Year Group: 4 Curriculum Overview 2017-2018 Class Name: Dungeness

Term -
Weeks / Term 1 / Term 2 / Term 3 / Term 4 / Term 5 / Term 6
Topic / Roman Britain / American Road Trip / The Egyptians / Animals / Living Things / Change
Trips/Visitors / Roman Painted House / Dover Museum / Wingham? / RSPB reserve Dungeness
Book corner ideas / Roman Book Corner / Tipi / Pyramid / Wildlife / Wildlife / Ice Palace
Class texts / Romans on the Rampage
Jeremy Strong / Phillip Pullman
The Firework Maker’s Daughter / Geraldine McCaughrean
Casting The Gods Adrift / Hacker
Malone Blackman / Water Horse
Dick King Smith / Journey to Jo’Burg
Beverley Nairdo
Special Events / Christmas / Easter / SATS / End of Year Celebrations
English / FICTION:
Escape from Pompeii
Christina Balit
Myths and Legends. Romulus and Remus- link to playscripts
Recount of a journey (walking to Dover Museum)
Kennings (using a Roman as an example) / FICTION:
The Girl Who Loved Wild Horses Paul Goble
Buffalo Nation
Persuasive writing
Visit chosen American city/state
Calligram / FICTION:
Pie Corbett’s Scarab Story
News recount- Tutankhamun
Instructions- How to build a pyramid and mummify a body
River Journey by Moria Andrews / FICTION:
The Wolves in the Wall- Neil Gaiman
Explanation text- Digestive systemPOETRY:
Similes and Metaphors / FICTION
Butterfly Lion- Michael Morpurgo
Non-chronological reports on animal from RSPB reserve
The Crocodile- Lewis Carroll / FICTION:
The Ice Palace- Robert Swindells
NON-FICTION: Information texts POETRY:
Learning poetry off by heart
Odes and Insults
Maths / Number and Place Value
Roman Numerals
Geometry Shape
Properties / Addition and subtraction Measure: linear and perimeter / Multiplication and
division Statistics / Fractions including
Geometry: position and
direction / Number and place value:
Measure: area and money / Number maths and calculations
Measure: Time
Science / Electricity: how electricity works; investigating electrical circuits.
Roman Lighthouse
Dungeness Lighthouse / Sound: how sounds are heard and sent.
Link to Hollywood-films? / Water cycle- states of matter / Animals including
Humans: Digestion and Teeth. How teeth grow and wear and how animals digest food. / Living things & their Habitats: how animals live; where they live - what are their environments like? / States of Matter:
Reversible and
Irreversible changes in different liquids and solids.
Term / Term 1 / Term 2 / Term 3 / Term 4 / Term 5 / Term 6
Computer Science / E-safety, research & comics: using the
internet safely, researching
effectively; creating a comic (link to English) / Travel Brochure / Research Ancient Egypt / Games Designer:
creating own computer game. Games and information: learning how computer
games are constructed through the use of coding. / Coding: developing understanding of coding and programming. / E-Safety & comics: review being safe on
line; creating comics using coding understanding.
Art / Sculpture and Paint (Dover Museum)
Pottery- ceramics with narrative paintings / Tipi
Tribal Weaving and Design- Dream Catchers? / Hieroglyphics and papyrus
Coptic Jars / Sketching tones and shades / Exploring the work of significant artists
DT / Electrical Circuits: linked to science
Design and make a lighthouse / Totem Pole / Egyptian Bread
Mummifying a tomato
Canopic jar / Understanding the phrase:
We are what we eat.
Cooking and Nutrition / Levers and Pivots: linked to science
Geography / Italy
Roman Roads
Identify local area features & the Romans
impact on transport
routes / Can you come on an American Road trip?
Compare North and
South America climates.
Locate the Tropics and their climate. / River Nile
Uses of a River / Locating where animals live
Name /locate places &
physical features in the
UK / Road Trip of the UK
To name, locate & identify the human and physical characteristics of geographical regions of the United Kingdom
To use maps, atlases and globes and digital/computer mapping to locate countries & describe features of countries studied.
To use maps, atlases and globes and digital/computer mapping to locate countries & describe features of countries studied. / Can you come on a great American road trip? + Is climate cool?
To identify the position and significance of the Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn.
To use maps to locate the world’s countries & locate the countries and major cities of North and South America.
To explore the key physical and human characteristics of North and South America; describe and understand key aspects of economic activity including trade links within North and South America.
To explore the environmental regions of North and South America
To understand & compare geographical similarities and differences of a region of the United Kingdom, and a region within North or South America through the study of;  climate zones,  biomes and vegetation belts,  rivers  settlement and land use.  food.
To use maps, atlases and globes and digital/computer mapping to locate countries & describe features of countries studied. / To name, locate & identify the human and physical characteristics of geographical regions of the United Kingdom
To use maps, atlases and globes and digital/computer mapping to locate countries & describe features of countries studied.
Types of settlement and land use. Rivers.
To use maps, atlases and globes and digital/computer mapping to locate countries & describe features of countries studied. / To use maps, atlases and globes and digital/computer mapping to locate countries & describe features of countries studied. / To name and locate countries and cities of the UK; including the location of main islands that surround the UK.
To name, locate & identify the human and physical characteristics of geographical regions of the United Kingdom.
Including:  Types of settlement and land use. Rivers. / How is our country changing?
To use fieldwork to observe, measure, record and present the human and physical features in the local area using a range of methods:
 Sketch maps
 Plans and graphs
 Digital technologies
History / Romans
Was it better to be a child in the past or today?
Roman / Modern Comparisons / Iroquois Native American Tribe / Ancient Egyptians
/ Animal Conservation / Is it better to be a child now or in the past?
History Key assessment criteria / What happened when the Romans came? To learn about the Roman Empire and its impact on Britain. This could include:  Julius Caesar’s attempted invasion in 55-54 BC (this could include your local history study).
 The Roman Empire by AD 42 and the power of its army.
 Successful invasion by Claudius and conquest, including Hadrian’s Wall.
 British resistance, e.g. Boudica.
‘Romanisation’ of Britain: sites such as Caerwent and the impact of technology, culture and beliefs, including early Christianity.
I can explain how historic items and artefacts can be used to help build up a picture of life in the past.
I can explain how an event from the past has shaped our life today. / I can plot events on a timeline using centuries.
I can use my mathematical skills to round up time differences into centuries and decades. / How much did the Ancient Egyptians achieve? To understand the achievements of the earliest civilisations – an overview of where and when the first civilisations appeared and a depth study of one of the following: Ancient Sumer; The Indus Valley; Ancient Egypt; The Shang Dynasty of Ancient China.
I can plot events on a timeline using centuries.
I can use my mathematical skills to round up time differences into centuries and decades. / Is it better to be a child now or in the past?
Local history study
A study of an aspect of history or a site dating from a period beyond 1066 that is significant in the locality.
I can explain how the lives of wealthy people were different from the lives of poorer people.
I can research what it was like for children in a given period of history and present my findings to an audience.
I can research two versions of an event and explain how they differ.
RE / Judaism : synagogue,
Rabbi, Prayer clothes, Jerusalem / Christianity: Pilgrimages / Christianity: Worship in the Church: different denominations / Christianity: life of a vicar, Easter / Christianity: Pentecost / Christianity: Living a Christian Life: Values
Term / Term 1 / Term 2 / Term 3 / Term 4 / Term 5 / Term 6
PE / Games Skills: catching; throwing; hitting techniques used in a range of games. / Dance: to understand how movement creates a story. / Gym: to understand how to move the body
around, over and under apparatus. / Dance/Gym: tell a story using gym / dance
skills. / Games Skills:
developing team
techniques in a range of games. / Athletics Skills:
understanding of field sports.
Music / Expose children to Bach, Beethoven,
Tchaikovsky, Williams / Singing from memory: Christmas Carols
Link to Science Topic Sound / Research / Why are there different types of music?
Investigate music genres; developing awareness of
significant composers –
Bach, Beethoven,
Tchaikovsky, Williams / Music to accompany The Butterfly Lion / Can you find the rhythm?
Creating music with notation
PSHE / SEAL New Beginnings / SEAL
Getting on and falling out/say no to bullying / SEAL Going for Goals / SEAL Good to be me / SEAL Relationships / SEAL
MFL / Greetings; how you feel; name; France;
Traditional French tales; classroom instructions; numbers; ages; Christmas / Fete des Rois; numbers; colours; materials and shape; parts of the body; transport; Easter / Numbers/time; pets; ice-creams; likes and dislikes; holidays; cafes
Outdoor Learning / Maths in our environment (observe the garden – what is it like? Compare to
Sandwich Bay / Poetry for Christmas
How can we get along in free time? / Animals outside…where do they go? Observe the changes in the garden. / Position, time and climate / Art: sketch pond and surrounding areas / Music compositions blending with the environment.

English word of the day

Topic words

Year ¾ words

Times tables