These are the exam questions for the first Psych 210 exam. Some of the numbers below are not very accurate… Also some of the “questions” below are actually prompts about what you can expect for matching sections.

QUICK HINT: Don’t assume that simply learning a definition will get you the correct answers. You will need to fully understand most of the terms and concepts below to be able to answer the questions properly.

Also, don’t forget that there will be a short answer or essay question of some sort. Good Luck!

1.  Biological Psychology is best described as

Match the ancient thinker with one of their main beliefs about the source of intelligence

2.  Why was Galvani’s discovery of “animal electricity” so important (ie. What did it show)?

3.  The idea that the nervous system is composed of distinct separate cells known as neurons is know as

4.  Autopsy is used

Match the following research (imaging) techniques with their characteristics (plusses and minuses)

5.  The advantage of MEG over EEG is that

6.  Stimulation of subjects using a low frequency TMS pulse will typically cause

7.  From a researcher’s viewpoint, ______lesions are better than ______lesions.

8.  What is the rationale behind why TMS may help stroke patients?

9.  Put the following in order for the transmission of a neural impulse.

10.  The breaks in the axon are

11.  A unipolar neuron

12.  What is responsible for the depolarizing of the neuron?

13.  What would a drug that opened Potassium channels in a neuron at rest do to the cell?

14.  What is the equilibrium effect?

15.  The idea that stimulation from multiple neurons might be needed to reach threshold is an example of

16.  Which of the following is true regarding an action potential?

17.  Which of the following is the main function of an astrocyte?

Using the diagram below, match the information/function with the proper brain area (you may reuse answers).

Match the brain structure with its main function

18.  Neurotransmitters that act using a single step are referred to as

19.  Which of the following is the NT for the parasympathetic nervous system?

20.  Which of the following is the NT for the sympathetic nervous system?

21.  Which of the following is a derivative (can be made from) of serotonin?

22.  ______is the most widely used excitatory NT in the CNS while ______is the most widely used inhibitory NT in the CNS.

23.  NMDA receptors have traditionally been associated with

24.  An agonist to an inhibitory NT would cause the post-synaptic neuron to be

25.  Which of the following is a valid way that a drug can interfere with neuronal processing?

26.  What is the rationale behind why someone would conduct a double-blind experiment?

27.  Why does tolerance occur?

28.  Why (theoretically) is LSD not typically as addictive as other drugs?

Match the following drug with the fact to the right.

29.  What is the LONG TERM effect of ecstasy?

30.  Alcohol seems to effect the cerebellum to a greater extent than other areas because

31.  According to your book, Phencyclidine (PCP)

32.  According to the study cited in the lecture notes, which of the following is the drug that is hardest for people to quit and has the highest relapse rate?