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Name of Project/Program/School
Community Management Team
Memorandum of Understanding
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- Purpose
Example from “Safe Schools/Healthy Students” (SS/HS LEA MOU):
To build state and community partnerships among educational, behavioral health, and criminal/juvenile justice systems that promote systems integration and policy change and sustainable policies, infrastructure, services, and supports. This partnership will help increase the number of children and youth who have access to behavioral health services, decrease the number of students who abuse substances; increase supports for early childhood development; improved school climates; and reduce the number of students who are exposed.
- Vision
Example from SS/HS:
We envision optimal social, emotional health and well-being for all Concord children and families.
- Mission
Example from SS/HS:
To shape, develop and provide oversight of the Safe Schools/Healthy Students Initiative to ensure: effective implementation of goals and objectives; ongoing collaboration between schools, families and community partners; integration of a youth-friendly, culturally and linguistically competent framework that enhances optimal social, emotional and behavioral health for children, youth and families in the Concord community.
- Goals and Objectives
The Community Management team will be working closely over the (insert # here) year period to complete the following goals:
1)List goals here in bulleted format
Example from SS/HS:
1)Develop and sustain a formal collaborative cross-agency structure for identifying needs, implementing evidence-based practices, sharing and targeting data and resources, changing policy, and implementing cross-discipline professional development;
2)Substantially improve the social and emotional skills and preparedness for long-term educational success of young children, birth through five years;
3)Substantially improve the mental, emotional, and behavioral health of children and youth and reduce school violence, bullying and other behavior problems, suspensions, substance abuse, and punitive/exclusionary practices;
4)Substantially improve the behavioral health outcomes of the highest-need children, youth, and their families/caregivers;
5)Substantially improve the engagement of families and youth in decision-making at all levels, and;
6)Substantially reduce risk factors and strengthen factors at the individual, family, and community level to reduce the prevalence of alcohol and other drug misuse among school-aged children.
These goals will be accomplished by:
1)List major objectives here in bulleted format
Example from SS/HS:
1)Implementing a structured and proven planning and implementation framework to ensure cross-agency and cross-discipline partnerships;
2)Implementing the evidence-based School-wide Positive behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) Framework district-wide, and
3)Using the Multi-Tiered Systems of Support for Behavioral Health and Wellness framework
Outcomes for partnership:
1)List outcomes here in bulleted format
Example from SS/HS (includes GPRA Measures):
1)Increase the number of children enrolled in early childhood education programs, birth through age five by 10% by the end of the project;
2)Increase the number of children entering Kindergarten and 1st Grade who possess the necessary social/emotional skills by 20% by the end of the project;
3)The number of students who received school-based mental health services will increase by 30% from baseline to the end of the grant period;
4)The percentage of mental health service referrals for students which resulted in mental health services being provided in the community will increase by 10% by the end of grant period;
5)Decrease the number of office discipline referrals by 20%, suspensions and expulsions by 10%, and DCYF involvement by 5% by the end of the project.
6)The number of opportunities for caregivers/families to be involved in the school and community that support development and achievement will increase by 10% by the end of the grant project.
7)The number of families who feel positively engaged with their school will increase by 10% by the end of the project;
8)The percentage of students who report consumption/use of alcohol, marijuana, tobacco, chewing tobacco, or cigars on one or more occasions during the past 30 days; and/or use other drugs at some point in their lifetime will decrease by 10% by the end of the project;
9)The percentage of students who report being in a physical fight on school property during the current year will decrease by 20% by the end of the project;
10)The percentage of students who did not go to school on one or more days during the past 30 days because they felt unsafe at school or on their way to and from school will decrease by 10% by the end of the project;
11)The number of students who feel positively engaged/connected to school will increase by 25% by the end of the project;
12)The number of teachers and staff who report feeling safe at school will increase by 25% by the end of the project.
We agree to support Project Name Here Initiative in the following ways:
- List responsibilities of CMT in bulleted format here
Examples from SS/HS:
1)Participate in the Safe Schools/Healthy Students Community Management Team meetings to monitor, evaluate, and improve SS/HS services and programs;
2)Participate in CMT workgroups/subcommittees to carry out objectives across 5 Elements, as outlined in the Logic Model;
3)Communicate progress of activities, and data to CMT and workgroup chair in a timely manner;
4)Provide data necessary for Evaluation of the grant initiative.
Project Name Here Community Management Team
Memorandum of Understanding Signature Page
Updated: Click here to enter a date.
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