SimQRi Desktop [Update 1.4] - Installation guide

Setup precondition:

  • Java SE Development Kit installed on your computer. Download available here:

Step 1: Download the right Eclipse Zip Bundle

1)Go to in the “Desktop Edition of the tool” section

2)Select the Eclipse Bundle that matches with your Operating System

3)Download and unzip the bundle

4)Start the Eclipse IDE (double-click on the “obeodesigner” icon application)

5)Obeo Designer will also ask you to specify the path of a directory that will be used as a workspace. This will be the folder in which your projects will be saved on your hard disk.

Step 2: Configure the Eclipse IDE resources folder [since UPDATE 1.3]

  1. Windows & Linux versions

1)Navigate in your files system and go to the directory in which you have installed (or unzipped) the Eclipse IDE files.

2)If it isn’t created yet (should be already done in the “Eclipse Zip Bundle”), create the “simqri-reports” folder

3)Finally, go inside the “simqri-reports” folder and add the two report templates available on the SimQRi tools webpage ( ). If the folder already exists, check if these two files are well included.

In this way, these files will automatically be added inside your new SimQRi projects created inside this Eclipse IDE.

  1. Mac OS Version

Configuration files of the “mac os” version of the Eclipse Bundle are not located in the same way. You have to create the specified folder in the “MacOS” directory, which is located in the “content” folder of the app.

Step 3 Option 1: Import a “ready to use” project

1)Select the «File» section from the top menu, then select «Import…»…

... Select the option «General – Existing project into Workspace».

2)Select the radio button «Select an archive file» and browse your file system in order to select a SimQRi model archive (.zip). For example: (the provided one by the CETIC).

3)Click on «Finish». The modelling project is now ready to be used.

You can access to graphical representations by using the “model explorer” on the left side of the Eclipse environment. Just click on the arrow next to the folder that contains the imported project & navigate in it (project folder > representations.airdSimQRi Design > SimQRi Diagram / Queries Table).

Step 3 Option 2: Create an “Empty SimQRi Project” [NEW IMPROVED WAY]

1)Select the «File» section from the top menu, then select “New – Other”

2)Navigate in the wizard until you find the “SimQRi Ready to use” folder. Select it and click on “Empty SimQRi Project” (don’t use the “SimQRi Project Creation Wizard”)

3)Click then on “Next” and choose the name of your new SimQRi Project.

4)Finally, click on “Finish”. Your project is initialized and should be similar to this :

You can access to graphical representations by using the “model explorer” on the left side of the Eclipse environment. Just click on the arrow next to the folder that contains the imported project & navigate in it (project folder > representations.airdSimQRi Design > SimQRi Diagram / Queries Table).

Please check the user manual for more usability information.


Since the mid-July release, a new version of the user manual is available inside the Eclipse environment after installing the update site (or using the “Eclipse Zip Bundle”).

The way to access it is simple:

Use the menu bar on the top of the Eclipse window and select “Help -> Help Contents -> SimQRi User Manual”.

This is a small offline website which should contain all the information you may need to easily use all the SimQRi functionalities.