Stockton Chamber of Commerce

Board of Directors Meeting

March 3rd, 2015

5:15 PM Meeting

Stella’s Café & Catering

Meeting Minutes

The Stockton Chamber of Commerce is organized to promote economic growth in the Village of Stockton by supporting local businesses and special events while encouraging hospitality, beautification, and community pride.

Establish Quorum: Andy McGovern, Randy Pepin, Sam Stoddard, Stephanie Vaupel, Marci Schubert, Sandy Staas, Amy Laskye

Absent:Ashlie Simonson, Terry McGovern

Introduce Guests Present: Amanda Pierce, Creativeations

Guest Speaker: Amanda Pierce presented an idea for education forums for Chamber members through Amanda would use her account to view videos on soft skills/marketing. Randy has a projector that could be used. It was recommended to rent the Stockton Park House for ample room. The board favored the idea and has each member committed to review a preview of Building Customer Loyalty on the website prior to the April board meeting. This could also allow our members to cross promote/network with other area Chambers. Board felt we should have a trial with our own members before inviting other Chambers.

A discussion followed about needing consistency and branding of the Chamber with all in agreement.

Review Previous Meeting:

Secretary’s Report: Andy made a motion to accept the report, Stephanie seconded the motion, all aye’s

Treasurer’s report: Randy madea motion to accept the report, Sandy seconded the motion, all aye’s

Approve Accounts Payable: $30 bill from Gateway Apparel was presented for embroidery of three Chamber Shirts. A motion by Randy was made to pay the $30 bill + an additional $10 for Sam’s shirt. Sandy seconded the motion, all aye’s

Communications: Safe Haven sent a letter indicating that Gwen Veltkamp was no longer employed by Safe Haven.

Continuing Business:

125th Anniversary for Stockton this year: Museum follow up (Terry) – no report from Terry. Amy informed the board that the Village is interested in possibly providing funding for banners to hang throughout Stockton. Amy contacted Amanda for a proposal and estimate, and will present to the Village.

Economic Development:Several new inducement agreements will be entered into upon the next Village Board Meeting, March 10.

Community Investment Recognition: Protocol (Ashlie) no report by Ashlie. Lindova Massage is moving her business downtown on Front Ave. Marci will approach her about joining the Chamber.

Billboard:Amanda & Randy presented an opportunity to the Chamber to rent the billboard currently hosting Black Hawk Run in Elroy. Cost to rent is $250/side/month. Print cost would be $1200 each time we changed the graphics ($600/side) + ~$500 for installation. No action was taken at this time.

Standing Committee Reports:

Beautification Committee:

Landmark:Painting follow up (Amy & Randy)- Currently the signs are sealed once a year. Amy contacted the sign company that built our signs for recommendations on how to touch up the paint. Paint cost is as follows: (One Shot – Sign Painters Paint) Gold Leaf (metallic gold) $25.09/0.5 pint; Black $13.97/0.5pint or $112.82/gallon; Maroon $18.41/0.5 pint; white $13.45/0.5 pint. Estimate came from Wensco.

Randy contacted Betsy Raisbeck about painting the iron while the signs were down being touched up. Randy will contact Betsy again to see if she would provide an estimate for painting both the iron and touching up the signs.

Events & Promotions Committee:

Member Appreciation:4/26/2015Update (Stephanie)- Park House has been reserved. Stephanie contacted Sullivan’s about pricing for the hot dogs, buns, chips & lemonade

Social/Golf Outing: 5/15/2015 Update & Advertising (Sam) – Sam is going to email out the flyer

Fall Into Stockton: 8/29/2015 Update on committee members (Amy)- Marci has offered to assist the committee as well as Amanda (in a limited capacity). Need more volunteers.

Christmas Walk: Dec. 4 & 5

Art Fair: How are we going to support it?

Hospitality: Stephanie

Quarterly Networking/Education Meeting: Already addressed

Ribbon Cuttings: Canyon Pups when it gets warmer

Business After Hours:3/24/15 Downtown Stockton - FurstStaffing, Glad Rags, Stockton Floral, Sweet Alice’s & SavvyScavengers. Ashlie sent business PM info to participants and requested advertisement in the e-news. After discussion it was recommended to make this an entire downtown event and open it to the public. Add Stella’s Café & Catering, Community Funding & Planning Services, and Ink & Paper. Amy will send out information in a separate E-news and on Facebook. Each business is encouraged to invite their customers and advertise the event.

April- Peaceful Pines (Amy is in contact with them for setting this up)

7/14/15 Edward Jones, Canyon Pup Cuts, Special Touch??

General Advertising & Marketing:

Business Spotlight:March – Nature’s Treasures. Sandy & Ashlie - Sandy has tried to contact Ashlie to initiate March Spotlight. Sandy will work with Ashlie on content.

April- Yotesis interested

Directory: A Stockton only directory will be printed. Quantity and distribution needs to be discussed. Will wait until the April meeting, after we finish the membership drive to proceed.

Member Advocacy:

E-news:Discuss action (Randy) – Suggestion was made that the E-News needs to be better. An account was presented for one incidence where a business submitted an item that was only published for two weeks. It was brought to the attention of the E-news administrator and it did not get reposted. Another remark was madeabout advertising in the E-news. Our E-News currently states that if a business has something to post (event, news, ad, coupons, photo, etc.) to add to email it to
Randy proposed that we hire someone or a company to manage the E-News, Social Media, manage our email and website. Amanda (Creativeations) & Kali (no longer a Chamber member) were brought up as suggestions. Sam and Randy took this as an action item to research for discussion at the next meeting.

Website:Discuss action (Randy)-We are waiting to submit changes to the website (the new board) until after the board photograph can be taken. All agreed to meet at Stella’s on 3/24/15 at 5pm to take the photo.

Membership Committee:

2015Membership:Current membership status was emailed out in February and then passed out to the board.The list was divided up to contact. All communications should be complete by our April board meeting which will finalize our membership drive. At that time we will begin the directory and remove any remaining non-member businesses from the website.

Member Liaison Feedback: Ashlie - no report

Chamber Clings: Estimate from Creativeations was $160.13/50 clings. Our last order was in March 2012 for 25 clings for $73.50 with Finish Line Graphics. Amy will contact Amanda to see if we could order a lower quantity.

NEW Business:

Establish Committees: Assign heads to each – no action taken

Where’s Waldo Promotion: (Amy will explain and update)- A Chamber member brought this idea to Amy for consideration by the board. It appears to be a shop local campaign involving a punch card. If a customer sees Waldo they would get a punch. Once that person fills their card (from different businesses) they would be entered into a drawing. Had considered for the spring. No action was taken

Meeting Schedule: First Tuesday of each month, 5:15pm at Stella’s Café & Catering

Stockton Strong: Sam made a motion to give Stockton Strong a free year’s membership, Marci seconded the motion. All aye’s

Adjourn:Stephanie made a motion at 7:40pm to adjourn the meeting, Sandy seconded the motion, all aye’s.

Next Stockton Chamber Board of Directors Meeting– April 7th 5:15pm at Stella’s Café & Catering

Contact List

Amy / M1 / AB Enterprises Sales & Service
Marci / M1 / Bliss Salon & Spa
Amy / M1 / Brightflower Farm
Sam / M2 / Casey's General Store
Stephanie / M2 / Checo's Family Restaurant & Pizzeria
Randy / M1 / Clean N Green
Marci / M1 / Eden Taylor Salon & Spa
Amy / M1 / Gray Unlimited
Randy / M1 / Hermes Kettle Corn
Stephanie / NFP / Lena Lions Club/Kirk Polhill
Marci / M1 / New Generation Auto
Ashlie / M1 / Shawn Saunders Company
Andy / NFP / Stockton CUSD #206
Andy / NFP / Stockton FFA Alumni
Amy / NFP / Stockton Fireworks Committee
Marci / M1 / Studio B Salon
Amy / NFP / Unitarian Universalist Church of Stockton
Randy / M1 / William B. Briggs Insurance Agency Inc.
Sam / NFP / American Red Cross Northwest IL Chapter
Marci / M1 / B Squared Concrete, Inc.
Andy / M1 / Broshous Auto Plaza Inc
Andy / M1 / Broshous Tire & Auto Inc
Sam / M3 / Country Inn & Suites
Sam / M1 / Finish Line Graphics
Randy / M1 / Gateway Apparel
Stephanie / M1 / Geezer's Auto Body & Collision
Ashlie / M1 / H&R Block
Andy / M1 / Icerock Drywall
Randy / M1 / Kleckner Salvage
Ashlie / M1 / LA Drive In
Andy / M1 / Premier Chiropractic, PC
Sam / NFP / Rainbow Ridge - Rachuy House
Sam / M1 / Robbins Satellite
M2 / Schamberger Truck Service
NFP / Stockton Opportunities in Education Foundation
M1 / Yankee Clipper