Application Form
Deadline for applications:
Non-European students applying for Erasmus Mundus Scholarship: January 31st every year
All other students: June 20th every year
In any case, applicants are to send their application both in electronic form and by registered mail because of the tight timing for the assessment of applications.
Please be informed that you will be automatically excluded from the selection for an Erasmus Mundus Scholarship in any of these three cases:
a) If you are applying to more than three Courses.
Please specify how many Master Courses you plan to apply for (including this one):
b) If you have benefited from a previous Erasmus Mundus Scholarship
(except in unforeseen or exceptional circumstances, such as force majeure or serious illness).
c) If you have spent longer than 12 months in Europe during the last five years.
Please fill in using capital letters only. Fields marked with * are required.
Family Name *: Sanam
First Name *: Farhan
Sex *: F M
Date of Birth *: Month 03 Day 10 Year 1985
Place of Birth *: Faisalabad
Country of Birth *: Pakistan
Nationality *: Pakistani
E-mail *:
Permanent e-mail address valid until September at least.
(VERY IMPORTANT as we will contact you mostly by e-mail)
Passport Number *: CY5755181
(or other valid document; please specify what kind)
Date of Expiry *: Month 05 Day 08 Year 2014
Marital Status: Single Married
Number of Children:
Present Personal Status: Employed Unemployed Student Part-time
Street Name and Number *: Street#46, House#113, I-8/2
City *: Islamabad
Country *: Pakistan
Phone *: 0092519101150
(Int. Code) – Number
Cell Phone: 00923215019883
Street Name and Number:
(Int. Code) – Number
Cell Phone:
Describe your language skills with the marks: 0=”no knowledge”, 1=”basic”, 2=”average”, 3=”advanced”. Also indicate your level in that language according to the scale defined by the Common European Framework Reference for Languages (CEFR).
Include your mother tongue (if other than English)
Mother Tongue: Punjabi
French: Reading Writing Speaking Listening Level
German: Reading Writing Speaking Listening Level
Spanish: Reading Writing Speaking Listening Level
Specify further language skills
Urdu: Reading Writing Speaking Listening Level
Punjabi: Reading Writing Speaking Listening Level
English: Reading Writing Speaking Listening Level
: Reading Writing Speaking Listening Level
Explain how you acquiredyour linguistic skills in
languages other than your
mother tongue / Punjabi is my mother language. where as urdu is our national language so almost every one in Pakistan can speak, write and read urdu. As for as englisch is concerned, the mode of instruction in my school, college and even in university is englisch so that’s why i have commands over these languages other than my mother language. Moreover in our society we usuallu communicate with each other in Englisch Language.
(e.g. academic curriculum in a given language and for how long; summer internships; periods abroad for study or work; etc. Maximum 1,700 characters)
Specify the exam/institution
that certifies your
language(s) level.
(e.g. Common European Framework Reference for Languages)
Last qualifications completed or certified
Provide full records of your education to date, including University degree(s) at or below Bachelor of Science level, and any other Higher Education title (specialization, MSc, Ph.D., etc.) Also specify any post-graduate or training programmes you have undertaken during the last three years, even if they haven’t led you to a degree yet.
From: Year 2005 To: Year 2009
Degree Obtained: B.Sc Electrical Engineering
Date of Award: Year 2009
Name and full address ofEducational Institution. / Riphah International University, Islamabad.
(specify country)
Specialty or Subject: communication
Marks Obtained Out of Max: 63%
(e.g. 98/120)
Rankings: ------
(out of how many students, e.g. 1/327)
From: Year 1991 To: Year 2001
Degree Obtained: Secondary School Certificate
Date of Award: Year 2001
Name and full address ofEducational Institution. / District Public School Khushab at Jauharabad
(specify country)
Specialty or Subject: Science Group
Marks Obtained Out of Max: 654/850
(e.g. 98/120)
Rankings: ------
(out of how many students, e.g. 1/327)
From: Year 2001 To: Year 2003
Degree Obtained: Higher Secondary School Certificate
Date of Award: Year 2003
Name and full address ofEducational Institution. / Islamabad Model College for Boys G-10/4, ISLAMABAD
(Federal Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education, ISLAMABAD)
(Sector G-10/4, ISLAMABAD)
(specify country)
Specialty or Subject: Pre-Engineering
Marks Obtained Out of Max: 752/1100
(e.g. 98/120)
Rankings: ------
(out of how many students, e.g. 1/327)
Qualifications NOT yet completed or certified
Students should be able to provide an official certification of the degrees indicated below by July 20th.
From: Year To: Year
Name and full address ofEducational Institution.
(specify country)
Specialty or Subject:
Marks Obtained Out of Max:
(e.g. 98/120)
(out of how many students, e.g. 1/327)
From: Year To: Year
Name and full address ofEducational Institution.
(specify country)
Specialty or Subject:
Marks Obtained Out of Max:
(e.g. 98/120)
(out of how many students, e.g. 1/327)
From: Year To: Year
Name and full address ofEducational Institution.
(specify country)
Specialty or Subject:
Marks Obtained Out of Max:
(e.g. 98/120)
(out of how many students, e.g. 1/327)
Other courses or seminars attended
Main courses you attendedafter High School degree.
Maximum 300 characters. / i) German Language
ii) PCB Designing Workshop
iii) MATLAB Workshop
iv) Web Page Development
v) 3D Studio MAX
vi) will attend WiMAX Workshop (from 25th Januar)(fee submitted)
Personal statement in one of the three EU4M languages (Spanish, French, German). Maximum 1,350 characters.
Describe your aspirations, interests, experience, talents, professional academic and personal motivation, why you chose the EU4M programme, why your skills and abilities make you a good candidate.
Statement ofPurpose and Motivation. / Meine Interesse (in angewandten Wissenschaft) bezieht sich auf meineSchulzeit zuruck, als ich mich für das thema Elektrizität entschied. Als kind fing ich an, mit der Elektrizität strom-netz kreise zu konstrukturieren. Die Intresse wuchs ständig mit der zeit. Ausserdem mein Vater ist auch ein ein sehr erfolgreich und bekannter Ingenieur.
Das alles führte mich dazu, dass ich später angewandte Physics, Digital-Kommunikation, Analoge Kommunikation, Digital-Signalaufbereitung, drahtloses Kommunikationssystem, objektorientiert Programmierung zu studieren. Ich möchte gute Fortschrifte in diesen Bereich und war ich sehr praktisch orientiert wahrend meines Studiums. Ich würde offiziel durch die Hochschulverwaltung aus gewählt, ein "intelligentes Feuersignal-System" zu entwickeln und das nahm ich als eine Herausferdung für mich.
Nun um mein AufbauStudium habe ich entschieden in einem entwickelten land zu studieren. Das Ziel des vorhabens ist mein technisches Wissen zu erweitern und die Neuheiten in der technischen Welt praktisch zu erleben. Für mein Vorhaben habe ich Deutsch als Fremdsprache gelernt. Mit dem praktischen Auslandserfahrung möchte ich mein land dienen.
Das alles würde zur Erfullung meines Traumes einen grossen Beitrag leisten.
Personal statement in one of the three EU4M languages (German, Spanish, French). Maximum 1,350 characters.
Describe your plans or intentions for your professional and personal future after graduation.
Statement ofProfessional Project. / Nach dem Studium von Deutschland habe ich mir vor, zurück nach Heim zu Kehren und in meinem land zu arbeiten, damit ich zur Entwicklung meines landes meine Rolle spielen kann. Da mein land Pakistan viele Fachkräfte in dem Technischen Bereich braucht, denke ich schön, dass ich nach meinem Studium von Deutschland eine gut Arbeit leisten kann. Es gibt viel Entwicklungspotential in Pakistan. Dahor sehe ich in Pakistan in Zukunft eine grosse Chance für mich.
Write your preference for the two years of the EU4M Programme.
(This choice is not mandatory. Your chosen itinerary might be changed after consulting the EU4M Admission and Graduation Committee.)
Year 1: First choice Second choice
(Semesters 1 and 2)
Year 2: First choice Second choice
(Semesters 3 and 4)
As a non-European citizen, do you wish to apply for Yes
an Erasmus Mundus grant? No
In case you are not awarded an Erasmus Mundus Yes. I will be able to afford by other means.
grant, will you be able to afford the EU4M Master No. Please ignore my application.
course fees by any other means and would you
still be interested in joining the programme?
If you are selected to attend the EU4M Master Individual room (1 student)
course, what type of lodging would you like to get? Flat (2 students, for share)
Flat or apartment (student with family)
Apartment (>2 students)
I will take care about my lodging by myself
Provide any additional information that may further improve your application. How did you know about the EU4M Master?Maximum 300 characters. / Ich habe über das internet gelesen.
I am aware of the costs involved in financing my studies, living expenses and travel.
I accept that any fees that are due and payable to the concerned Universities, howsoever incurred,
remain my sole responsibility for payment.
I declare and certify that the information provided in this application is accurate to the best of my
knowledge and agree to inform immediately the EU4M consortium about any changes and amendments.
Furthermore I agree, if registering as a student, to respect the EU4M curriculum regulations. I accept
responsibility for the completeness of my application. I hereby authorize the EU4M consortium to treat
the data provided to the purpose of the student selection for the EU4M programme.
Finally I understand that if I am admitted to the Master’s programme and fail to register in person at the
entrance University before the dates stipulated in the admission letters, I am no longer entitled to my
place in the programme and forfeit my place.
Date: 12 / 01 / 2010
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