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Table S1. List of radiocarbon dates collected from each site

Site / Lab Sample ID / Material Dated / Depth (cm) / 14C age / 14C error
Sidney Bog / UCIAMS-84643 / Sphagnum stems / 16 / 330 / 15
Sidney Bog / UCIAMS-84644 / Sphagnum stems / 25 / 695 / 20
Sidney Bog / UCIAMS-84645 / Sphagnum stems / 28 / 785 / 15
Sidney Bog / OS-80205 / Sphagnum stems / 30 / 1000 / 30
Sidney Bog / UCIAMS-84646 / Sphagnum stems / 34 / 935 / 15
Sidney Bog / UCIAMS-84647 / Sphagnum stems / 45 / 1190 / 15
Sidney Bog / OS-80206 / Sphagnum stems / 50 / 1180 / 25
Sidney Bog / UCIAMS-89815 / Sphagnum stems / 81 / 1525 / 15
Sidney Bog / OS-80207 / Sphagnum stems / 96 / 1740 / 25
Sidney Bog / OS-80208 / Sphagnum stems / 117 / 1980 / 30
Sidney Bog / UCIAMS-89816 / Sphagnum stems / 134 / 2840 / 20
Sidney Bog / OS-80209 / Sphagnum stems / 137 / 3050 / 35
Sidney Bog / OS-80210 / Sphagnum stems / 157 / 3270 / 25
Sidney Bog / OS-80211 / Sphagnum stems / 196 / 3670 / 25
Sidney Bog / OS-80212 / Sphagnum stems / 216 / 3950 / 30
Great Heath / OS-73922* / 20.5 / 270 / 25
Great Heath / OS-73923* / 30.5 / 235 / 25
Great Heath / UCIAMS-84649 / Sphagnum stems / 35.5 / 385 / 20
Great Heath / OS-69742* / 40.5 / 415 / 30
Great Heath / OS-73924* / 50.5 / 385 / 25
Great Heath / OS-73925* / 60.5 / 615 / 30
Great Heath / UCIAMS-84640 / Sphagnum stems / 63.5 / 605 / 20
Great Heath / UCIAMS-84641 / Sphagnum stems / 67.5 / 630 / 15
Great Heath / OS-73926* / 70.5 / 850 / 25
Great Heath / UCIAMS-84642 / Sphagnum stems / 75.5 / 840 / 15
Great Heath / OS-69743* / 80.5 / 1010 / 30
Great Heath / OS-73927* / 90.5 / 1040 / 30
Great Heath / UCIAMS-78208 / Sphagnum stems / 95.5 / 990 / 15
Great Heath / UCIAMS-78209 / Sphagnum stems / 105.5 / 1445 / 15
Great Heath / OS-69744* / 109.5 / 1720 / 30
Great Heath / UCIAMS-78210 / Sphagnum stems / 120.5 / 1685 / 15
Great Heath / OS-69908* / 139.5 / 2060 / 40
Great Heath / OS-69745* / 159.5 / 2220 / 30
Great Heath / OS-69746* / 185.5 / 2590 / 35
Great Heath / OS-69747* / 217.5 / 3070 / 30
Great Heath / OS-69748* / 257.5 / 3480 / 40
Great Heath / OS-69884* / 287.5 / 3830 / 35
Saco Bog / UCIAMS-84648 / Sphagnum stems / 43 / 215 / 15
Saco Bog / UCIAMS-84649 / Sphagnum stems / 64 / 85 / 20
Saco Bog / UCIAMS-84650 / Sphagnum stems / 97 / 325 / 20
Saco Bog / OS-91555 / Sphagnum stems / 105 / Modern - not used
Saco Bog / OS-91557 / Sphagnum stems / 115 / 435 / 25
Saco Bog / OS-101271 / Charcoal / 119 / 540 / 30
Saco Bog / OS-91562 / Sphagnum stems / 128 / 705 / 30
Saco Bog / UCIAMS-89812 / Sphagnum stems / 135 / 1570 / 15
Saco Bog / UCIAMS-89813 / Sphagnum stems / 151 / 290 / 15
Saco Bog / OS-91556 / Sphagnum stems / 155 / 1940 / 35
Saco Bog / OS-91563 / Sphagnum stems / 175 / 2010 / 25
Saco Bog / UCIAMS-89814 / Sphagnum stems / 189 / 2075 / 15
Saco Bog / OS-91558 / Sphagnum stems / 236 / 2240 / 30
Saco Bog / UGAMS-10674 / Sphagnum stems / 247 / 2410 / 25
Saco Bog / UGAMS-10675 / Sphagnum stems / 260 / 2520 / 25

*Data from Nichols and Huang (2012).

Table S2. χ2 contingency table used for each site to analyze the probability of fire occurrence during difference climate states

Site / Drought Probability / Average
Probability / Pluvial
Probability / Expected
Value / χ2 / df / P-value
Sidney Bog / 25.81 / 14.52 / 3.23 / 14.52 / 17.56 / 2 / < 0.001
Great Heath / 23.53 / 6.06 / 11.76 / 11.94 / 14.15 / 2 / < 0.001
Saco Bog / 20.00 / 7.22 / 4.00 / 9.64 / 15.03 / 2 / < 0.001


Fig. titles

Fig.S1 Age-depth models from Sidney Bog (left), Great Heath (middle), and Saco Bog (right). Top graphs are the prior distributions used to develop age-depth models(Blaauw and Christen 2011). Lower graphs show the age-depth models for each site. The black probability density dots show the probability distribution of the calibrated 14C dates. The gray shaded region is a 95% envelope, with darker gray shading occurring in regions with higher probability density. Solid line represents the best fit line

Fig.S3Stratigraphic community composition of testate amoebae from Sidney Bog

Fig.S4 Stratigraphic community composition of testate amoebae from Great Heath

Fig.S5 Stratigraphic community composition of testate amoebae from Saco Bog

Fig.S6 Threshold analyses of water table-depth residuals and CHAR standard deviations, which shows the probability of fire occurrence by incrementally increasing or decreasing values of CHAR or wetness/dryness.The graph on the right shows the number of samples for each water table-depth threshold value used in the probability calculation.Probability of fire is shown by circle size for all drought and fire threshold values that resulted in at least 1 total samples. CHAR standard deviations were calculated according to Power et al. (2008)


Blaauw M, Christen JA(2011) Flexible paleoclimate age-depth models using an autoregressive gamma process.Bayesian Analysis 3:457-474

Nichols JE, Huang Y (2012) Hydroclimate of the northeastern United States is highly sensitive to solar forcing. Geophys Res Lett 39:L04707.doi:10.1029/2011GL050720

Power MJ, and 84 others(2008) Changes in fire regimes since the Last Glacial Maximum: an assessment based on global synthesis and analysis of charcoal data. Climatic Change 30:887-907