SVNInstallation Guide for Ebase Xi V5
Janauary 2016
Version 1.00
Document Revisions
Date / Version Number / Document Changes08/01/2016 / 0.1 / Jasmin Akman
Table of Contents
3VisualSVN Server
3.2.Installing VisualSVN Server
3.3.How to stop and restart VisualSVN Server
3.4.Getting started with VisualSVN Server
3.4.1Enable Integrated Windows Authentication
3.4.2Recommended repository layouts
3.4.3Creating the repository and project structure
3.4.4Setting up permissions in your repository
3.4.5Self-signed SSL certificate
4SmartSVN client
4.2.Installing SmartSVN client
4.3.Checking out project files from subversion repository
4.4.Importing upgraded Ebase Xi V5 workspace into repository
5Connecting Ebase Xi Designer to the Subversion repository
Ebase Technology 2005 - / 11Introduction
This document provides instructions to installSubversion:
- VisualSVN Server
- SmartSVN Client
Before you start installing the Subversion client on each developer’s systemmake sure that the Server is installed first and user permissions are configured, and a repository exists.
In Ebase Xi all project files are saved in a developer’s local workspace. However if you work in a team and want to share your code, we recommend using a version control system which lets you take advantage of versioning, backup and tagging your projectsover the course of the development cycle.
There are different version control tools available on the market however this document provides instructions for the Subversionversioning system.
In this document we will give you simple step-by-step instructions on installing VisualSVN Server on a Windows domain and creating a repository, enabling windows authentication, granting permissions for users and installing theSmartSVN Client on each developer’s system.
Figure 1 - Overview Multi User Environment for Ebase Xi V5
3VisualSVN Server
VisualSVN Server Managerallows you to easily install and manage a fully-functional Subversion server on the Windows platform.
Go to visualsvn.comand then click download link to get the VisualSVN Server Windows installer.
3.2Installing VisualSVN Server
Click VisualSVN Server installer -> click Run
Click Next.
Accept the terms in the License Agreement and click Next.
Select components and click Next.
Select Standard Edition for small groups and click Next.
Select server installation paths e.g
Location: C:\VisualSVN Server\
Repositories: C:\VisualSVN\Repositories
Server Port: 443 Use secure connection (
Click Nextbutton.
same as but over a secure SSL connection (port 443) and data is encrypted and transmitting is safer.
If “Use secure connection (option choseninitial setup generates a self-signed SSL certificate which is not trusted by clients and browsers. It is recommended to equip the server with SSL certificate that is signed by a trusted Certificate Authority at a later stage.
Click Install button.
To start the server check Start VisualSVN Server Managerbox and finish the installation by clicking Finishbutton.
VisualSVN server is installed successfully and you are presented with VisualSVN Server Manager GUI (see above). Please follow getting started section 3.4to familiarize with repository layouts and how to enable Window Authentication and permissions.
3.3How to stop and restart VisualSVN Server
In VisualSVN Server Manager-Right mouse click on -> click Stopor Restart.
3.4Getting started with VisualSVN Server
VisualSVN Serveron Windows server is installed however to be fully functioning it needs configuration in these areas authentication, repository setup and access permission.
3.4.1Enable Integrated Windows Authentication
Subversion supports integrated windows authentication. Active Directory Domain accounts are reused for VisualSVN Server access control, so there is no need to maintain a separate user list. For more information please read the documentation Windows Authentication for Subversion
To enable Windows authentication, start VisualSVN Server manager dialog ->right mouse click on -> click Properties-> clickAuthenticationtab -> select Use Windows authenticationradio button -> selectBasic authentication meaning that the users are requested to enter their Windows username and password to authenticate to the server
3.4.2Recommended repository layouts
There are some standard, recommended ways to organize the contents of a repository. Most people create a trunk directory to hold the “main line” of development, a branches directory to contain branch copies, and a tagsdirectory to contain tag copies.We will demonstrate setting up popular a repository layout for multiple projects.
For more info please read the documentation about Recommended Repository Layout.
3.4.3Creating the repository and project structure
This option is the best for a repository that contains unrelated or loosely related projects.
Creating the repository and project structure:
- Start VisualSVN Server Manager
- Create a new repository, right-click on -> select Create New Repository -> select Regular FSFS repository -> click Next -> enter Repository Name e.g “CEFWonderzoneRepo” -> click Next ->remains selectedEmpty repository (recommended option)-> click Next -> remains selected
Explicit Read/Write access for the current user(..) -> click Createbutton
Now you should be presented with a “Repository Created Successfully” dialog listing the repository type, repository name and repository URL and configured repository permission details. –>clickFinish.
-make a note of the repository url, as you will need it to set up the connection to the repository using in SmartSVN client.
-repository access permissions can be adjusted later using
the Properties for the created repository using in SmartSVN client.
- Add a project structure, expand Repositories-> right-click the required repositorye.g“CEFWonderzoneRepo” -> select New -> select Project Structure -> enter project namee.g “ProjectName1”. This will create a project folder with common ‘trunk’, ‘branches’ and ‘tags’ subfolders. ->click OK.
Repeat the step 3 if you are adding more than one project to the repository.
3.4.4Setting up permissions in your repository
VisualSVN server Managergives you the ability to grant access to selected users.
For more info please read the documentation about access control and permissions.
- Start VisualSVN Server Managerif it is not running already -> expand Repositories node -> right-click required repository e.g CEFWonderzoneRepo -> select Properties -> click Add button -> enter the object name know as Windows network username -> click OK button ->select permissions Read/Write radio button.
3.4.5Self-signed SSL certificate
The initial installation comes with a self-signed SSL certificate. This can be replaced with a trusted SSL certificate if preferred
4SmartSVN client
Each developer should follow these instructions to install the SmartSVN client on their system. Before starting installation, check that you have beenprovided with a repository URL.
To download the client, and click theSmartSVN Windows installer download link.
Extract the installer zip archive file to a location on your machine.
4.2Installing SmartSVN client
Double-click on the installer program setup-9_0_3.exe and select Run button.
Click Next button.
Select Destination location and click Next button.
Click Next.
Click Next button.
Click Yesbutton if the dialog above has showed up otherwise ignore this step.
Click Installbutton.
Click Finish button to launch the SmartSVN client.
SmartSVN client started, the setup dialog shows up, accept the license agreement by checking I understand and agree…. box and click Nextbutton.
Click Next button.
Select My repositories are already set up and click Finishbutton.
ClickOK button.
Select or enter your Repository URL e.g -> click Next and confirm server certificate for the domain if applicable.
Type your Windows Authentication details username and password-> click Next.
Enter or select a local directory, where the checked out project should be stored -> Click Nextbutton.
Make sure you select Check out a working copy and which is default anyways and click Finishbutton to finish checking out repository.
In SmartSVN client window you should be presented with a local copy of your repository. See image below.
4.3Checking out project files from subversion repository
To obtain a local working copy of the repository follow instructions as follows.
Start SmartSVN client -> select Check out project from repository -> click OK ->
Enter repository URL you want to check out the repository.
->click Next -> click Next-> enter local directory, where the checked out project should be stored ->clickNext -> click Finished.
4.4Importing upgraded Ebase Xi V5 workspace into repository
Before importing upgraded Ebase Xi workspace into central repository, make sure you have the repository url available and permissions granted to check-in code to the central repository.
- Start SmartSVN client -> selectImport project into repository -> Local Directory enter the upgraded V5 workspace directorye.g ebaseInstallationDirectory>/Workspace
-> Enter repository Url Repositorye.g
-> Create a directory clickand a dialog forCreate Directorypops up -> enterDirectory Name e.g. WonderzoneProjects ->remainsticked
[x]Create default project structure for trunk branches and tags
-> clickCreate Directory->on Import Into Repository dialog -> click WonderzoneProjects /trunkdirectory ->
click Next -> On Project dialog, Add new projectradio button remains as selected -> click Import.
The repository project directory is created however you have to check in upgraded workspace files into repository.
Add into repository
Directoriesview-> expand the root directory -> select all sub folders and right click -> select Add -> select Add Recursively.
In Output view check if Add command was executed successfully.
So far the files are added locally however they are not committed to the central repository yet.
Commit into repository
To commit, select the root subfolders and right click -> select Commit -> clickNext -> enter a meaningful message into Commit Message area -> click Commit.
Upgraded workspace projects files are part of the repository now.
5Connecting Ebase Xi Designer to the Subversion repository
How to connect Ebase Xi Designer to the Subversion’s local working copy directory.
- Start Ebase Xi V5 client-> select or enter Subversion local working copy directory as your workspace e.g C:\CEFWonderzoneRepo-> click Open.
- Ebase Xi Designer client is already up and running in this case switch your workspace -> From menu bar click File -> select Switch Workspace -> Browse to Subversion local working copy directory e.g. C:\CEFWonderzoneRepo-> click Open.
At this point Ebase Xi Designer client is up and running and is linked to a Subversion local working copy directory, and ready to be used in a multi user environment. You can add new projects and modify existing projects to your local copy, however to commit your changes to the Subversion repository you have to switch to theSmartSVN clientand execute Add and Commit commands.
Ebase Technology 2005 - / 1