AEC Nov 2016Taught MA Seminar: Epigraphy

Taught MA Epigraphy Seminar

Inscriptions in and as literature

Do inscriptions have literary qualities? To what extent can we apply techniques of literary criticism to inscribed texts? Recent attempts have been made to view inscriptions in the framework of ‘paratext’ (see case studies of SCPP and RGDA): could this approach be extended more widely? Are inscriptions ‘sub-literary’? What sort of interactions can we observe between literature and inscriptions? How did ancient authors treat inscriptions within their literary works? You might like to explore the graffiti on the Colossus of Memnon; the poetic centurions at Bu Njem; the teenager-poet Q. Sulpicius Maximus; the martyr-epigrams composed by Pope Damasus.

Please prepare a presentation of up to 20minutes (maximum) each, negotiating with each other who would like to choose which topic.

Monumental verse inscriptions

  • Schmidt, M.G. ‘Carmina Latina Epigraphica’, in Bruun & Edmondson, edsThe Oxford Handbook of Roman Epigraphy
  • Adams, J.N. (1999) ‘The poets of Bu Njem: language, culture, and the centurionate’ JRS 89: 109-34 {+ Cooley, Manual p.281-85}
  • Nelson, J.R. (1903) ‘The boy poet Sulpicius: a tragedy of Roman education’ The School Review 11.5: 383-95 {+ Cooley, Manual p.131-33}
  • Sághy Marianne (2000) ‘Scinditur in partespopulus: Pope Damasus and the Martyrs of Rome‘ Early Medieval Europe 9.3: 273-87

Verse inscriptions in graffiti

  • Kruschwitz, P. ‘Linguistic variation, language change, and Latin inscriptions’in Bruun & Edmondson, edsThe Oxford Handbook of Roman Epigraphy
  • Milnor, K. (2014) Graffiti and the Literary Landscape in Roman Pompeii

Inscriptions and Paratext

  • Cooley, A.E. (2014)‘Paratextual perspectives upon the SC de PisonePatre’in L. Jansen, ed. The Roman Paratext
  • Cooley, A.E.(2015) ‘Paratextual readings of imperial discourse in the Res Gestae diviAugusti’, CCGG 25 [2014] 215-30 [please ask if you’d like an offprint]

Inscriptions in historiographical literature

  • Liddel, P. and Low, P. (2013) ‘Introduction: the reception of ancient inscriptions’ in Inscriptions and their Uses in Greek and Latin Literature+ other chapters ad lib.
  • Smarczyk, B. (2006)'Thucydides and epigraphy', in Rengakos and Tsakmakis, edsBrill's Companion to Thucydides pp.495-522
  • West S.(1985) ‘Herodotus’ epigraphical interests’, Classical Quarterly35:278-305
  • Lee, R.M. (1993)A historiographical and historical study of Polybius' survey of the early treaties between Rome and Carthage III.21.8-26 (Newcastle, PhD e-thesis)

Inscriptions in fiction: the case of Trimalchio

  • V. Hope,in I. Repath & J. Prag, eds., Companion to Petronius
  • @ Nelis-Clement, J. and Nelis, D. (2005) 'Petronius' epigraphic habit', Dictynna = Jocelyne Nelis-Clément et Damien Nelis, « Petronius’ epigraphic habit », Dictynna[En ligne], 2 | 2005, mis en ligne le 30 novembre 2010. URL :
  • @ P. Veyne, 'Cave canem' MEFRA 75 (1963) [via Persee]
  • @ JRW Prag, 'Cave navem' CQ 56.2 (2006) 538-47

Tacitus in the light of epigraphy

  • @*American Journal of Philology 120.1 (1999) The SenatusConsultum de Cn. PisonePatreespec. Talbert 'Tacitus and the SCPP'; Damon 'The trial of Cn. Piso in Tacitus' Annals and the SCPP: new light on narrative technique'
  • @Cooley, A.E. (1998) ‘The moralising message of the senatusconsultum de Cn. Pisonepatre’, Greece & Rome 45.2: 199-212
  • Cooley, A.E. (2014) ‘Paratextual perspectives upon the SC de PisonePatre’in L. Jansen, ed. The Roman Paratext
  • @*Griffin, M.T. (1997) 'The Senate's story’Journal of Roman Studies 87: 249-63
  • @*Lott, J.B. (2012) Death and dynasty in early imperial Rome [DG279.L6]
  • Potter, D.S. 'Senatusconsultum de Cn. Pisone', Journal of Roman Archaeology 11 (1998) 437-57 [Arts Periodical]
  • Rowe, G. Princes and Political Cultures: The New Tiberian Senatorial Decrees (Ann Arbor 2002) [DG 282.R6] (flick through intro, chs 1, 2, 3, 6)
  • @Severy, B. 'Family and State in the Early Imperial Monarchy: The SenatusConsultum de PisonePatre, Tabula Siarensis, and Tabula Hebana' Classical Philology. 95. 3. (2000) 318-37
  • *Woodman, A.J. & Martin, R.H. The Annals of Tacitus Book 3 (Cambridge 1996) [PA 6705.A6]
  • @Griffin, M. (1982)‘The Lyons Tablet and Tacitean Hindsight’,Classical Quarterly 32: 404-18
  • @Griffin, M.T. (1990)'Claudius in Tacitus',Classical Quarterly 40.2: 482-501
  • @Miller, N.P. (1956) 'The Claudian tablet and Tacitus: a reconsideration'Rheinisches Museum fürPhilologie 99: 304-315