Leek Health Centre
Patient Participation Group
Notes from Meeting
Notes from Meeting held at Leek Health Centre, Fountain Street, Leek.
Wednesday 15th June 2016,
(This is not a verbatim record)
Present:Ian Robbins / IR
Lesley Robbins / LJR
Ken Byatt / KB
Lesley Roberts / LR / (To 11.15am)
Samantha Brown / SB / Staff Representative
Charlotte Harper / CH / Guest
Apologies: / Norma Crowther
Michael Quine
Catherine Giddings / (New member)
Agenda Item / Action / Timescale
1. / Apologies – As above.
IR advised the meeting that Marjorie Foster, long serving PPG member, has elected to now become a Virtual Member, as has Anne Cager, a new recruit.
IR noted that the meeting was quorate (Minimum of 4 PPG members present).
2. / IR welcomed to the meeting Charlotte Harper, a Practice Nurse who also undertakes the role of Primary Care Nurse Facilitator for North Staffs CCG.
Charlotte explained her role within the CCG – supporting nurses across GP Practices - and then the discussion widened to a health promotion agenda.
List tabled of planned health promotion activities during the current year and used as a reference point.
Charlotte emphasised the need to highlight ‘self care’
and ‘illness prevention’.
The activities undertaken by the PPG in November – January last winter, facilitating voluntary sector displays at the surgery, was mentioned.
Possible health promotion activity identified for September (from list) ‘Cancer Awareness’.
LR well placed to facilitate this through her contacts with various organisations.
The need to widen the appeal of PPG membership was touched upon, Patient Reference Groups being one way to do this. Young patients need to be engaged.
(LR – Succession planning important)
IR undertook to pursue this with the Practice (PRG identified as an option 12 months ago).
The possible use of The Voluntary sector Hub mentioned. IR to pass details to CH.
During the debate, it was identified that the Practice ‘check in’ screen was out of action and appeared to have been so for some time.
Not working on 6th June when LR present. Noted how well the reception staff dealt with the problems arising, together with difficulties during the Monday phlebotomy clinic.
Also noted that the white board no longer being used to record appointment delay times. Not clear why? Not efficient use of staff time – not visible to waiting patients? / (List has been previously circulated)
SB/IR to feed back to Practice. / 3rd Aug.
At 11.15am LR left the meeting to attend to a prior commitment.
As the meeting was no longer quorate, the published agenda could not be followed and The Chair concluded the meeting.
A general conversation took place covering various topics on the agenda but no notes were taken. / IR
3. / Date of next meeting: Wednesday 3rd August 2016. 10am.
– Provisional Booking - Guest Speaker – Margaret Hurley VCS Hub Development Officer – to be confirmed.