Presentation and Training Tips

We remember:

10% of what we read

20% of what we hear

30% of what we see

50% of what we see and hear

80% of what we say

90% of what we say and apply

How adults learn:

  • If they want and need to
  • By linking learning to past, present or future experience
  • By practicing what they have been taught
  • With help and guidance
  • In an informal and non-threatening environment

The ideal environment:

  • Good audio visual equipment (participants should not have to strain to hear or see)
  • Appropriate seating patterns (if you are going to break into groups make sure that room accommodates this)
  • Comfortable chairs
  • Good writing surface for each participant
  • Not too warm and not too cold

Before the presentation begins:

  • Have a checklist of materials and equipment needed
  • Arrive at training site at least 30 minutes before the start time to set up
  • Take some time to prepare yourself:

- physically: centering energy, grooming, posture and breathing

- mentally: visualizing the participant group and their needs, how can you best help them to change and grow? See the presentation being successful.

Tips to make the most out of your presentation

  • Be prepared!
  • Check all equipment, be sure everything works and you have all your materials
  • Show enthusiasm, passion for your topic
  • Create a safe, comfortable, welcoming environment
  • Dress “one step” ahead of your intended audience
  • Ask questions / listen actively
  • Remain calm when faced with challenges and difficult participants
  • Leverage experience of the group
  • Ask questions – wait for answers, the silence is longer for you than for them
  • Engage all
  • Minimize distractions – turn off cell phone, blackberry, pager, etc.
  • Set the stage with an attention grabber
  • Try to engage participants in an activity within first 5 minutes – ask a question
  • Use notes sparingly. Read quotations, definitions and lists to be accurate and let participants know why you are using your notes
  • Check energy levels of participants often. Reenergize with activities, breaks, physical movement or snacks to increase blood sugar levels
  • Substitute “application exercise or practice” for “role play”. The words are less intimidating for many
  • Assume they will have questions

Dealing with Difficult Participants

Cell phone distracters / Request that people adhere to the ground rule – turn off or to vibrate.
The silent type / Use small group projects.
Rotate small group leadership.
Ask for written responses.
Allow participants to participate at their own comfort level
The dominant one / Use small groups or pairs activities.
Walk away from one talking a lot. Say, “How about some answers from this side of the room?”
The preoccupied / Divide small groups into partners.
Use proximity to communicate. Move towards participant.
Create a physical activity.
Know it all / Acknowledge their expertise.
Thank them and move on.
Enlist their help as able
Private conversations / Lower your voice or pause.
Use nonverbals to regain their attention (i.e. eye contact).
Suggest that these participants might have an important point to share with everyone and give them the opportunity.