June 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.11-11/909r0
IEEE P802.11
Wireless LANs
Date: 2011-06-21
Name / Affiliation / Address / Phone / Email
Rich Kennedy / Research In Motion Corporation / 7305 Napiet Trail
Austin, TX 78729 / +1-972-207-3554 /
Peter Ecclesine / Cisco Systems / 170 W. Tasman Dr., San Jose, CA 95134-1706 / +1-408-527-0815 /
Zhou Lan / NICT / 3-4, Hikarino-oka, Yokosuka, 239-0847, Japan / +81-46-847-5097 /
June 21th , 2011 PM 22:00-PM24:00 ET, 9 in attendance
Agenda refer to https://mentor.ieee.org/802.11/dcn/11/11-11-0882-00-00af-june-21st-teleconference-plan-and-agenda.ppt .
1. Richard Kennedy (RIM) is the chair of the group. Peter Ecclesine (Cisco) is the vice-chair of the group. Chair called meeting to order: 22:05 pm ET.
2. Agenda of the teleconference in 11-11-0882-00-00af-june-21th-teleconference-plan-and-agenda.ppt is reviewed and approved by unanimous consent.
3. Introduction
3.1. Chair welcomed participants to the Task Group teleconference.
3.2. Chair introduced the officers of the group.
3.2.1. Chair: Rich Kennedy (Research In Motion)
3.2.2. Vice-chair, Technical Editor and Webex Facilitator: Peter Ecclesine (Cisco)
3.2.3. Recording Secretary: Zhou Lan (NICT)
3.3. Chair reminded participants to record their attendance by sending mails to , and .
4. Administrative items
4.1. Chair presented the links for the documents related with the administrative items.
4.2. Chair reviewed the patent policy and meeting guideline slides. Is there anyone who is not familiar with the IEEE Patent Policy? None.
4.3. Chair asked: Are there any patent claim(s)/patent application claim(s) and/or the holder of patent claim(s)/patent application claim(s) that the participant believes may be essential for the use of that standard? None.
4.4. Chair reviewed other guidelines for IEEE WG meetings.
4.5. Chair reviewed the TG chair function.
5. Peter Ecclesine presented document 802.11-11/ 0175r 2
5.1. Eunsun Kim (LGE) asked where the definition of the dependent STA comes from.
5.2. Peter Ecclesine responded the definition comes from REVmb and originally from 11y. There will be updates on section 3.1 according to the progress of the TGaf.
5.3. Padam Kafle (Nokia) commented we already defined GDC dependent STA and should use it in TGaf rather than using dependent STA.
5.4. Padam Kafle asked why one device can be only certified with only one GDB.
5.5. Peter Ecclesine responded it is based on the FCC rules.
6. C.S. Sum presented document 802.11-11/ 878r0
6.1. Peter Ecclesine commented the figure showing the architecture is wrong, the query and response is not between the RLSS and GDB.
6.2. Zhou Lan (NICT) responded the query and response here is a query and response procedure in general, it doesn’t mean the query and response of RLQP.
6.3. Padam Kafle asked why the security feature is needed given the Ethernet type is already defined in our current draft.
6.4. C. S. Sum responded the current draft text is lacking the references of how the security is provided.
7. Eunsun Kim presented document 802.11-11/0885r0.
7.1. Zhou Lan (NICT) asked if the length of the TLV fields are considered.
7.2. Peter Ecclesine responded the TLV fields should not be considered and the minimum length should be 2 octets if there is no map information to be transmitted.
8. Eunsun Kim presented document 802.11-11/0887r0.
8.1. Peter Ecclesine commented that the public action frame can be changed to an action frame .
8.2. Padam Kafle questioned about the necessity to have this announcement frame given there are already other facilities to transmit WSM.
9. C.S. Sum presented document 802.11-11/0879r0.
9.1. Peter Ecclesine commented the editing instructions are not correctly given in the document. If the instruction is to insert, then no underline is needed.
9.2. Padam Kafle asked why it has to be a DS to connect the RLSS.
9.3. Winston Caldwell (Fox) asked if a RLSS will be certified as a TVBD.
9.4. Peter Ecclesine responded a TVBD is a device that has a radio operating in TVWS. RLSS is a logic entity that may locate on a TVBD or not.
10. Chair asked if there is any other business, hearing none, we are adjourned at 24:00 pm ET.
Name (affiliation) [email]
Richard Kennedy, chair (RIM) [
Peter Ecclesine, Vice-chair (Cisco Systems) [
Zhou Lan, Secretary (NICT) [
Padam Kafle (Nokia) [
Chen Sun (NICT) [
C.S. Sum (NICT) [
Winston Caldwell (Fox) [
Eunsun Kim (LGE)[
Santosh Abraham (Qualcomm)[
Minutes page 2 Zhou Lan (NICT)