In pursuit of Anglia Ruskin Students’ Union’s Equal Opportunities Policy, shown over, applicants are asked to complete this questionnaire. Your responses will not be made known to any member of the selection panel and will be kept separately from your application. The information will be treated as strictly confidential and will be used for the purposes of equal opportunities monitoring only.
Thank you for taking the time to complete this form.
Please tick the boxes or fill in information as appropriate.
Application form number: ……………………………………………….. Date: ......
(for office use)
Position applied for: ………………………………………………………
1. I am: Male Female Prefer not to disclose
2. I am: Under 20 20-24 25-29
30-34 35-39 40-44
45-49 50-54 55-59
60-64 over 64
3. Within the following categories, which are those used in the 2001 National Census, please describe yourself:
(a) WhiteBritish
Any other White background
please write in below
(b) Mixed
White and Black Caribbean
White and Black African
White and Asian
Any other mixed background
please write in below
...... / (c) Asian or Asian British
Any other Asian background
please write in below
(d) Black or Black British
Any other Black background
please write in below
...... / (e) Chinese or Other
ethnic group
Any other
please write in below
...... …
(f)Prefer not to disclose
Prefer not to disclose
4. Do you have a disability relevant to your employment? Yes No
5. Are you registered disabled? Yes No
Please describe any special requirements you need at work as a result of your disability
6. Please describe any special requirements you need at work as a result of your personal circumstances
Anglia Ruskin Students’ Union Equal Opportunities Policy
1. Anglia Ruskin Students’ Union is committed to a comprehensive policy of equal opportunity for all students and staff, as reflected in the University’s Equal Opportunities Policy, Mission Statement and Strategic Plan, and the plans for development of the Students’ Union.
2. The aim of this policy is to create an environment whereby students, staff and potential staff are treated fairly and equally, regardless of gender, colour, ethnic or national origin, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, religious or political beliefs, socio-economic background, family circumstance, spent offences or any conditions which cannot be shown to be justified.
3. The Students’ Union is committed to ending all discrimination, and taking positive action to enable disadvantaged and underrepresented groups to participate fully in all aspects of Students’ Union activity.
4. It is the responsibility of all members and staff of the Students’ Union to behave in a non-discriminatory manner, and to help change practices and procedures which deny or limit equality of opportunity or treatment.
1. Anglia Ruskin Students’ Union must monitor its provision for groups which are traditionally under-represented, and work with those groups to find ways of improving this participation and representation.
2. Anglia Ruskin Students’ Union must monitor and reassess its own practice and procedures to ensure that they are in no way discriminatory to or exclusive from any particular group.
3. Anglia Ruskin Students’ Union must commit itself to applying disciplinary or grievance procedures should any students contravene this policy.