Subject: Submission Details of Full Manuscripts to CESE-2011 Special Issues!

Dear Colleagues,

Submissions of manuscripts to CESE-2011 special issues in six journals will open on the 15th of August and will be closed on the 30th of September. We would like to follow the deadline strictly in order to publish special issues in early 2012.

Please go to the corresponding journal web page for which your manuscript has been selected and follow the “Instructions to Authors” carefully when you prepare your manuscript(s).

Please quote your CESE-2011 reference number in the cover letter. Please also indicate that you have registered and will present your work at CESE-2011. One registered participant can submit maximum 2 of his/her manuscripts that are based on the accepted abstract(s) to the nominated journal(s). When his/her colleagues register for the conference, for every registration additional two manuscripts could be submitted.

Bioresource Technology:

Please submit your manuscript through the editorial system of the journal. Select “CESE-2011” as the type of article.

Desalination and Water Treatment

Please submit your manuscript to CESE secretariat as email attachments ().

Please submit a word file and a PDF of your manuscript.

Environmental Technology: Original research papers, and NOT the wetlands and energy/green chemistry themes
Please submit your manuscript to CESE secretariat as email attachments ().

Please submit a word file and a PDF of your manuscript.

Re/Views in Environmental Science and Bio/Technology: Only REVIEW (and mini-review papers), NO original research papers

Please submit your manuscript through the editorial system of the journal. Select “CESE-2011” as the article category when submitting.

Journal of Membrane Water Treatment
Please submit your manuscript to CESE secretariat through email attachment(s) ().

Please submit a word file and a PDF of your manuscript.

Journal of Water Sustainability

Please submit your manuscript to CESE secretariat through email attachment(s) ().

Kind regards,

Li Shu

Chia-Yuan Chang

Li Shu, PhD

School of Engineering

Faculty of Science and Technology
Deakin University
Geelong Waurn Ponds Campus

Geelong, VIC 3217, Australia

Chia-Yuan Chang (張家源)

Associate Professor, Ph. D.

Dept. of Environmental Engineering and Science

Chia Nan University of Pharmacy and Science

Tainan 71710, Taiwan

M-phone: +886-953-850-800


Membrane Application & Bio-Environmental Engineering Laboratory (MABEEL)


The 4th International Conference on the "Challenges in Environmental Science& Engineering", CESE-2011 will be held from the 25th to 30th of September, 2011 in Tainan City, Taiwan