Your immune system plays a major role along the lining of your digestive system. It provides protection of a surface area larger than a tennis court, that includes your mouth, esophagus, stomach and intestines; and must help process up to 100 tons of food, chemicals and waste during your lifetime. With such a monumental task, you can understand that you influence the stress on your immune system by your dietary choices each and every day.

Concerning nutritional value, it is well known that “white foods” (sugar, salt and refined foods) really have none, and accordingly should take up a smaller place or preferable, no place in your diet. Whole foods, such as vegetables, sprouted whole grain, seeds, nuts and fruits must be arranged to form a healthy backbone for your diet. Animal products (meats and dairy) have some good nutritional qualities, but have no fiber and too much fat, and therefore, need to be used intelligently in moderation.

Here are some of the rules to be used by clients following the elimination plan in our clinic:

1.  FOR THE FIRST 5 WEEKS, only use the foods on the list of the “Forbidden and Allowed Foods”. Try to stick to it. Each time you go off, you will be feeding exactly what you are trying to kill.

2.  Take “RepairVite” along with “AC Gkutathione”,one / 2 times daily, both between meals. Also “Fiber Plus”, one scoop once daily first thing in the AM and a tall glass of water. These will aid the body in detoxifying and restore the intestinal mucosa.

3.  Even if the foods mentioned on the list are fitting the needs of 85% of the patients, consider individual reactions to foods. “One Man’s food is another Man’s Poison” is a guideline here. Most of the “bad reactors” are already on the “Forbidden List.”

4.  Fruits (the ones on the allowed list) should be eaten in moderation, in the morning up until noon, and AWAY from other foods (either 1 hour before or 2 hours after other foods). Never mix melons with other fruits. Fruit eaten this way, as a “predigested food”, will not be stuck in your stomach with protein and carbohydrates, where it would ferment for hours causing severe gas and discomfort. Keep in mind that bananas have the highest fructose content and that apples, pears and grapes are the worst offenders. They ferment easily (keep in mind that we make wines from these fruits).

5.  In case you have difficulties in omitting bread, go for the unleavened breads, rice breads, Ponce breads, Spelt bread, and as a last resort the yeast free rye breads. You can find these breads in your health food stores.

Allowed pastas are the vegetables pastas, quinoa pasta, amaranth and rice pasta.

6.  AFTER THE 5 WEEKS, most people can start reintroducing foods. The first ones to reintroduce are more fruits, wheat products (breads, pasta, crackers), yoghurt, miso and tofu. It is best to reintroduce these foods ONE AT A TIME in order to monitor your reaction to them. Never introduce them on moments of great stress or when you are premenstrual. Your immune system is already too taxed at those moments.

7.  THE LAST FOODS to reintroduce are apples, pears, grapes, vinegar, soy sauce, wine and champagne. They are very fermented and will give you the most problems.

8.  Vodka mixed with juices and Tequila are the only alcohols allowed when you absolutely want alcohol. They will NOT feed your yeast problem.

Keep in mind, that when you switch to a cleaner diet, you will have an IMMEDIATE and STRONGER reaction to foods that don’t agree with you. Don’t perceive this as a bad sign. Your body is in the process of REJECTING toxic food.

And another important rule: you only will feel as well as you are able to eliminate your toxins. Good bowel movement during these changes is ESSENTIAL!


Rotate foods to achieve variety and to eliminate allergies and sensitivities.

FRUITS: (use sparingly during first 3 weeks on program) in the morning at breakfast. Do not eat after other meals. Some people (10%) will not be able to eat fruit at all because of high fructose content or acidity (as with bananas or pineapple).

O.K. are: Papaya, mango, kiwi, pineapple, banana, honeydew melon, coconut, guava and lemons.


Water with lemon juice.

Vegetable juices, freshly squeezed (not canned such as V8)

Cranberry juice (unsweetened)

Wheatgrass juice

Fruit juices of allowed fruits (in moderation), coconut milk


Brown rice, wild rice, millet, buckwheat, amaranth, quinoa, popcorn, corn tortillas, corn chips, “Rice and Shine”, “Polenta”


Mochi, Brown Rice Syrup, Rice Cakes, Rice Crackers, Creamy Rice, “Rice and Shine” (hot cereals), Rice Dream Beverage (almond flavor), “Creamy Rice”, “Brown Rice Cream” (hot cereals).



All, including garbanzos (hummus), lentils, black beans, etc.


Chicken, turkey, lamb, veal and rabbit


Most fish, preferably cold-water fish (salmon, true cod, sea bass, tuna, halibut, red snapper) Avoid: trout, orange roughy, swordfish, and sushi.


Goat’s milk, goat’s cheese, goat yogurt -

Butter and eggs (made from raw rather than Pasteurized)

OILS: (store all opened bottles in refrigerator) Olive, Canola, Corn, Flaxseed (Linseed), Sesame, Avocado

NUTS, SEED, NUT BUTTERS AND NUT MILKS: (store in freezer or refrigerator)

All except peanuts, peanut butter and pistachios

VEGETABLES: (Make veggies 75%-80% of your diet)

All-steam or stir fried. Avoid eating them raw. Okay to have lettuce with fresh tomatoes, avocados and salad dressing of allowed oils with lemon.

Sun dried tomatoes


Quick Sip by Bernard Jensen (Tamari-like sauce)

Bragg’s Liquid Aminos (Tamari-like sauce, high in sodium)

Garlic, onion

Sea salt (use sparingly)

Dill, Thyme, Tarragon, Rosemary, Oregano, Curry, Basil, Parsley, Paprika, Cinnamon, Nutmeg, carob, etc.


Pau D’Arco tea, lemon & water, Water (filtered or spring-bottled)

Dacopa (coffee sub) - roasted Dahlia Syrup (made from pressed juice of Dahlia flower)

BREADS: (avoid for the first 3-6 weeks, then incorporate very slowly into diet)

Ponce’ Whole Rye - (Wheat, Yeast free)

Lotus Bakery - German Sour Bread (Wheat, Yeast free)

Rudolph’s 100% Rye Bread with Linseed (Wheat, Yeast free)


·  Breads: including yeast-free wheat and rye breads.

·  Dairy products: except butter, eggs and goat’s milk, goat’s cheese and yoghurt; other yoghurt is not allowed.

·  Mushrooms, champagne, wine and beer or anything that is fermented such as Miso or Tofu

·  Fruits: especially not apples, pears, and grapes, also no watermelon, cantaloupe, oranges, peaches, prunes, dates or dried fruits (too much sugar).

·  Wheat and Rye: in crackers, cereal, breads and pasta.

·  Avoid salt: prefer sea salt if used. Absolutely no sugar in any form; avoid Aspartame (NutraSweet, Sweet-N-Low), no honey, molasses or maple syrup.

·  Not tea or coffee, not even caffeine-free coffee or herbal teas; exceptions are Pau D’Arco tea. No fruit juices except the juices of allowed fruits; even then, use them sparingly; and certainly do NOT use fruit juices when fasting.

·  No tomato or barbecue sauce (unless you make your own without sugar, vinegar, or syrup)

·  Avoid raw and cold foods (except salads occasionally; more about salads is discussed further). Remember, these foods decrease the strength of your digestive organ, the spleen-pancreas.

·  Absolutely no vinegar: in salad dressings, mustard and mayonnaise

·  No oatmeal or horseradish

·  No canned foods or fried foods.

·  Avoid refrigerated left-overs, especially meat; freeze the lift-overs and heat them up later (this is especially the rule for meats, since they will become damp and moldy overnight).

·  Avoid ice in drinks.


Meat, Fish, Poultry / Chicken, turkey, lamb
All legumes, dried peas and lentils, Cold-water fish such as salmon, halibut and mackerel / Red meats, cold cuts, frankfurter, sausage, canned sausage, canned meats, egg
Dairy Products / Unsweetened, live-culture yogurt
Milk substitutes such as rice milk, nut milks and soy beverages / Milk, cheese, ice-cream, cream, non-dairy creamers
Starch / White or sweet potato, rice, tapioca, buckwheat and gluten-free products / All gluten containing products, including gluten containing pasta
Soups / Clear, vegetable-based broth, home-made vegetarian soups / Canned or cream soups
Vegetables / All vegetables, preferably fresh, frozen or freshly juiced / Creamed or in casseroles
Beverages / Unsweetened fruit or vegetable juices, water, non-citrus herbal teas / Milk, coffee, tea, cocoa, “Postum”, alcoholic beverages, soda pop, sweetened beverages, citrus
Bread/Cereals / Any made from rice, corn, buckwheat, millet, soy, potato flour, tapioca, arrowroot or gluten free flour based products / All made from wheat, oat, spelt, kamut, rye barley, amaranth, quinoa, or gluten containing products
Fruits / Unsweetened fresh, frozen, or water-packed, canned fruits excluding citrus and strawberries / Fruit drinks, citrus, strawberries, dried fruit
Fats/Oils/Nuts / Cold/expeller pressed, unrefined, canola, flax, olive or sunflower oils, ghee, sunflower, sesame, flax, pumpkin, squash seeds/butters, salad dressings made from allowed ingredients, almonds, cashews, pecans, walnuts / Margarine, shortening, unclarified butter, refined oils, peanuts, salad dressings and spreads.