20090119 DRAFT v1gm Minutes Ed Svcs Mtg Jan 19 2009Page 1 of 6
CNVC Educational Services Team Meeting
Draft Minutes – Monday January 19, 2009
Present:(for a list of people with their roles, see end of the minutes)
Allan Rohlfs, Barbara Larson, Gina Cenciose, Gina Lawrie, Katherine Singer, Margo Pair,
Raj Gill, Rita Herzog
Not Present:
Aniruddha Gadankush, Anne Bourrit, Doris Schwab, Eddie Kopp, Edith Saurbier, Esther Gerdts, Gabriele Lindemann, Ingrid Holler, Isolde Teschner, Marianne Känel Möckli, Marianne Sikor, Markus Sikor, Marshall Rosenberg, Monika Flörchinger, Penny Wassman, Rita Geimer-Schererz, Ron Ngata, Sabine Hager, Saleem Ebrahim, Simone Anliker, Susan Skye, Towe Widstrand, Valentina Rosenberg, Verena Jegher, Vicky Peirce, Vivet Alevi, Wolfgang Hager
Facilitator:Rita Herzog
Note-takers:Glenda Mattinson & Dee Soule
Next Meeting:Mon Feb 16 – same time as today(see last page for details)
Meeting Summary
Rita asked team members to read and comment on the "notes for today's meeting."All new assessors are requested to respond to each item in the notes and in the attachment by January 31, by email or by an arranged phone call with Rita.
Summary of the "notes for today's meeting"
1. Rita called for reconciliation and responsibility for shared decision-making, trusting that by using our NVC skills we can solve our differences in ways that satisfy all points of view.
2. Requested checklist includes: commitment to be an assessor, in what group and with whom, connecting to waiting candidates, agreement with assessor guidelines, and willingness to work on alternatives, if needed.
3. Revised registration procedures - please offer ideas that meet all needs for connection and ease, valued by both the CNVC office and by people who speak other languages besides English.
4. A goal is to offer training and support for new assessors, once they respond to the checklist requests, so we all know who is on the team
5. Marshall wants to stay informed about our decisions and progress and will attend meetings as his time allows.
Meeting Notice and Agenda
Some members requested that the meeting notice be sent out sooner, and include a list of topics to be discussed, to support them in making choices about use of their time.
Action Item: Rita to arrange for this.
Consent to Minutes
Decision: Group consented to meeting minutes from Dec 15 Educational Services meeting.
Action Item: Re Oct 10, 2008 minutes of 5-person meeting: Note-taker is requested to ensure that the attendee list includes Anne Bourrit and not Rita Herzog.
Rita’s “Notes for Today’s Meeting”
Rita read out loud the notes she had sent out just before the meeting.
Action Item: All new assessors are requested to read this material and send their responses to the cnvced Yahoo group by Jan 31, or indicate by when they will be able to respond.
Margo shared that the two main focuses in wanting to change the certification process are:
- Wanting to build community for certification candidates from the beginning - with the CNVC office, with their assessor, and with a local circle if one exists. And if a local circle doesn’t exist, to ensure there is openness to work in a circle as others in the area get interested in NVC.
- Recognition of different cultures and languages. That how NVC knowledge looks, sounds, and feels may be different in different places. That each of these holds equal value, while operating within universal guidelines.
Registration Process:
Rita expressed her intention to be sure we find a way to do this that works for everyone.
New IIT Guidelines/Procedures to Support Candidates
Barbara noted that the minimum days before final assessment did not include reference to an IIT and asked for clarity if this requirement had been dropped.
Rita indicated her understanding that this has not changed; that it is very important to Marshall to support candidates’ understanding and connection with NVC.
She noted that some changes have been made to the procedures around IITs to help support potential trainers, and that these will begin to be implemented in the first IIT in 2009, in February.
Action Item: Rita to send the new IIT guidelines and procedures to support candidates to the cnvced Yahoo group by Mon Jan 26.
Connecting and Supporting New Assessors
Raj mentioned that she has contacted Penny regarding “shadowing” her. She has also contacted Barbara re how she could connect and support other parts of the west coast of North America.
Action Item: Rita will write to Gina and Alan within a week to set up a phone call to start talking about how to support them.
Action Item: Margo and Rita will reach out to connect to those not on the call to determine how to meet needs for ease and mutual support in connecting.
Action Item: Margo and Rita will get together on Monday Jan 26th to create more detailed ideas about topics not yet complete, with email exchanges before then.
Existing Candidates without Assessors
Barbara noted that she is holding 45 candidates who will be moving to new assessors. She would like to be able to support them in knowing they are being held, and in having clarity about timelines. Rita also values support for these candidates and others like them. She noted that she was unwilling to specify timelines because the network has been given dates in the past that have not been met.
Action Item: Barbara will draft a letter to these candidates to let them know what is going on and what we hope to do and send it to Rita, to arrange to send to candidates, and to the cnvced Yahoo! Group.
Marshall’s Participation in these Calls
Barbara asked if Marshall would ever be on these calls again.
Margo shared that because of other priorities over the past several months, he has not attended. We welcome his interest in attending some of these meetings, and most importantly, we want to keep connection with him.
Rita shared that, having launched a whole new process, it is her understanding that Marshall is willing for the team to work on implementing it, as long as through Rita and Margo he gets a sense of what’s going on. She shared that she feels freer to take more of a leadership role as a result of recent connections with Marshall; that it feels good that Marshall trusts this process.
Potential Candidates wanting to Register
Katherine indicated she was encouraged by the information in the last section. She has several people who want to register and who want to send a letter of intention in Korean who are not certain what to do.
Action Item: Katherine will write to Rita times that would be good for a phone call.
Action Item: Katherine and Rita will figure out how registration could work in this situation as a model / sample of how it can work in languages other than English.
Note: We haven’t yet opened registration because the form needs to be updated. As we work out the processes, new pieces will need to be added. When registration is opened up, it will be very clear to candidates what to do.
Assessor Sharing of Approaches
Gina Cenciose mentioned that she is organizing events for certified trainers to get together. She suggested having once a year assessor gatherings, which could include people in the process – pre-assessment or final assessment.
Rita mentioned that Penny Wassman has been wanting to organize such gatherings for a couple of years.
Barbara mentioned she is intending to offer something like this next summer, anticipating about 12 of her candidates will be ready for final assessment at that time. She is considering inviting them to get together this summer and potentially do group assessment. Depending on capacity of the location, she may consider inviting other assessors and candidates.
Gina Lawrie mentioned that she does weekend gatherings of groups of candidates which allow for peer assessments as well.
Gina Cenciose mentioned that she runs year-long and two-year-long training programs. The two-year-long program includes 6 days of leadership work – of presenting NVC in different settings with peer feedback.
Rita suggested that the group start gathering a list of all the good advanced training that is out there by sending them in to the cnvced Yahoo group.
Margo indicated that the CNVC webmaster, Pan Vera, is working on ways certified trainers can share more of themselves to people coming to the CNVC website, along with information about their trainings and allowing people to register online. Information will be coming from Pan’s area about this and we would appreciate knowing if you would value this. We are also looking for ways we might want to support the assessor part of our community. If you think of ideas, please send them our way.
Closing Round
- Gina Cenciose: Happy we had this call, feel satisfied and optimistic about different things we can do to make this an alive community filled process.
- Raj Gill: Content, happy I got to do what I wanted to do when I got off the call, and very hopeful that the progressions that’s happening is bringing us closer together.
- Allan Rohlfs: Pleased with this, looking forward to an email from Rita about another phone conversation. Also eager to see how we can move forward.
- Katherine Singer: Reassuring to hear your voice Rita. I’m wanting to have more dialogue with you. Thank you.
- Margo Pair: I am feeling lighthearted, hopeful, and really excited about how things are moving forward. Also my heart was warmed to hear how many have bene working on and thinking of ways to support the candidates that they work with (also fellow assessors). That’s the type of natural unfolding CNVC really wants. Thank you Rita for your contributions.
- Glenda Mattinson: Excited by forward movement and appreciative to Rita for your note, I’m hoping it contributes to clarity and connection within the team.
- Rita Herzog: Feeling complete and heartened, and with some new energy for all of this.
Names and Roles:
Allan Rohlfs- Attendee, New Assessor-Team Training, Oct 2008, New Mexico
Aniruddah Gadankush - Attendee, New Assessor-Team Training, July 2008, StuttgartGermany
Anne Bourrit- Assessor for French-speaking African countries & Eastern Europe
Barbara Larson- Assessor (English-speaking - North and South America)
Doris Schwab- Attendee, New Assessor-Team Training, July 2008, StuttgartGermany
Eddie Kopp- Attendee, New Assessor-Team Training, July 2008, StuttgartGermany
Edith Sauerbier- Attendee, New Assessor-Team Training, July 2008, StuttgartGermany
Esther Gerdts - Attendee, New Assessor-Team Training, July 2008, StuttgartGermany
Gabriele Lindemann – Attendee, New Assessor-Team Training, July 2008, StuttgartGermany
Gina Cenciose- Attendee, New Assessor-Team Training, Oct 2008, New Mexico
Gina Lawrie- Assessor (English-speaking – Australia, Oceania, and Europe)
Ingrid Holler- Attendee, New Assessor-Team Training, July 2008, StuttgartGermany
Isolde Teschner- Assessor (German-speaking)
John Kinyon- Staff Trainer
Katherine Singer- Attendee, New Assessor-Team Training, July 2008, StuttgartGermany
Margo Pair- Administrative Director, Member of Admin Team
Marianne Känel Möckli - Attendee, New Assessor-Team Training, July 2008, StuttgartGermany
Marianne Sikor- Attendee, New Assessor-Team Training, July 2008, StuttgartGermany
Markus Sikor- Registration Coordinator (German-speaking)
Marshall Rosenberg- Educational Services Coordinator, trainer of Assessors, Assessor
Monika Flörchinger- Attendee, New Assessor-Team Training, July 2008, StuttgartGermany
Penny Wassman- Assessor (English-speaking - North and South America)
Raj Gill- Attendee, New Assessor-Team Training, Oct 2008, New Mexico
Rita Geimer-Schererz - Attendee, New Assessor-Team Training, July 2008, StuttgartGermany
Rita Herzog- Certification Team Coordinator & Assessor (English-speaking –
North and South America)
Ron Ngata- Attendee, New Assessor-Team Training, Oct 2008, New Mexico
Sabine Hager- Attendee, New Assessor-Team Training, July 2008, StuttgartGermany
Saleem Ebrahim- Registration Coordinator (French-speaking) &
Attendee, New Assessor-Team Training, July 2008, StuttgartGermany
Simone Anliker- Attendee, New Assessor-Team Training, July 2008, StuttgartGermany
Susan Skye- Registration Coordinator (English-speaking, North and South America)
Towe Widstrand- Registration Coordinator (English-speaking, outside of the Americas) and
Assessor, especially for Western Europe and Eastern Europe
Valentina Rosenberg- Member of Admin Team
Verena Jegher- Attendee, New Assessor-Team Training, July 2008, StuttgartGermany
Vicky Peirce- Attendee, New Assessor-Team Training, Oct 2008, New Mexico
Vivet Alevi- Attendee, New Assessor-Team Training, July 2008, StuttgartGermany
Wolfgang Hager- Attendee, New Assessor-Team Training, July 2008, StuttgartGermany
Schedule of Educational Services Meetings
3rd Monday of each month, at 9:30 am Albuquerque time
Date / Facilitator / Pacific Time / Albu-querque / EasternTime / London
Time / CET / Seoul / Auck-land / UTC/ GMT
Mon Feb 16 / Rita Herzog / 8:30 am / 9:30 am / 11:30 am / 4:30 pm / 5:30 pm / 1:30 am
Tues / 5:30 am
Tues / 16:30
Mon Mar 16 / 8:30 am / 9:30 am / 11:30 am / 3:30 pm / 4:30 pm / 12:30 am
Tues / 4:30 am
Tues / 15:30
Mon Apr 20 / 8:30 am / 9:30 am / 11:30 am / 4:30 pm / 5:30 pm / 12:30 am
Tues / 3:30 am
Tues / 15:30
Mon May 18 / 8:30 am / 9:30 am / 11:30 am / 4:30 pm / 5:30 pm / 12:30 am
Tues / 3:30 am
Tues / 15:30
Mon Jun 15 / 8:30 am / 9:30 am / 11:30 am / 4:30 pm / 5:30 pm / 12:30 am
Tues / 3:30 am
Tues / 15:30
Conference Dial-in Number (North America):
(712) 432-1600
Participant Access Code:942952#
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Belgium:070 35 9974
France:0826 100 256
Germany:01805 00 76 09
Italy:848 390 156
Netherlands:0870 001 920
Spain:902 886025
Switzerland:0848 560 179
UK:0870 35 204 74 / Free Conference Call Recording
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Drafted by Glenda MattinsonJanuary 20, 2009
Email feedback to: (Backup contact: )