2011 Cub Scout Recruitment Plan

Central Florida Council


Action Items / By Dates / Done
Recruit District “September Scout Sign-Up” Chairs – invite to Board Retreat / March 4
Billboards design confirmed / March
Give Packs a “Back to the Pack Blitz” form. Should be completed and turned in at June RT. / April RT
Billboards ordered / April
School Night Calendar Pencil draft due – Review with FD / May 13
Appointments set & completed with Superintendents - done by Field Directors / May 13
Letters mailed from Superintendents to Elementary and Middle School Principals thanking them for a great year and encouraging their continued support. / May
Letter from DFS to all Cubmasters explaining the School night Process / June 6
Council Orientation for District “September Scout Sign-Up” Chairs, District Marketing Chair, District Executives and Field Directors. (Council Office, 7:00 pm) / June 6
Pack “September Scout Sign-up” Chair training by District “September Scout Sign-Up” Chairs – Give Packs a “Pack Marketing Plan” / June◄
Council Order for School Night materials due. / June 6
Letter to Cub Leaders about District Cub Scout Orientation on School Night Plan. Include CM Response Form / June 10
Deadline for District Info for Cub Family Camp-out, Flyers, Fall Training, District Cub Orientations, Who to Call Due / June RT◄
Deadline for CM’s to return ‘Response Form” approving name and phone # for first Day and classroom rally flyers. / June RT◄
All School Night Materials to Printer / June 20
Deadline for all Elementary School Night presenters Recruited / June 30◄
District CS Rally Volunteers Trained / July
District School Night Presenter Training Held For Elementary Schools (Cubs). / July ◄
September Sign-Up for Scouting Month billboards up / July
School Night Materials ready from printer / July 15
Deadline For All Cub Rallies/ Elementary School Nights Scheduled / July 15
Deadline for all Middle Schools scheduled / July 15
Letter mailed from Superintendents to all High School Principals / July 15
September Scout Sign-Up progress update by Packs & All School Night dates and Presenters given to Packs / July RT
“Back to the Pack Blitz” week - All “Back to the Pack” programs conducted this week / Late July/Early Aug. ◄
Boy Scout Leader School Night Orientation – secure Host Units for all BS rallies / August RT
All Cub Scout Rallies & School Nights / Aug. 8 – Sept. 30
Deadline for setting Exploring Open Houses for late November and early December. / Sept 30
Deadline for All High Schools Scheduled / Sept 30
Boy Scout campsite Presentations in Middle Schools / Oct. 3 – Oct. 28
Exploring career Presentations in High Schools / November

S³ - Key District Leadership


District S³Committee Chair

·  Positive, Passionate & Popular (P³)

·  Recruit School Night Presenter Teams

·  Plan and conduct School Night Presenter Training

·  Set S³ recruitment goal

·  Coordinate distribution and collection of all printed materials and crates

·  Coordinate, with Packs, to insure a successful School Night sign-up

o  In June, conduct a S³ Orientation & Marketing plan training for Pack S³ Chairs.

o  District S³ Committee assists Packs in executing their marketing plan.

o  Make sure School Night Presenters & Packs communicate with each other prior to the scheduled School Night.

·  Evaluate School Night Presenters

·  Coordinate collection of all applications, properly signed, with funds and give to DE

·  Follow up with Presenters – Nightly results report due to DE. We will send out council-wide results each week.

District Marketing Chair

·  Conduct a “Get the Word Out” campaign in your district’s communities:

o  Print media, radio, TV, Social Networking sites

o  Goal – Brand September as THE time to join Cub Scouts.

·  Insure that each Pack has a well planed marketing plan that will accomplish the following:

o  “Get the word out.” – communicate your Pack’s School Night Sign-Up to friends and parents whom with you come in contact.

o  Provide Packs with a Facebook event page that can be used to promote School Night.

o  Make sure you have posters of Scouts in action; in your school, church and other places that will give parents info on when they can sign up.

o  School marquis announcing School Night Sign-Up.

o  Develop an incentive for Peer-to-Peer recruiting.

o  Have an impressive presence at Meet the Teacher & Open House. (Tents, Flag ceremony, Cub Scout greeters, interactive booth…)

o  The day before and the day of your School Night, see if the school will allow Cub Scouts in uniform to welcome parents and students in the drop off line.

o  Make sure all your Cub Scouts proudly wear their uniforms the day of your School Night.

o  Make sure Leaders & Cub Scouts are at your School Night ready to welcome new families.

o  Have an organized School Night. First impressions are crucial.

o  Make sure you have a Pack calendar to give to the new families.

·  Track each Pack’s Marketing Plan progress

·  Be a part of the Council Marketing Committee Meetings – 3 annually

School Night Presenter

·  Attend Presenter training in July.

·  Attend the June S³ Orientation & Marketing plan training for Pack S³ Chairs.

·  Attend the July RT – all School Night dates given to Packs.

·  Preside at the School Night using the attached program.

·  Contact DE after each School Night reporting new youth and new adults.

·  Collect applications/money, place in School Night envelope, and turn in to District Executive the same night as the school night.

S³ - Pack Leadership

S³ Pack Chair & Team

·  In June/early July, attend S³ Orientation & Marketing plan training for Pack S³ Teams.

o  Receive materials to assist with recruitment.

o  Develop and implement a customized “recruitment promotional plan” for the elementary school/neighborhood/church/Social Networks.

·  Attend July RT – get your School Night date and meet your School Night Presenter.

·  Get your Cub Scout Parents and boys to “Get the word out.” – communicate your Pack’s School Night Sign-Up to friends and parents whom with you come in contact.

·  Social Networking – Get your parents to use their social networking sites; Face Book, Twitter…, to inform their friends about your Sign-Up Night. (Have them give a personal testimony of how Scouting has benefitted their family.)

·  Make sure you have posters of Scouts in action; in your school, church and other places that will give parents info on when they can sign up.

·  Develop an incentive for Peer-to-Peer recruiting.

·  Have an impressive presence at Meet the Teacher & Open House. (Tents, Flag ceremony, Cub Scout greeters, interactive booth…)

·  The day before and the day of your School Night, see if the school will allow Cub Scouts in uniform to welcome parents and students in the drop off line.

·  Make sure all your Cub Scouts proudly wear their uniforms the day of your School Night.

·  Make sure Leaders & Cub Scouts are at your School Night ready to welcome new families.

·  Have an organized School Night. First impressions are crucial.

o  Arrive at 6:30 PM and welcome new Scouts and parents.

o  Organize an activity for the kids during the den organization and registration time. The kids should start the evening with the parents and then the presenter will dismiss the kids at the designated time.

o  Be prepared to talk for 2 minutes about an upcoming outing during School Night.

o  Complete the School Night for Scouting Pack Info Sheet; give to Presenter before School Night.

o  Announce Parent Orientation (date, site, time) to all present. All new leaders should attend. This Orientation is to take place (1) one week after the school night. Use a Fast Start video/online training.

o  Make sure you have a Pack calendar to give to the new families.

o  IMPORNTANT – Follow up with each family that attends the school night; make sure they are coming to their first Den meeting.

School Night Presenter Training

1. Welcome/Introductions

2. Review Objective and Plan for School Night and Pass out Packets.

3. Introduce “The Sample School Night Video”

4. Review Responsibilities Presenter

·  Attend Presenter training in July.

·  Attend the July RT – all School Night dates given to Packs. Introduce yourself to the Packs where you will conduct the School Night.

·  Preside at the School Night using the attached program.

·  Contact DE after each School Night reporting new youth and new adults.

·  Collect applications/money, place in School Night envelope, and turn in to District Executive the same night as the school night.

5. School Night Program Details



·  Review the School Rally Materials and Incentives.

·  Review the School Night Materials and Hand Out Crates.

·  Talk about the importance of meeting with Cubmaster prior to school night to review needs (PACK INFO FOR SCHOOL NIGHT COORDINATOR SHEET)

·  Review in detail the importance of announcing the Parent Orientation (date, site, time) to all present. Orientation to be scheduled within (1) one week from the School Night. Each Pack should download Fast Start Training from OLC.scouting.org. There is a place to record the orientation information on the Coordinator Sheet. All new leaders should attend the orientation.

·  Talk about plan to get Pack leaders to lead separate activity during den organization and registration.

·  Demonstrate how to organize Dens.

·  Registration Procedures (Make sure you go into detail on this).

·  Review after School Night procedure and re-supply plan.

6. Review details:

·  Report meeting locations

·  School Night turn in process

·  Schools assignments

·  Thank You!!!

7. Adjourn

S³ Orientation for Cub Scout Leaders

(June/July 2011)


The S³ Goal – A focused and well executed marketing/promotional plan.


S³ Pack Team

·  In June or early July, attend S³ Orientation & Marketing plan training for Pack S³ Teams.

o  Receive materials to assist with recruitment.

o  Develop and implement a customized “recruitment promotional plan” for the elementary school/neighborhood/church/Social Networks.

·  Attend July RT – get your School Night date and meet your School Night Presenter.

·  Schedule Pack booth at both “Meet the Teacher” & “Open House”.

·  Arrive at 6:30 PM and welcome new Scouts and parents.

·  Organize an activity for the kids during the den organization and registration time. The kids should start the evening with the parents and then the presenter will dismiss the kids at the designated time.

·  Be prepared to talk for 2 minutes about an upcoming outing during School Night.

·  Complete the School Night for Scouting Pack Info Sheet; give to Presenter before School Night.

·  Announce Parent Orientation (date, site, time) to all present. All new leaders should attend. This Orientation is to take place (1) one week after the school night. Use a Fast Start video/online training.

Marketing your School Night Sign-Up

·  Get your Cub Scout Parents and boys to “Get the word out.” – communicate your Pack’s School Night Sign-Up to friends and parents whom with you come in contact.

·  Social Networking – Get your parents to use their social networking sites; Face Book, Twitter…, to inform their friends about your Sign-Up Night. (Have them give a personal testimony of how Scouting has benefitted their family.)

·  Make sure you have posters of Scouts in action; in your school, church and other places that will give parents info on when they can sign up.

·  Develop an incentive for Peer-to-Peer recruiting.

·  Have an impressive presence at Meet the Teacher & Open House. (Tents, Flag ceremony, Cub Scout greeters, interactive booth…)

·  The day before and the day of your School Night, see if the school will allow Cub Scouts in uniform to welcome parents and students in the drop off line.

·  Make sure all your Cub Scouts proudly wear their uniforms the day of your School Night.

·  Make sure Leaders & Cub Scouts are at your School Night ready to welcome new families.

·  Have an organized School Night. First impressions are crucial.

o  Arrive at 6:30 PM and welcome new Scouts and parents.

o  Organize an activity for the kids during the den organization and registration time. The kids should start the evening with the parents and then the presenter will dismiss the kids at the designated time.

o  Be prepared to talk for 2 minutes about an upcoming outing during School Night.

o  Complete the School Night for Scouting Pack Info Sheet; give to Presenter before School Night.

o  Announce Parent Orientation (date, site, time) to all present. All new leaders should attend. This Orientation is to take place (1) one week after the school night. Use a Fast Start video/online training.

o  Make sure you have a Pack calendar to give to the new families.

Continue on next page…

S³ Orientation for Cub Scout Leaders

(June/July 2011) continued…

Things to remember for a smooth School Night

·  Activities for Kids during School Nights to keep them busy.

·  School Night Program and Pack Needs. (PASS OUT PACK INFO FOR SCHOOL NIGHT COORDINATOR SHEET AND REVIEW 4 ITEMS ON BOTTOM OF FORM) Emphasize that each Pack must schedule Parent Orientation (date, site, time) within (1) one week from the School Night.

·  New Leader (Parent) Orientation: Each Pack will be able to go to www.olc.scouting.org for on-line Cub Scout Fast Start Training. The Pack is asked to schedule a meeting with the new leaders within one week of the School Night to view the on-line Cub Scout Fast Start Training and to review a Program Helps booklet. We recommend you invite all new parents. Your Pack Trainer should conduct the new leader orientation.

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Cub Scout Plan 2010 - S3 REV DATE \@ "MMMM d, yyyy"

·  First Day of School Flyer and Classroom Rally Flyer. Remind Cubmasters they will be receiving phone calls from interested parents. Have them encourage the parents to bring the boys to School Night and sign up for a fun year.

·  Review Training Requirements for New and Existing Leaders.