Associated Clinical Sciences

Introitus - vaginal orifice. Gravida - number of pregnancies.

Dyspareunia - pain during or after coitus. Para - number of live births.

Dystocia - painful or difficult labor. Pseudocyesis - false pregnancy, pseudopregnancy.

Dysmenorrhea - painful menstrual cycles, caused Menarche - first menstrual cycle.

by secretion of prostaglandins form uterus. Climacteric - cessation of menses, menopause.

Colostrum - initial breast milk secreted, contains IgA. Lanugo - fine hair covering newborns body.

Not found in mature breast milk. Meconium - newborn’s first intestinal discharge.

Vernix Caseosa - cheesy covering on skin of newborn. Lochia - vaginal discharge after delivery.

Lactation - can cause normal amenorrhea. Mittleschmerz - ovulation pain.

Alpha fetoprotein - increased amounts indicate neural tube defect.

Chloasma gravidarum - mask of pregnancy, brownish pigmentation of the face.

Hyperemisis gravidarum - pernicious vomiting of pregnancy.

Cardinal signs of toxemia (HEP) Hypertension, Edema, Proteinuria.

Preeclampsia - toxemia of pregnancy (3rd trimester)

Eclampsia - toxemia of pregnancy with convulsions (3rd trimester).

Braxton Hicks Contractions - intermittent contractions of uterus after 3rd month of pregnancy. AKA false labor.

Embryonic stages - zygote®morula®blastula.

Signs of Pregnancy:

Goodell - softening of the tip of the cervix.

Hegar - entire cervix softens.

Chadwick’s - bluish discoloration of the vagina.

Piskacek - asymmetrical softening and enlargement of the uterus.

Ladin - softened area denoting a change between cervix and body of the uterus.

Ballottement - movement of the fetus upon pressure to cervix through vagina.

Effacement - thinning of the cervix.

Quickening - mother’s perception of fetal movement.

Lightening - descent of uterus into pelvic cavity 2-3 weeks before labor.

Engagement - baby’s head reaches the ischial spines.

Stages of Labor: 1st stage - from first meaningful uterine contraction to full cervical dilation(10 cm). Longest stage.

2nd stage - from full dilation to delivery of the baby.

3rd stage - delivery of the baby to delivery of the placenta.

Placental complications: Placenta Abrupta - early detachment of placenta from uterine wall.

Placenta Previa - low lying placenta, usually interferes with internal cervical opening.

Placenta Accreta - retained placenta, MC cause of post partum hemorrhage.

APGAR scoring: Appearance(color), Pulse(heart rate), Grimace(reflex irritability), Activity(muscle tone),

Respiration(respiratory effort).

Moro Reflex - startle reflex in newborns.

Rooting reflex - touch the cheek of a baby the head turns to that side.

Down’s Syndrome - trisomy 21, mental retardation, low set ears, flat nose or bridge, simian crease on palm or sole.

Characterized by an increased incidence of leukemia.

Turner’s syndrome - 45X, female with short stature, low posterior hairline, short webbed neck, gonadal dysgenesis.

Klinefelter’s Syndrome - 47XXY, male with small testes, gynecomastia, long legs and subnormal intelligence.

Paget’s disease - can cause mammary duct carcinoma.

Endometriosis - ectopic endometrial tissue (uterine lining).

Adenomyosis - endometrial tissue found in the myometrium (muscular layer of the uterus).

Leukoplakia - precancerous lesion of white patches on mucous membranes.

Dermoid Cyst of the Ovary - teratoma (tumor made up of several germinal layers).

Hydatidiform mole - benign trophoblastic tumor, high levels of human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG).

Choriocarcinoma - malignant trophoblastic tumor.

Mastitis - localized engorgement of the breast with red streaks.

Ovulation - surge of LH precedes, vaginal mucus stringy and clear.

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Uterine involution - occurs during post partum period.

Gene Theory of Disease - Autosomal trait passed on by mother.

Spontaneous Abortion - MC cause of first trimester abortions, usually attributed to chromosomal defects.

CPR on child - 80-100 chest thrusts per minute.

Herpes Simplex - causes aseptic meningitis in the neonate.

Brachial Artery - best to palpate pulse on an infant.

Capillary Hemangioma - typically appears after birthing process on the scalp.

Hutchinson’s Signs - indicators of congenital syphilis; pegged teeth, deafness, interstitial keratosis.

Karl Jung - collective unconscious.

Sigmund Freud - Inner dynamics of the unconscious, free association.

Tripartite of the personality: Id - the unorganized, instinctual part, basic instincts.

Ego - the perceived self, here and now , reality testing portion.

Superego - the conscience.

Stages of development(child): Oral, Anal, Phallic.

Psychological testing:

Rorschach - Ink blot testing used to determine personality disorders.

WISC - Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, 5-16 years old.

MMPI - Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory, personality testing.

Stanford Binet - MC used intelligence test for young children.

Psychological disorders:

Psychosis - severe disorganization of the personality associated with depression, delusions and hallucinations.

Neurosis - a form of maladjustment in which the person is unable to cope with anxieties, leads to the use

of defense mechanisms.

Schizophrenia - psychosis in which there is a lack of harmony between aspects of the personality.

Involutional melancholia - psychotic behavior associated with the climacteric, accompanied by

agitation, delusions, anxiety and paranoid reactions.

Defense mechanisms:

Reaction formation - the subject denies a disapproved motive or desire by giving strong expression

to its opposite.

Repression - a guilt or anxiety producing impulse or memory is denied by its disappearance from awareness.

Ex: amnesiacs. Bury a memory and not deal with it.

Regression - behavior characteristic of an earlier developmental stage.

Suppression - disapproved impulses or desires are not overtly revealed, or acted upon.

Sublimation - socially unacceptable motives or desires are expressed in socially acceptable forms.

Changing behavior to accepted norms.

Compulsion - neurosis characterized by an irresistible impulse to perform an act contrary to one’s

better judgment or will.

Obsession - neurosis characterized by recurrent thoughts, feelings, or impulses that the subject recognizes

as morbid and which he feels a strong resistance.

Narcissism - self-love or admiration.

Affective disorder - major depressive episode.

Hysterical - histrionics, theatrical gestures.

Schizoid - introverted and withdrawn, emotionally cold and distant.

Antisocial - psychotic/sociopath, acting out their conflicts with no remorse or guilt.

Paranoid - suspicious attitudes leading to aggressive feelings.

Electra complex - libidinous fixation of daughter toward father.

Oedipus complex -libidinous fixation of son toward mother.

Jacosta complex - libidinous fixation of mother toward son.

Phaedra complex - the love and attraction between a stepparent and a stepchild.

Associated Clinical Sciences


Slander - verbal, to say something false about another person.

Libel - written, to write something false about another person. To recover one must prove damages.

Evidence - anything presented in court used by the judge or jury in making a decision.

Hearsay - evidence, which does not derive its value from the witness itself, but gained or acquired from another.

Deposition - a sworn statement of fact given before a notary public can be used as evidence.

Principal - one who retains an agent to act for him.

Contract - a promise to perform for which consideration is given and for which the law recognizes a duty to perform.

Must have: 1) mutual consent, 2) consideration, 3) competent parties, 4) object of contract must be legal,

5) reality of consent to contract. Offer + Acceptance = Contract.

Informed consent - the patient must be informed of the dangers inherent with a procedure before consenting to it.

Expert witness - a person qualified by special studies in special areas of knowledge, allowed to give their opinion.

Privileged communication - confidential communication that does not have to be revealed in court.

Husband/wife, doctor/patient, lawyer/client.

Contributory negligence doctrine - a person may not collect damages if their own negligence contributed to the cause.

Partnership responsibility - all partners are liable for the negligence of one another or of an employee. Release of one

partner releases liability for all.

Termination of partnership - In the event of death surviving partner can buy interest from the deceased estate.

Subpoena - a written legal order requiring one to appear in court to give testimony.

Summons - an official order to appear in court to respond as a defendant to a charge.

Respondent superior - an employer is responsible for the torts (civil wrong) of their employee.

Malpractice case - tried in a tort (civil wrong) court.

Voir Dire - to speak the truth. Res ipsa loquitor - the thing speaks for itself.

Res adjudicata - the matter has been decided.


Pruritis - severe itching, cutaneous hyperesthesia.

Intertrigo - superficial dermatisis in the folds of the skin.

Pustule - small elevation of skin filled with lymph or pus.

Vesicle - blisterlike elevation on the skin filled with serous fluid.

Bullae - large blisters or skin vesicles filled with fluid, also called blebs.

Wheal - round elevation of the skin with a white center and pale red periphery accompanied by pruritis.

Nodule - a small node or aggregation of cells.

Papule - red elevated area of the skin, solid and circumscribed. Often precede vesicle or pustule formation.

Macule - discolored spots or patches on the skin, neither elevated or depressed. Ex: vitiligo, pellagra, rubella.

Keloid - overgrowth of scar tissue due to abnormal amounts of collagen in the scar tissue.

Albinism - melanocytes do not produce melanin ® no tissue pigment.

Vitiligo - acquired idiopathic destruction of melanocytes resulting in patches of depigmentation (often having

hyperpigmented border)

Tinea infections - Mycotic (fungal) skin diseases occurring on various parts of the body. Diagnosis confirmed

with a Wood’s lamp (UV light).

t. barbae - beard t. capitis - head t. corporis - body, AKA ringworm

t. cruris - groin/jock t. pedis - foot t. unguium - nails, AKA onychomycosis

Stasis (not moving) dermatisis - persistent inflammation of the skin in the lower extremities with a tendency toward

brown pigmentation. Associated with venous incompetence. Ex: bed sores, DM, overweight people.

Stasis ulceration - commonly seen lower leg and ankle region with diabetes mellitus.

Furuncle - staphylococcal infection of a hair follicle or sebaceous (oil secreting)gland.

Carbuncle - multiple furuncles.

Miliaria - AKA prickly heat, inflammation of sweat glands.

Urticaria - AKA hives, characterized by formation of wheals and hives.

Psoriasis - dry silvery scales usually on the extensor surfaces. Ex: elbows and knees.

Dermatomyositis - Heliotropic rash on the eyelid.

Associated Clinical Sciences

Rubella - AKA German measles, maculopapular rash 2-3 days. NB question - vaccinate mother to prevent in newborn.

Rubeola - AKA measles, acute contagious disease marked by fever, catarrhal (inflammation of mucous membranes)

symptoms and rose colored macular eruptions. Koplik’s spots - small red spots with blue white centers on the oral mucosa, usually precede cutaneous eruptions.

Varicella - AKA chickenpox, childhood disease characterized by fluid filled subdermal lesions that pass through

stages of macules, papules,vesicles and crusts. MC complication is secondary infection.

Icthyosis - dry skin (xeroderma), AKA fish skin or scaly skin.

Acne - papules, pustules, comedones and inflamed nodules. Inflamed hair follicle or sebaceous gland.

Rosacea - chronic inflammation of the nose, cheeks and forehead, MC in middle-age to older people. Characterized by

papules, pustules, telangiectasia, erythema and hyperplasia of the soft tissue of the nose.

Pityriasis rosea - skin condition which appears in “herald” or “mother” patches, etiology unknown.

Impetigo - superficial vesiculopustular lesions with bullae formation and honey colored crusts. Etiology strep or staph.

Hyperhydrosis - overactive sweat glands.

Lichen planus - pinhead sized papules that coalesce to form rough, scaly, polygranular, blue/purple lesions. Intense

pruritis with lesions concentrated on flexor surfaces of arms, trunk and genitalia.

Erysipelas - acute febrile disease, cellulitis, vesicles and bullae. Etiology: streptococcal.

Pemphigus - uncommon, potentially fatal skin condition characterized by formation of bullae on skin and mucus

membranes. NB question: middle aged Jewish male presents with multiple blister-like skin lesions.

Dermatitis herpetaformis - chronic inflammatory disease characterized by erythematous, papular, vesicular, bullous,

or pustular lesions with tendency to grouping. Intense burning and itching, primarily extensor surfaces.

Alopecia capitis - hair loss on head. Alopecia universalis - hair loss over entire body.

Hirsuitism - excessive hair growth in unusual places, especially in women. Increased androgen production or

metabolism. Often seen with pregnancy.

Addison’s disease - decreased adrenocortical hormones resulting in bronze colored skin, irregular patches of vitiligo.

Cushing’s syndrome - increased glucocorticoids resulting in edema , hair loss, skin discoloration and purple striae. Icterus - AKA jaundice, pigmentation of the tissues, membranes and secretions with bile pigments

Myopia - nearsighted, image formed before retina due to longer eye.

Hyperopia - farsighted, image formed behind retina due to shorter eye.

Astigmatism - irregular curvature of the cornea or lens causing diffusion of light rays on the retina.

Sexually transmitted diseases (STD)

Chlamydia - MC STD, causes non-gonococcal urethritis, non-specific cause, primary cause of Reiter’s syndrome.

Pelvic pain and swelling, rectal stricture. Lymphogranuloma venerum - unilateral lymph node enlargement.

Syphilis - caused by treponema pallidum, dx with dark field microscopy, tx with penicillin.

Primary - hard painless chancre, well defined, VDRL+ days after chancre appears.

Secondary - condylomata lata(flat vulvar warts), tiny brown spots on thorax, soles and palms.

Tertiary - tabes dorsalis, gumma formation, not contagious in this stage.

Congenital - Hutchinson triad (pegged teeth, deafness, interstitial keratosis), saber shin deformity.

Gonorrhea - caused by neisseria gonorrhoeae, contagious catarrhal inflammation of the genital mucus membranes.

Gram neg. diplococci, commonly leads to joint infections MC knee, female can be asymptomatic.

Trichomas vaginalis - caused by parasitic protozoa, persistent burning, redness and frothy, greenish yellow discharge.

Gardnerella vaginalis - caused by gram neg. bacilli, characteristic malodorous discharge, clue cells.

Candidiasis - AKA moniliasis, yeast infection caused by candida albicans. White cheesy plaques. Seen in DM,

pregnancy, babies (thrush).

Haemophilus ducreyi - caused by gram neg. bacilli, forms soft painful chancroid, highly infectious.

Molluscum contagiousum - pearly, smooth, waxy, dome shaped, umbilicated papules on the genitals/penis.

Condylomata accuminata - bulbous vulvar warts caused by human papilloma virus.

Parasites: Scabies - mite that burrows under the skin, causes intense pruritis.

Pediculosis - AKA lice, crabs. P.capitis = head lice, P. corporis = body lice.

Antidotes: Chemical - combines with poison to form harmless substance.

Mechanical - prevents absorption.

Physiological - counteracts poison by causing opposite physiologic effect.

Universal - 2 parts activated charcoal / 1 part magnesium oxide / 1 part tannic acid / ½ ounce warm water.

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Hypertension: Systolic of =140 on 2 or more visits, and diastolic of =90 on 2 or more visits.

Essential - AKA primary or idiopathic hypertension, no definite etiology.

Benign - slow progression, chronic, relatively mild.

Malignant - rapid progression with severe vascular damage. Seen with renal necrosis/failure.

Category Systolic Diastolic

Very severe = 210 = 120

Severe 180-209 110-119

Moderate 160-179 100-109

Mild 140-159 90-99

Prescription medications: Bioavailability - portion of a drug that reaches the target tissue.