JV/Varsity Girls Soccer 2015
The purpose of our district’s athletic program is to provide an educationally sound program that emphasizes participation, cooperation, good sportsmanship and teamwork, as well as healthy competition for the middle school student. As coaches, we believe that fundamentals and commitment to the sport are important and should be stressed every day. Winning is great and is an objective, but not the goal. Our goal is to provide an opportunity for each player to acquire basic skills, confidence, develop positive attitudes, and gain knowledge that will lead to future play and enjoyment of the sport. Our goal is also for students to achieve a sense of loyalty, team play, and sportsmanship. We are looking forward to a great season with lots of fun and learning.
Parents are responsible for their son’s transportation to practice and back to school on Wednesdays for games. Parents are also responsible for picking up their child after games. Athletes should come dressed in athletic clothing and footwear ready to go.
Nikki Monaco - Varsity Marci Schutrum - JV
Criteria for making the team:
We will review the following criteria in the selection of team members:
1. Attitude…towards the sport of soccer, school, teammates, coaches, instruction, and new situations.
2. Abilities/Skills…How well the player can handle the soccer ball, pass, chip, shoot, trap, play defense, dribble, throw-in, goal keep.
3. Potential/Work ethic…How hard is the player willing to work to overcome weakness? How much is the player willing to learn? Does the player have a deep desire to be on the soccer field?
4. Strategic knowledge…We will evaluate tactical skills, does the player have a basic understanding of the sport of soccer, passing patterns, playing defense, offense, midfield, shot and pass selections.
As parents and spectators you must agree to:
~Encourage good sportsmanship by using positive comments for all players, coaches, and officials.
~ Understand that players, coaches, and officials can (and will) make mistakes. We agree to be supportive of all participants, thereby ensuring an enjoyable experience for all.
~ We understand that spectators who do not adhere to these guidelines may be asked to leave the event and may be banned from all future athletics events.
All Paperwork is due on Thursday, October 29th.
Try out dates: *Tryouts are closed to the public
Try-outs begin Monday, November 9th from 3:45pm –5:00pm. Possible First cuts may occur on November 12th. Final cuts will be by Monday,November 16th.
Tryout Schedule
6th: Grade Nov. 9, 10, 12, 16
7th Grade: Nov. 10, 12, 16 (Please note: NO SCHOOL NOVEMEBER 11TH = NO TRYOUTS)
8th Grade: Nov. 10, 12, 16
Monday through Thursday3:45pm –5:00pm
When games begin, practices will only be on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
The informational parent meeting will be on Wednesday, Nov. 18th from 5:05-535. Room TBD
Game Times:
Games will start at 5:00 p.m. on Mondays and 4:30 p.m. on Wednesdays
Athletes will stay after school on Mondays, to prepare for the game. Athletes will want to have a snack (something light) for after school.
On Wednesdays ALL players must go home after school and return by 3:30.
Athletes will ride district buses to away games. Athletes will need to arrange a ride home after games because there will not be a returning bus.
Equipment necessary for try outs and team participation
Athletic clothing, soccer shoes (cleats or turfs), shin guards, a ball, and water jug.
Academic Standard
All players must maintain passing grades and satisfactory behavior in every class. Grades and behavior will be checked throughout the season. Failing grades or poor behavior are grounds for suspension and possible dismissal from the team.
If you have any questions about the upcoming season, please feel free to call Akimel A-al or contact the coaches. We are looking forward to an excellent season!
Nikki Monaco
Marci Schutrum