Part I: Levels of Biological Organization

Directions: Read the passage below and answer the questions.

Our 7th grade science journey began with an exploration of the atom, the smallest unit of all matter. Slowly, we are moving up the levels of biological organization, passing molecules and compounds, organelles, and cells. For the next 2 months, we will investigate 4 additional levels of biological organization: tissue, organ, organ system, and organism.

By now, you should be able to describe the basic structures and functions of a cell, but what happens when cells function or work together? A collection of cells all performing similar functions form a structure known as tissue. Tissues are used to construct larger structures within the body known as organs. For example, your brain is an organ that receives, analyzes, and sends information, and it is constructed of brain tissue. Brain tissue is a collection of cells, which because of their specialized structure are able to store and transmit information; a muscle cell could not perform the same function as a brain cell because their structures are different. Your brain, however, does not function by itself to send and receive data. Your brain functions with your spinal chord and nerves, and together they form the nervous system. Although we divide our body into different systems, you will understand that each organ system depends on the other systems to function properly. If one system fails, then the others will fail as well.


1)  Which list correctly orders the levels of biological organization from smallest to largest?

  1. atomsàmoleculesàcellsàorganellesàorganàtissueàorgan systemàorganism
  2. atomsàmoleculesàorganellesàcellsàorganàtissueàorgan systemàorganism
  3. organismàorgan systemàorganàtissueàcellsàorganellesàmoleculesàatoms
  4. atomsàmoleculesàorganellesàcellsàtissueàorganàorgan systemàorganism

2)  Which word is not a correct synonym for “structure”?

  1. Part b. Job c. Organization d. Design

3)  Which word is not a correct synonym for “function”?

  1. Duty b. Purpose c. Makeup d. job

4)  Which structure is part of the nervous system?

  1. Spinal chord b. stomach c. heart d. skin

5)  What is the function of the nervous system; answer with a complete sentence.


Part II: Introduction to Body Systems

Directions: Use the table below to answer the questions with correct spelling!

Body System / Functions (Jobs) / Structures (Organs)
Nervous System
(Nur-vis) / …to collect, analyze, store, and send information, and respond to stimuli (signals) in the environment. / Brain, Nerves, Spinal chord
Endocrine System
(En-do-crine) / …to make and release special organic compounds (hormones) that control or maintain other body systems. / Adrenal glands, Pituitary gland, Testes (males), ovaries (females), Hypothalamus, Pancreas
Respiratory System
(Res-per-a-tor-ee) / …to perform gas exchange by taking in (inhaling) oxygen gas (O2) and releasing (exhaling) carbon dioxide (CO2) / Trachea (wind pipe), Lungs, Bronchi tubes, Alveoli, Larynx (voice box).
Circulatory System
(sirk-you-la-tor-ee) / …to transport blood, nutrients, and cellular waste to and from different cells. / Heart, Arteries, Veins, Capillaries
Digestive System
(Die-jest-ive) / …to break down food and absorb water and nutrients. / Mouth, Esophagus, Stomach, Small and large intestine, Liver, Gall bladder
Excretory System
(Ex-cre-tor-ee) / …to remove waste from the body. / Kidneys, Bladder
Skeletal System
(skel-a-tall) / …to provide support and protection for other body systems. / Bones, Ligaments, Tendons, and Cartilage
Integumentary System
(In-teg-you-ment-a-ree) / …to protect internal body systems, synthesize vitamin D, and regulate temperature and water loss. / Skin, Sweat glands
Muscular System
(Musk-you-lar) / …to provide movement. / Muscles, tendons
(Re-pro-duct-ive) / …to produce offspring. / Male: Testes, Prostate, Penis
Females: Ovaries, Uterus, Vagina

1)  Which body system is most like the cell membrane?


2)  Which body system includes the heart, arteries, veins, and capillaries?


3)  Which system is needed to remove break down food and absorb nutrients and water?


4)  Which body system includes the lungs?


5)  Which body system would make and release the hormone insulin?


6)  What is the function of the muscular system? Answer with a complete sentence.


7)  People with asthmas find it difficult to breath sometimes because their bronchus tubes swell or enlarge. Asthma is a disease that affects the ______system.