National Program on Micro and Smart Systems
Format for Annual Report from MEMS Resource/Design Center
Closure Review Meeting January 2015
A. Centre Information
1. Name of the Institute2. Postal Address
3. Name, Department and Contact Information of the Coordinator
4. Names (and departments) of other faculty members involved
B. Facilities available
1. Software tools received from NPMASS
Software / No. of licenses / Number of Users, since installation / Weekly average (hours/license) useCoventor Turbo
Beam Prop
2. Hardware platforms (detailed specifications are not required) available at the Design Center[1]
Key system spec (Server/Desktop) / Funded by(NPMASS/Institute/ Other agency) / Number of systems
3. Other facilities available at the Design Center location
C. Summary of Academic Activities
1. Research areas targeted by various groups in your institute[2][3]
Broad sub-area* / Names of Faculty / No of Students (B.E/M.E./MSc/Research Scholar) working on this topic since June 2009* Examples include: Bio-MEMS, RF MEMS, Micromechanics, Microfluidics, MOEMS, Microactuators, Smart materials, etc.
2. Courses Offered 1,2
Course code / Title/subject / UG/PG / Core/ Elective / Name of Instructors / No. of students registered in 2012-133. Training programs/workshops/awareness programs organized at the institute in 2013-151,2
Title/Date / Target audience / Names of Instructors / No. of internal participants / No. of external participants4. Training programs/workshops/awareness programs ATTENDED by your team members in 2013-15 1,2
Title of Event / Location / Duration / Names of participants5. Other support Expected/ Generated on related topics since June 20091,2
Funding Agency / Total Cost / Duration / Project Title6. External users of the Design Center during 2013-15 (if any) 1
Organization / Names of users / Duration / Project Title / Present status
D. Output Generated from the Design Center so far
1. Project reports/theses by students in 2013-15[4][5]
Thesis Title / Completed/Ongoing / Names of students / Names of guides2. Conference publications since 20101,2
Paper Title / Conference Name, date, location / Authors3. Journal publications (published/accepted only) since 2010 1,2
Paper Title / Journal Name, vol. no, issue no., year / Authors / Published/accepted4. Design deliverables (completed designs with complete mask layouts, in the form of a report) from the Design Center 1
Academic year 2012-13
Title and brief features / Level of completion / Names of students / Names of guidesAcademic year 2013-14
Title and brief features / Level of completion / Names of students / Names of guidesAcademic year 2014-15
Title and brief features / Level of completion / Names of students / Names of guides5. Devices Fabricated by your teams since June 2009 1
Using NPMASS support
Title and brief features / Level of completion / Names of students / Names of guidesWithout using NPMASS support
Title and brief features / Level of completion / Names of students / Names of guides6. Students/Research scholars/Project Assistants (other than those listed in item D.1 above) using software tools since June 2009 1
Title of research / Level of completion / Names of students / Names of guides
E. Summary of Expected Future Output from the Design Center
1. Number of Project reports/theses by students
MSc (course)
MS/MPhil/MSc (by research)
2. Number of Conference publications :
3. Number of Journal publications :
4. Sub-areas in which design deliverables will be taken up:
5. Sub-areas in which fabrication of devices will be taken up:
6. What is the approximate usage (in number of hours per week) of each software tool license located at your center? Is this satisfactory? (pl. limit to 100 words)
7. As you may know, NPMASS is ending soon, and there may not be future support to centres for renewing licenses of software tools. What do you think would help sustain this activity? (pl. limit to 100 words)
F. Brief Technical Description of work carried out since October 2009 (Please limit to 200 words. (pl. do not repeat details provided elsewhere in this report)
G. It is required to send a softcopy of this report in the original word format.
Please handover a signed copy of this document during the review meeting.
Printed version submitted by:
Signature andName of the Coordinator(s)
Date: :
Updated List of faculty members involved
Name / Department / Name / DepartmentCertificate
I have verified the information provided above. All faculty members listed above have an active interest in the area of Micro and Smart Systems.
I certify that the software licenses provided by NPMASS have been installed and are available to all interested students and faculty members of this Institute/university. These have been and will be used solely for academic purposes by the intended users.
Signature andName of the Head of Institution
Date: :
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[1] Please insert additional rows to tables when required
[2] Please insert additional rows to tables when required
[3] Please limit to areas closely related to micro and smart materials systems technologies
[4] Please insert additional rows to tables when required
[5] Please limit to areas closely related to micro and smart materials systems technologies