci appointed Trustee Clark to the Community Center/Park Committee.

Attorney’s Report

Attorney Probst reported that the tax levy had been filed with the County Clerk.

Unfinished Business

Clerk Oakley noted that she had spoke with Mark Ferguson of A Sign Store regarding lettering for the front door of the Community Center. Mr. Ferguson noted that cost would be less than $25. Clerk Oakley was given permission to pursue the purchase of the sign.

Trustee Renshaw noted that several individuals had asked about what could be done with the unsightly homes in town. As per Attorney Probst, the Village could send a letter requesting that something be done to clean up the property, if not action were taken, then a lien could be put on the property.

Discussion held regarding changing Ordinances to add that individuals in violation of Ordinance would be responsible for attorney fees. Attorney Probst noted that an Ordinance can be passed with the various ordinances listed that this would effect.

New Business

Motion by Trustee Held to adopt Resolution 15-1 to Establish Schedule of Meetings for 2015 was seconded by Trustee Renshaw. Motion voted on and carried. Clark – yea; Corley – yea; Held – yea; Renshaw – yea; and Wade – yea. 5 yea / 0 nay.

CDAP Grant

Motion by Trustee Corley to Adopt the Procurement Policy was seconded by Trustee Renshaw. Motion voted on and carried. Clark – yea; Corley – yea; Held – yea; Renshaw – yea; and Wade – yea. 5 yea / 0 nay.

Motion by Trustee Clark to Adopt the Professional Services Agreement between the Village and Steve Pamperin Consulting, and the Professional Services Agreement between the Village and Milano & Grunloh Engineering was seconded by Trustee Held. Motion voted on and carried. Clark – yea; Corley – yea; Held – yea; Renshaw – yea; and Wade – yea. 5 yea / 0 nay.

Clerk Linda Oakley noted that RFQ’s (Request for Qualifications) had been received from C2 Engineers, Milano & Grunloh Engineers, and The Upchurch Group. Board members will be ranking each of the RFQ’s and returning their ranking at the February meeting. Each board member will name which firm received the highest number of points. The firm receiving the most votes will be awarded the design grant contract.

Trustee Renshaw noted that she had been approached about how individuals would start the Little Free Libraries in Strasburg. Trustee Held noted that individuals could go online and register. They would receive a number and that would be placead on the website as a location for a Little Free Library.

President Antonacci noted that he had attend a mayoral summit and one of the items that came out o the meeting was to ask board members to list their top 5 goals. It was decided that this would be completed following the election in April.

Motion by Trustee Held to adjourn was seconded by Trustee Wade. Meeting was adjourned at 8:20 PM.

Linda D. Oakley

Village Clerk