Faculty Senate Meeting


January 11, 2016

IN ATTENDANCE: ​Clark Baughan, Colleen Lynch, Deborah Newberg, Margaret Hopkins, James Marshall, Jerry Friedman​, Robert Shankin, Craig Donalson, Bethany Kilpatrick, Marci Eannarino, Enita Pendleton, Diane Tintor, Shawn Miller, Pauline Tither, Bethany Muller, Ute Jannsen-Kerr, Gretchen Scott, Jason Beam, Russ Whiting, Bruce Gagnon, Lenny Gannes, John LeDoux, Gil Sena, Steve Martinez, Neil Hunter, Xubi Wilson, Laura Rosenfeld, Tomas Duran, Dave Sicko, Isabella Bornet, Michael McKittrick, Peter Taussig, Frances Rodriquez, Ezra Estes, Frances Rodriquez, Xavier Medina

Faculty Senate Subcommittees:Several names were added to the lists. Contact member for each committee identified.

List of Faculty Senate Subcommittees SFCC Committees w/ significant faculty role (in-progress)

Faculty Senate and Faculty Senate Subcommittees

Committee Name / Faculty Members on the Committee (contact person in bold) / Days/Times / Location
Faculty Senate / Clark Baughan, Deborah Newberg, Colleen Lynch, Ezra Estes, Craig Donalson, Meaghan Hopkins, Daniel Primozic (Officers); all faculty are members / Alternate Fridays, 10 - noon / Room 487
Faculty Senate Election Committee / Shuli Lamden
Faculty Handbook Subcommittee / Gilbert Sena, Dan Primozic, David Sicko, Steve Martinez
Faculty Rank Subcommittee / Gretchen Scott, Carla Slentz, Andrew Lovato
Faculty Salary & Benefits Subcommittee / Lenny Gannes, Russ Whiting, Dianne Tintor, Craig Donalson
Faculty Workload Subcommittee / Robert Shankin, Marci Eannarino, Lenny Gannes, Bethany Kilpatric / As needed
Policy Review Subcommittee / Clark Baughan, Tracy Roberts, Shuli Lamden, Laura Rosenfeld, Meaghan Hopkins / Mondays, 2:30- 4:00 pm / Arts + Design Conference Room

Institutional Committees with Faculty Representation

Committee / Led By / Faculty Members Attending (faculty contact person in bold) / Days/Times / Location
Academic Advising Committee
/ Heidi Weingart, Jennifer Nollette
/ Dawn Wink, Douglas Jones, Julia Deisler, Kathleen Finn-Brown, Leonard Gannes, Tracy Roberts
Academic Freedom Task Force / Clark Baughan, Lenny Gannes, Enita Pendleton / Tuesdays, 2-3:00 PM through March 8th
Academic Program Review Committee / Jill Carlson / Colleen Lynch (Faculty Senate rep), John Pantano, Ute Jannsen-Kerr, Milton Riess, reps from Liberal Arts, Arts, Design and Media Arts, and Business and Education needed / 1st and 3rd Mondays; 1:30 -3 pm, / Room 574
Achieving the Dream / Margaret Peters, Yash Morimoto
/ Julia Deisler, Shalimar Krebs, Colleen Lynch , Kate McCahill, Steve Martinez
AQIP Steering Committee / Jill Carlson / Neil Hunter, Shalimar Krebs, Frances Rodriguez, Michael Alexander / 1st and 3rd Wednesdays 1:30-2:30
AQIP Action Project: Common Student Learning Outcomes / Dave Sicko, Shuli Lamden
AQIP Action Project: Faculty Evaluation / Bruno Gagnon / John Gorman, Russ Whiting, Lenny Gannes, Jason Beam, Kathleen Finn-Brown, Marci Eannarino, Kate McCahill, Margaret Hopkins, Bruno Gagnon, Steve Martinez, Will Wilson
Luke Spangenburg
Campus Community Emergency Response Team / Jonathan Tapia / Warren Goldenberg, Amanda Hatherly, Shawn Miller
Celebrations Committee / Jackie Gutierrez, Lucia Lucero
Chairs and Directors Committee / Ute Jannsen-Kerr / Current Chairs and Directors
College Grievance Committee / Activated as needed
College Hearing Board / Margaret Peters / Activated as needed
Curriculum Committee / Colleen Lynch / Janie Milner, Julia Deisler, Gilbert Sena, Jerry Trujillo, Gretchen Scott, Dianne Ranck, Laura Rosenfeld, Patricia Finn, Steve Martinez, Gordon Fluke / Wednesday, 3-5 pm / President’s Conference Room
Diversity and Integrated Learning Advisory Council / Emily Stern / Jaime Hurtado
Employee Assistance Program (HR committee) / Julio Arizmendi / Xubi Wilson, Deborah Newberg
Financial Oversight Committee (Board Committee) / Jill Carlson, Craig Donalson / Meaghan Hopkins, Craig Donalson, Shalimar Krebs, Isabella Bornet / 3rd Monday
Graduation Task Force / Pier Quintana / Angela Ortiz, Steve Martinez
Governance Council / Randy Grissom / Colleen Lynch, Ezra Estes (as Faculty Senate Officers) / 1st and 3rd Fridays, 2- 3:30 pm / President’s Conference Room
Institutional Review Board / Yash Morimoto / John Pantano, Bruno Gagnon, Steve Martinez
Institutional Planning Committee / Julia Gallegos / Margaret Hopkins, Julia Deisler, Clark Baughan, Colleen Lynch
Learning Assessment Committee / Jill Carlson, Faculty Co-Chair (TBD) / Julia Deisler, Kathleen Finn-Brown, Jason Beam, David Sicko, Lenny Gannes, Frances Rodriguez, Xubi Wilson / Thursdays 1:30-3:00 / Room 574
President’s Executive Team / Randy Grissom / Clark Baughan (as Faculty Senate Chair) / Tuesday, 9- 11 am / President’s Conference Room
Professional Development Task Force / Carmen Gonzales, Margaret Peters / Shuli Lamden, Neil Hunter
Recruitment Advisory Task Force / Marcos Maez
Sunshine Committee / Alicia Huerta / Isabella Bornet, Jerry Trujillo
Technology Advisory Committee / Jeremy Lovato / James Marshall, Deborah Newberg (Faculty Senate Reps); Tomas Duran, Michael McKittrick, John LeDoux (school reps) / 3rd Thursday, 2:30 – 4 pm

PROCEDURES FOR IDENTIFYING FACULTY FOR COMMITTEES AND TASKFORCES Discussion of draft procedure for seeking faculty representation on committees. Suggestion that when administration starts a committee, that they send notice to the president of Faculty Senate, with the number of seats on a committee. Faculty Senate would then send twice that number of names forward, for selection. Suggestion that there should be clarification underwhat authority a committee operates, and whether it is departmental or institutional level work. General response from administration, is that faculty is "exempt" so that there are no clear limits on how much work faculty are expected to do. Suggestion that there should be clear definition of what college service means. Comment that this definition is included in the documents being developed by the AQIP Faculty Evaluation Action Project.


·  Continued development of Faculty Handbook

·  Communicate need for Cost of Living salary adjustments, Salaries in general. Santa Fe cost of living 125% of national mean!

·  Learn more about the Employee Relations Manager position as advertised for HR

·  Impact of the new HLC standards for faculty - slated to go into effect in 2017

·  Need for a Campus Safety and an Emergency Action Plan

·  Faculty Senate officers election in Spring 2016. Shuli Lamden volunteers as election monitor. Will initiate process early in semester. A position statement and photo of confirmed candidates will be solicited. Positons of Chair and Communications due for rotation.

·  FS webpage connects to a CANVAS Shell to facilitate on-line discourse

·  Increase faculty visibility on campus, for faculty senate broader participation

FACULTY SENATE ELECTIONS: President and Communications positions will be open. Suggestion to start the process early. Suggestion to make it a function of a faculty senate subcommittee. Suggestion to include librarians as eligible to find shared governance representation through Faculty Senate. This is consistent with best practices at other colleges.

DEAN SEARCH: ​Question on whether the search will be internal, regional, national. Vote was essentially 11 for internal posting, 5 for regional, 4 for national. Voting was limited to faculty. Suggestion to hold another meeting for vote. Discussion that external searches strengthen the internal candidates. Suggestion that Faculty Senate page operate as a canvas for Dean search vote.

Motion to have another discussion/vote at a special Faculty Senate meeting on 1/22. 2nd, discussion? In favor, unanimous.

Move to adjourn. 2nd. Unanimous in favor.