Oahe FC

General MeetingMinutes

Dec 15, 2014 7pm

1)Board of Directors Present – Sean Blanchette, President; Jackie Rounds, Secretary; Tammy Cruse, Treasurer; Lee Jay Templeton, Girls Director; Joel Filler, Boys Director; Bobi Adams, Parent Rep, Brad Cruse, Past President. Meeting started at 7:02 pm

Guests present – Chris Derry and Rob Allison

2)Approval of Previous Minutes: Tammy Cruse made the motion to approve the Minutes from November 2014. Joel Filler seconded the motion, all agreed. The minutes will be put on the website.

3)Open Forum –This is new that OFC wants to implement so that anyone can talk about anything they desire without necessarily bringing up for a vote. Nothing was discussed during this forum.

4)New Business

  1. Committee Reports:
  1. Finance Committee – Chairman-Treasurer-Tammy Cruse. There is $15,250 in operating income, which will go for uniforms, balls, or other equipment we might need. $737 sending to South Dakot State Soccer Association.
  2. Publicity Committee – Chairman – TBD- Chris Derry says the facebook page is doing well. There is a Twitter site for OFC. LeeJay and Brooke Templeton have made a trifold pamphlet with describes both CASA and OFC for us to hand out at the schools, these need approval from the school administration.

February 3rd is Chamber of Commerce Activities Roundup at the YMCA from 5-8pm, each group will get a table to display any literature they have. A couple members have volunteered to be at the table to handout literature or answer any questions.

  1. Rules & Reg Committee – Chairman President; Committee Members – Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary and Past President – No rule or regulation changes since all was done at the AGM in October.
  2. Coaches Committee – Chairman, Brad Cruse, Past President; Committee Members Mariah Pokorny and Rik Drewes. No activity at this point in time.
  1. By-Law Changes
  2. None as this was taken care of at the AGM in October. Sean to get revised By-Laws to put on the website.
  1. Rules and Regulation Changes
  2. None as this was taken care of at the AGM in October.

5)U14G Additional Coaching Request from Rob Allison – it was brought up to add Sidney Zanin as 4th coach on roster in case Rob can’t make a tournament. The concern was for the January Spearfish tournament as that age group was taking two teams. As Coaching Committee Chair, Brad Cruse made motion “should Sidney be added to the roster”; LeeJay Templeton seconded the motion. Vote was 4 nays and 2 ayes. Motion failed. Sidney is not allowed to be added to the roster.

6)Uniform Purchases – 60 uniforms need to be purchased at $34 per set (set includes green shirt, white shirt, green shorts, and pair of white socks). Bobi Adams made the motion to purchase uniforms, Tammy Cruse seconded, all approved.

7)Indoor Tournaments – Futsal Rules, it was discussed that the futsal rules are up to each tournament and it seemed that most of the tournaments would be keeping the same rules they have had in the past. But each coach needs to make sure they read the rules for each tournament.

8)Chris Derry would like to sell OFC apparel to parents and give a percentage to OFC.

9)Discussion was made for OFC to order shirts for coaches. Shirts will be Score and moisture-wicking at $25 each. Anything over an XL will be an extra $2.50. If coaches want extra shirt they will pay for themselves. Tammy Cruse motioned that shirts were to be ordered and Bobi Adams seconded the motion. Motion was approved.

10)Next Meeting 1/12/15 at 7pm at Good Shephard Hall (basement) at Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic Church.

11)Adjournment 8:22pm