Timeline on the Road to Global War:
Japan / Italy / Germany1894 - Sino-Japanese War & the Triple Intervention
1902 - Anglo Japanese Alliance
1904 - Russo-Japanese war
1914 - (WWI) Japan takes German colonies in Shandong (China)
1915 - Japan issues “21 demands” on China
1919 - Treaty of Versailles
1921 - Washington Conferences
1924 - Peace Preservation Law in Japan
1925 - Locarno treaties
1926 Emperor Hirohito takes over
1928 - Kellogg-Briand Pact
1929 - Great Depression
1931 - Manchurian Crisis...LoN sets up Lytton Commission
1932 - Prime MInisterInukai assassinated...USA issues Stimson Doctrine
1933 Manchukuo created & Japan leaves LoN
1934 - Japan repeals Washington Treaties
1936 - Japan signs Anti-Comintern Pact...Tosei dominates government...Second United Front created in China
1937 - Marco Polo Bridge incident → 2nd SIno-Japanese war
1938 - Japan proposes East-Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere...US gives loans to GMD (China)
1939 - All political parties are banned in Japan...US puts embargo on Japan
1940 - Japan signed Tripartite Pact ...Japan demands access to Vietnam from French
1941 - Japan signs non-aggression pact with USSR...Japan invades rest of Indochina…US freezes Japan's assets
DECEMBER 7th - Pearl Harbor / 1914 - WWI, Italy remains neutral, Mussolini expelled from Socialist party
1915 - Treaty of London offers Italy major gains if they get involved in WWI
1919 - Mussolini founds Fascist Party...Treaty of Versailles does not give Italy all that was promised...Italian Nationalists seize the port of Fiume
1920 - Widespread fascist violence against other political parties
1922-March on Rome, Italian King appointed Mussolini Prime MInister
1924 - Italy takes Fiume
1925 - Locarno Treaties
1926 - Albania becomes Italian protectorate
1927 - Italy stirs up conflict ethnic conflict in Yugoslavia
1928 - Mussolini encourages Aab unrest against British and French empires
1933 - Mussolini proposes a Four Power Pact
1934 - Mussolini sends troops to border of Austria to prevent Anschluss
1935 - Stresa Conference...Italy Invades Abyssinia...Hoare-Laval Pact
1936 - Italy wins Abyssinia, and sends support in Spanish Civil War...Italy joins Germany in Axis agreement..US passes Neutrality Acts
1937 - Britain signs unofficial agreement on “status quo” of Mediterranean...Italy joins the Anti-Comintern Pact...Italy leaves the League of Nations
1938 - Britain recognizes Italian Abyssinia..Munich Conference
1939 - Italy invades Albania...Italy signs Pact of Steel with Germany...Italy declares self Non-belligerent when Germany invades Poland
1940 - Mussolini declares war on Britain and France...Italy invades Greece and Egypt
1941 - Italy declares war on Soviet Union...Italy declares war on US / 1918 - “November Criminals” end WWI
1919 - Spartacist Uprising...Treaty of Versailles punishes Germany...Hitler joins what is to become the Nazi Party
1923 - French Troops occupy Ruhr Valley...Hitler’s Beer hall Putsch...Dawes Plan
1925 - Locarno Treaties
1926 - Germany Joins the League of Nations
1928 - Germany signs the Kellogg-Briand Pact
1929 - Great Depression begins
1930 - Nazi Party gains 18% of Reichstag elections
1931 - Unemployment nears 5 million
1932 - Nazis gain 37% of Reichstag elections
1933 - Hitler appointed Chancellor...introduces rearmament plan and leaves Disarmament Conference
1934 - Germany signs Non-Aggression pact with Poland
1935 - Saar Plebiscite
1935 - Anglo-German Naval Agreement
1936 - Germany remilitarized the Rhineland
1936 - Hitler supports Franco in Spanish Civil War
1936 - Anti Comintern Pact with Japan, Rome-Berlin Axis
1937 - Hossbach Memorandum
1938 - Anschluss declared...Sudeten Crisis...Munich Pact
1939 - Germany takes over rest of Czechoslovakia...Lithuania bullied to give up Memel port to Germany.....Britain introduced Conscription...Nazi-Soviet Pact...Anglo-Polish Treaty...Germany Invades Poland...Britain and France declare war on Germany