Welcome to MHS Vocal Music
Striving Daily Towards Excellence
Moore High School Fine Arts has a long history of excellence. Whether in Band, Choir, or Drama, it has been our goal to strive to be better today than we were yesterday. It is important for us to maintain a high standard of musical excellence and quality as well as people quality people. As a member of this organization, it is important for you and your parents to understand the commitment in time and effort you are choosing. Please read carefully all of the following information and sign the appropriate form. If you feel you cannot abide by these rules, please choose now…
Basic Choir Rules
While there are exceptions to every rule, do not assume you are the exception. In order to foster a sense of belonging and pride in our ensembles, the following are the basic rules for all choir classes:
- NO WHINING!!!!!!
- Ms. Hicks is the final authority on all exceptions to rules. DO NOT expect to be granted an exception after the fact.
- Be on your very best behavior, even in rehearsal. It is not your position to criticize another singer. If you have a question or problem, address it properly. Let the DIRECTOR take care of correcting singing problems.
- Food, chewing gum, drinking cokes, etc. is not allowed in the choir room at any time.
- Please do not invite students outside of the choir programs into the choir room.
- The choir office, library, and closets are OFF-LIMITS to everybody except the appropriate personnel.
- Take care of all equipment in the room, including pianos. This means do not play on the piano without permission from Ms. Hicks.
- Hair spray, perfume, make up, etc. will not be used in the classroom.
- Appropriate behavior at any concert or performance is expected. This includes silence during the performance and staying seated throughout. This also includes appropriate show of appreciation, not screaming or yelling.
- We strive for unity of effort and uniformity of appearance in concert. Anything distracting from that goal will not be allowed.
Cell Phones
- Cell phones have become a real problem in rehearsal. School policy says you may have a cell phone, but that it is to be in your locker or car.
- Choir rules will be cell phones are not allowed on risers. Leave them in your bag or somewhere else.
- If you are caught with it on the risers, you will be subject to school discipline and may be required to check in your phone with the director every day.-
One of the following: Box of tissues (last names A-N); canister of disinfecting wipes (O-S), hand sanitizer (T-V), or dry erase marker(s) (last names W-Z).
- Attendance at concerts and contests is NOT OPTIONAL. Missing a performance for any avoidable reason may result in removal from the performing ensemble and class, including loss of credit. An avoidable absence may be defined as any absence not excused by the director at least two days prior to the event. Ineligibles will be considered an avoidable absence.
- If you have to miss a practice, let Ms. Hicks know ahead of time, in writing.
- There may occasionally be rehearsals on some evenings during the year. A full schedule of these will be posted. You will be expected to be there at all times.
- Do everything you can to avoid conflicts with rehearsals, including scheduling doctors, dentist and detentions some other time.
- Be prompt. When the bell rings, you will need to have your folder and whatever else you need and be in place on the riser. Rehearsal will start one minute after the bell. Check the board for what is needed that day.
- Attendance at the rehearsal immediately preceding a concert or contest is mandatory. Missing one for any avoidable reason will result in your removal from that concert or contest and a “0” will be entered for both the rehearsal and the concert or contest.
The official calendar will count as official notification of the events of the choir. Please supply this to your parents, job, and other individuals who need it. FORGETTING AN EVENT WILL NOT BE AN UNAVOIDABLE ABSENCE.
Tardiness to Class
As is the case every year, tardiness cannot be tolerated. You will be counted tardy to class if you are outside the door when the bell finishes ringing.
Each tardy will require copying of an appropriate paragraph to be turned in the following class period. Failure to do so may result in a “0” for the day as well as lunch detentions. Also, school policy regarding tardies and absences will be enforced.
- OSSAA requires us to maintain an eligibility report on students who are involved in any extra-curricular activities. You must be passing all of your classes in order to perform.
- Anyone on probation will be expected to perform at all choir events.
- Anyone consistently on the ineligibility list will be subject to removal from the choir until such time as they prove the ability to maintain the necessary grades in all subjects.
- Do not expect many second chances on ineligibles. It is YOUR responsibility to make up the work you are missing.
Grading will be based on the cumulative points earned throughout the school year. Weekly participation counts for as much as 50 points per week. Concerts count for 600 points. Weekly theory grades, sight reading grades and other grading activities will count towards the total.
Fine Arts Musical:
All students enrolled in any fine arts class are encouraged to audition for this year’s Fine Arts Musical which will be produced in early March. This is an outstanding opportunity for interested students to work with vocal, choral, dramatic, technical, theater, and dance professionals on their crafts while making many new friends and memories! Listen for announcements and information on the musical.
The uniform fee for women buying new uniforms is $75. Women will be required to provide black hose and black dress shoes (Closed toe, flats or small heel). Some used dresses will be available to purchase from former students, but they are on a first come, first serve basis.
The uniform fee for men will be $110. Men will be required to provide black socks and black dress shoes (not black boots or black tennis shoes).
$25 down payment for uniforms will be due September 8th. Final payments will be due October 3rd, 2011. PLEASE PLAN AHEAD!
Choir Fees (Dues)/ Honor Choir Fees/Solo and Ensemble Fees
In order to operate a program at this level, students will be required to pay a $20 choir fee, due by Sept. 16th, 2011. This will help cover costs of music, transportation, and other costs throughout the year.
All students in upper level choirs as well as any other students wishing to audition for honor choirs will be required to pay $15 entry fee to audition for the honor choirs. This is due by September 20th, 2011.
Solo and ensemble contest will take place in February. All students wishing to participate will also be required to pay their entry fees for that as well. These fees are usually $10 per solo or ensemble.
FUNDRAISING OPPRTUNITIES FOR ANY AND ALL FEES WILL BE PROVIDED AND EXCEPTED AS FORMS OF PAYMENT. If there is a financial situation that makes these payments difficult, please call or email Ms. Hicks to discuss options.
Courtesy Should Be Common
Practice courtesy and respect in dealings with others students and adults. Leave all problems and disagreements at the door when you come to rehearsal. Rehearsal time will be a welcome relief from those worries and stresses and they will usually be waiting for you at the door as you leave.
Put anything you use back in its proper place.
Profanity is an unacceptable substitute for more effective communication skills.
“Message Center”
If you have a question or message for any choir member or its directors, use a small piece of tape to put up your written message with their name on it on the outside casing of the office window in the choir room. Please check this area as you enter the room as messages are regularly posted for individuals in this area. This is also where you post a note to the “Music Librarians” if you have a problem of some sort with your folder or music.
Various Individual Honors
The choir will be involved in various singing opportunities throughout the year. Check the website for more information.
Parents Booster Club
We have a great need to involve as many parents as possible in our activities. Moore HS Choir Boosters is the choir organization to help us and you get involved as you want to be. Our first meeting will be ……… in the High School Choir Room. Most meetings will be less than an hour. I encourage all parents to be there.
“Get out of Jail Free” Coupons
A choir “Get out of jail free” coupon may be substituted for one class period’s make-up work assignment. These may be earned at points during the year. Coupons are non-transferrable and may be used only by the person earning them during this school year.
Choir Calendar
The dates included on the calendar of choir events, handed out on the first day of school along with this handbook and medical release form, is accurate and complete as of August 9, 2011. Additional dates may be added to the calendar throughout the year and will be posted on the wall calendar as well as on the board as scheduled. Please remember that performances and any after school rehearsals are significant summative grades and plan your calendar accordingly. An update yearlong calendar of events is maintained in the choir room that both students are parents may check.
Please return this page by no later than noon, Tuesday, August 20th, 2011.Please also remember that the $25 down payment is due by Sept. 8th. Also the $20 choir fee is due by September 16th, 2011.This letter also serves as a permission slip to attend all concerts, contests, and workshops with the choir. The guardian understands that all reasonable caution will be taken with transportation of and supervision of students and that students must abide by all school rules on any trip. If there are any medical or other issues of which the directions should know, please let me know in writing or by email.
We have read the choir handbook and understand what is expected of each student in the Moore High School Choral Department.
Signature of Parent/GuardianSignature of Student
Name of student: Birthday
Street Address:
City: Zip Code
Home phone: Parents:
Student (if different from Parents)
E-Mail Addresses:Father:
Name of Moore HS Choir(s) in which you are enrolled:
Your grade level this year: (circle one) 9101112