GEM IM/Storms Major Accomplishments

Campaign Start: June 1999

[GEM Program Homepage] [GEM Workshop Homepage]

Convener: Anthony Chan

(This Page as a Word Document)

Major Accomplishments

(e.g. new equations derived, new codes written, new data analysis techniques/tools, new web sites)

  • Simulation of radiation belt response to CME-driven storms using MHD Fields (Elkington & Hudson)
  • ULF wave model of radial diffusion (Elkington & Hudson)
  • ULF wave statistical data analysis for CRRES mission (Miftakova & Hudson)
  • Study of pitch angle scattering and loss of transient proton belts due to breaking of 1st invariant (Young, Hudson)
  • Stud of excitation of cavity modes and field line resonances in the inner magnetosphere (Miftakova & Hudson)
  • Predictive models of Dst, energetic electrons (Fenrich & Luhmann, Li & Temerin, O’Brien & McPherron)
  • Calculation of electron phase-space densities for comparison to theory & models (Green & Kivelson)
  • Comprehensive electron models, like Salambo (Thorne, Friedel, Bourdarie)
  • New derivations of diffusion tensor elements for transport and acceleration of relativistic electrons by MHD waves, using phase-space Lagrangian methods (Chan et al.)

New Insights

(e.g. from data analysis, from theory & modeling, from comparison of theory/model to data, from GEM storms)

  • Energetic electron response at GEO associated with high SW V and ULF waves (Mathie & Mann, Li et al., O’Brien & McPherron)
  • Electron response at 2 < L < 6.6 may depend on EMIC, Whistlers, etc. (Horne, Thorne, Friedel)
  • Electron losses are very important, Dst effect may be only part of story (Thorne, Horne, Friedel, Reeves)
  • Outer electron belt is completely reset during a storm (McAdams & Reeves, O’Brien)
  • Source of ~100 keV electrons beyond L > 8 is essential, may be substorms (Friedel, Chan, Ingraham)
  • Decay of ring current depends on electric field (O’Brien & McPherron, Liemohn & Kozyra)
  • Asymmetric component of ring current is dominant during main phase (Liemohn-Kozyra-Clauer)
  • Phase-space Lagrangian methods provide powerful general methods for deriving transport equations for energetic particles interacting with magnetospheric MHD waves (Chan et al.)
  • Relativistic nonlinear gyrokinetic Vlasov-Maxwell equations for magnetospheric transport contain terms which have not been considered before (Chan et al.)
  • During Shabansky orbits (trajectories of energetic ions and electrons which mirror near the dayside cusp regions) particles break the second invariant but the first invariant is conserved to a high degree (contrary to earlier understanding of these orbits) (Chan et al.)
  • When coupled with pitch-angle scattering and substorm injection, Shabansky orbits may result in significant transport and energization of RB particles (Chan et al.)

Education and Public Outreach

(e.g. PhDs and Masters theses, graduate and undergraduate student involvement, public talks, school visits)

PhDs Completed

  • Hee-Jeong Kim (Rice University, 1999)
  • Jerry Goldstein (Dartmouth, 2000)
  • Scot Elkington (Dartmouth, 2000)
  • Shawn Young (Dartmouth, 2001)
  • Paul O’Brien (UCLA, 2001)

MS Completed

  • (Jenny) Evguenia Miftakova (Dartmouth, 2001)


A. J. Brizard and A. A. Chan, "Relativistic bounce-averaged quasilinear diffusion equation for low-frequency electromagnetic fluctuations," Physics of Plasmas, 8, 4762-4771 (2001).

A. J. Brizard and A. A. Chan , "Nonlinear Relativistic Gyrokinetic Vlasov-Maxwell Equations," Physics of Plasmas, 6 : 4548 (1999).

H.-J. Kim, A. A. Chan, R. A. Wolf and J. Birn, "Injection of outer-belt relativistic electrons by substorms," Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Substorms, St. Petersburg, Russia, European Space Agency, ESA SP-443, (2000).

S. R. Elkington, M. K. Hudson and A. A. Chan, "Acceleration of Relativistic Electrons via Drift-Resonant Interaction with Toroidal-Mode Pc-5 ULF Oscillations", Geophysical Research Letters, 26, 3273 (1999).

McPherron, R. L. and P. O’Brien. Predicting Geomagnetic Activity: the Dst Index. Submitted to the proceedings of the 2000 Chapman conference on space weather.

O’Brien, T. P., R. L. McPherron, D. Sornette, G.D. Reeves, R. Friedel, and H. Singer. Which magnetic storms produce relativistic electrons at geosynchronous orbit? J. Geophys. Res., 106, 15,533-15,544, 2001. IGPP # 5518

O’Brien, T. P., D. Sornette and R. L. McPherron. Statistical asynchronous regression: Determining the relationship between two quantities that are not measured simultaneously. J. Geophys. Res., 106, 13,247, 2001. IGPP # 5471

O’Brien, T. P. and R. L. McPherron. Evidence against an independent solar wind density driver of the terrestrial ring current. Geophys. Res. Lett. 27, 23:3797, 2000. IGPP # 5481.

O’Brien, T. P. and R. L. McPherron. An Empirical Phase-Space Analysis of Ring Current Dynamics: Solar Wind Control of Injection and Decay. J. Geophys. Res., 105, 7707, 2000. IGPP # 5232

O’Brien, T. P. and R. L. McPherron. Forecasting the Ring Current Index Dst in Real Time. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 62, 1295-1299, 2000 (Special issue proceedings of Space Weather Week, 1999). IGPP # 5433

Web Page Author: Paul O’Brien

12/7/2001 10:11:24 AM