Patterson Village Square Condominiums

Reconvened Annual Meeting Minutes

2478 Patterson Road Unit 7 Grand Junction, CO 81501

April 6, 2011

Board Members in Attendance Board Member Absent

Susan Waterhouse Cindy Stanfield

Tom Scott

Bray Property Management in Attendance

Joe A. Mazza

I.  Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 5:35 p.m. by Joe Mazza, Property Manager.

II.  Announcement

Management introduced the Board of Directors to homeowners present.

III.  Minutes

Management stated that he had sent the March 10, 2010 and March 31, 2010 reconvened minutes to the Board and requested approval of the minutes.

Resolution: To approve the minutes as presented

Motion: Scott

Second: Waterhouse

Motion carried unanimously.

IV.  Election

A.  Quorum

Management announced that quorum had been achieved, 14 homeowners or proxies were necessary in order to achieve quorum. Fifteen units were represented either in person or by proxy. Management handed out proxies to the homeowners that didn’t have proxies.

B.  Nominations from the floor

Management asked if there were any nominations from the floor. Greg Doyle stepped forward and volunteered to run for the Board of Directors.

Resolution: To approve the nomination.

Motion: Waterhouse

Seconded: Scott

C.  Voting

Management then asked the membership to add Greg Doyle to the proxy and to vote. After voting management received the proxies from the members that were present. Management asked for a volunteer to count the ballots, there were none. Management looked at the proxies and there were no write-ins, other than Greg Doyle, therefore Greg Doyle is hereby elected to the Board of Directors for a three year term.

The Board will be as follows:

President: Waterhouse

Vice President: Scott

Secretary/Treasurer: Doyle

V.  Old Business

Management briefly went over the financials of the Association and items that have been accomplished in 2010/2011.

VI.  Parking Lot Sweeping Bid

Management stated if the Board was satisfied with the sweeping company and whether or not they would like to have additional bids or stay with the current company. There was concern with sweeping in the corners of the lot. There was no desire to change companies. Management stated he would contact Rocky Mountain Sweeping to discuss this matter

VII.  Questions from the Floor

·  Reported there is a light out between units 9 and 10 in the back of the building.

·  Questions concerning when the landscape company wills start as there are weeds in the front island.

·  Rain gutter leaking near unit 27 and also possibly unit 9 and between 11 and 12.

VIII.  Reorganizational Meeting

Resolution: Susan Waterhouse to remain President

Tom Scott- Vice President

Greg Doyle-Secretary/Treasurer

Motion: Scott

Second: Waterhouse

The motion carried.

IX.  Adjournment

There be no further business before the Board of Directors. The meeting was adjourned at 5:58 p.m.



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