Minutes of the meeting held 12 November 2014 at War Memorial Hall, Cleeve Prior

Present:Councillors: P Howe (Chair), K Mellor, P Turner

In Attendance: S Arble (Clerk), 5 members of the public and WDCCllr Lasota

221Apologies accepted from Cllr Franey away on Council business, Cllr Rowland for personal reasons and Cllr Brown for personal reasons.

222DISCLOSUREOF INTERESTS – none declared.

223The Minutes of the meeting held 8 October 2014 were approved.

Chairman moved: The meeting now adjourned to hold Public Question Time, notes of which are at the end of the minutes.

224WORCS CO CLLR REPORT:Co Cllr Adams was not present. Chair Howe gave a brief report on Cllr Adams’ behalf:

A. Fencing Project planned for completion by end of November.

B. WCC offered to lease the Woodland (Cleeve Hill) along river to the Heritage Trust.

C. Superfast Broadband: Suggest complaining to Steve Ashton () about the need for an upgrade. Perhaps mention “cross county border discrimination”.

D. Request parishioners to email the Housing Minister and request the emerging SWDP be given planning consideration.

E. WCC intends to do some road work near the pub during the 02.15 half term week.

225WDC CLLR REPORT: WC Cllr Lasota reported the following:

A. Private Traveller Site development seems to be a possibility. The Traveller Agent met with members of the NDP Working Party on 10.11.14. There are three possible schemes, one of which is a retirement home. The Agent may want to meet with members of the parish council.

B. Youth Bus is up and running. It is well use in the Littletons.


Lengthsman/Flood Prevention/ Footpaths Work

22612.13: All work complete except for bush near the Manor on Main St. The bush may be removed by the Manor Ct Resident’s Association if the two nearby trees are cut down.

2277.14:J Hiden issued actions letters to NJ Smith an M Rawlings to clear Hoden Lane ditches. Other landowners will also be contacted.

2289.14: There is a plan for WDC, WCC, M Rawlings and C Dyson to discuss the Froglands Lane ditch situation.

CPO Land

22903.14:TheClerk issued a work order to clear the berms etc on the CPO land on 21-5-14. Work to be completed before Christmas.

23004.14: Mr Quine of the Environment Agency last reported that the occupant of Plot 2 cannot be located. Therefore, no action can be taken. No update.

Cleeve Prior NDP

231T Carr reported the following:

A. NDP representatives met with D Andrews of West Country Developments

and S Hinsley of Tetlow King (West Malling office) on 04.11.14.

B. West Country Developments vision is to build housing units on the whole Traveller site in a style that would accord with the existing village environment. The project would not commence unless the whole site was developed. Development agreements are in place with all land owners, with an early termination of the County lease proposed.

Written assurances will be provided from the current occupiers that alternative locations away from Cleeve Prior were available for them to move to. Approximately 100 units are needed to make the project feasible. The make- up of the buildings is for discussion with the NDP and may include retirement homes involving employment opportunities.

C.Gypsy site options is the last policy to be resolved and will be with the agreement of the current occupiers and land owners. Current consultation suggests a strong desire to ‘tidy up’ the current site and bring it under good management. Any housing development on the site will need to completely avoid creating a separate community and to emphasise inclusiveness.

The appearance should be reflective of the built environment experienced when approaching the village from Marcliff. The CPO land has a covenant to remain amenity space. A housing needs survey is to be completed by Wychavon, in approx 3 months. This will include the traveller community, supported by County data from their recent report.

Issues identified during NDP consultation include maintaining / building housing appropriate for young families that may use the primary school and for retirement properties. Not permitting large scale housing estates but welcoming small scale, staged over time build (1 to 6 per year), similar to the lane structure of the existing village, that respects the open rural views of the majority of houses (e.g the field adjacent to Mill lane should remain a field). Ways to combat the isolation of the village from medical services, sports provision, broad band and employment.

D.Any proposal for the Gypsy and Traveller site needs to be available for village wide consultation as soon as possible. The scale of the problem of ‘selling the concept’ of a 50% increase in the size of the village cannot be understated.

232Bridle Path behind Traveller Site 06.13:See Minute 224A.

233Subject to Mrs Newbury’s consent, the Council resolved to:

A. Purchase a fully automatic defribillator (8 year warranty) and steel container which will be mounted on the exterior of the school (exact location to be determined) £1395 plus VAT.

B. Pay for the installation of the container; estimated to be £125.

C. Reimburse the school for future maintenance and costs related to pads and charge stick.

D. The school Head to be responsible for training the staff and register the device with the local ambulance control.

ACTION: Cllr Mellor to discuss proposal with Mrs Newbury and follow-up with a proposal letter.

234Footpaths Report: During the meeting T Carr reported that

A. Brushcutter working well.

B. More paths (including GreenLink) and bridgework completed.

C. There has been at least one incident of sheep worrying.

235Evesham Road Speed Survey:Cllr Franey requested an update on 5.11.14.

236The Council resolved to issue Allotments Contracts on the following basis:

A. Rent to be raised to £15 per annum effective 01.04.15. Rent due 01.04.15.

B. All tenants to pay a £40 deposit; due 01.04.15.

C. All tenants must sign the agreement, which includes clauses to use plots for their intended purpose and to keep plots tidy.

ACTION: Chair Howe to obtain contact details of tenants.

ACTION: Clerk to forward contracts to tenants.

237Draft Budget: See minute 242; matter resolved.

238Mill Lane St Light Near Rutland House: Repaired; matter resolved.

239Earth Green Wind Turbine Consult: The Clerk posted comments objecting to the proposal; matter resolved.

240Public Traveller Site Leases Renewal: Site managed by WCC lease expires in 2018. M Maginnis doesn’t know what position WCC will take in relation to a potential extension of the leases. WCC is currently trying to ascertain ownership of the land. One land owner indicated that he does not intend to renew the lease. Matter resolved.


241The Council resolved toaccept the new pricing structure for the NDP Planning Consultant fees. ACTION: Clerk to inform M Heelis of the resolution.

242The Council resolved to approve the 2015/16 Budget. The precept will remain at £21,000 and reserves budgeted at £37,767.

243The Council resolved to request WCC to replace the blue lias kerb near village green with a similar material. ACTION: Clerk to investigate.

244The Council resolved to engage E Mitchell, planning consultant, should an application for a wind turbine in Cleeve Prior be submitted. Maximum fees to be £650. ACTION: Clerk to inform E Mitchell of the resolution.

245The Council resolved toapprove the Cleeve Prior Heritage Trust £500 grant request to repair the roof of Field barn. The work will not be completed until next summer. Grant to be paid upon receipt of the invoice. ACTION: Clerk to write a letter to B Taylor.


246On 7.11.14 WDC formally requested the precept requirement which is due 16.01.15.

247The Council approved the payments listed in Appendix A of the November 2014 Agenda. Two payments were added:

Ref #54: £126.00 T Hunt (Lengthsman)

Ref #55: £55.20 for P Long (street light repair)

248Cllr Mellor confirmed the October 2014 Reconciliation (Appendix B of the November 2014 Agenda) is accurate.

249The October2014 Income & Expense Report was noted by the Council.


250On 27.10.14 the Clerk requested WCC to remove two trees at Manor Ct. On 27.10.14 G Brienza of WCC replied and stated the trees are on the verge for Manor Court, a private road. Therefore, the land owners are responsible for the trees. Matter resolved.

251On 21.10.14 the Clerk requested the North Cotswold Hunt to provide advance warning when the hunt intends to visit the parish. The parish is now on a notification list. Matter resolved.

252On 28.10.14 the Clerk requested PD Long to repair the streetlight on Hoden Lane and it was repaired. Matter resolved.

253On 05.11.14 the Clerk requested Western Power to repair the light on the wall near the churchyard.

Correspondence for Consideration

254The Council noted the WORCS Reg Services Consult on Controlling Street Trading in Wychavon.

255Tabled Correspondence - none


For Council Consideration- none

WDC/WCC Approvals

256W/14/00606/PN Land north of Main St: Formation of vehicular access and farm

Track,erection of gate and fencing and associated works NO OBJECTIONS; several concerns. Chair Howe originally declared a disclosable interest in this application.

WDC Refusals- none

WDC Pending- none


257W/14/00697/PN Buckthorn Farm: Proposed new dwelling to replace existing mobile home NO OBJECTIONS; several concerns APPEAL DISMISSED

Enforcement- none


A. Cleeve Prior Nature Trail – Cllr Brown

B. CCTV – Cllr Franey

259DATE AND VENUE OF NEXT MEETING: 8:00pm on 10 December at the War Memorial Village Hall, Cleeve Prior

260Meeting closed at 9:40pm.



  1. A parishioner stated that the implications of a major development on the Traveller Site should be considered. There is a real possibility of two separate villages as an outcome.
  1. A parishioner thought that perhaps the Parish Council should offer suggestions to the agent representing the travellers.
  1. A parishioner enquired about CCTV, Agenda Item 11B. A cllr explained that this may be a future project.

Minutes prepared by Sean Arble, Clerk to the Council, on 17.11.14.