January 2008doc.: IEEE 802.18-08/0004r0
IEEE P802.18
Radio Regulatory-TAG
Date: 2008-01-16
Name / Affiliation / Address / Phone / email
Peter Murray / TMG, Inc. / Westfield, NJ 07090 / +1-908-232-9054 /
These are the minutes of IEEE 802.18 meeting Taipei, January 2008.
Monday January 14, 2008
Chairman Mike Lynch, Vice Chair/Secretary Peter Murray
The Chair opened the meeting at 10:30
The information required by the EC was shown:
Attendees were asked if they had any questions. None heard.
- The Chair presented the Agenda 18-08-0002-00_RRTag_Agenda_Jan08.xls
- The current known future meetings were reviewed.
Motion:To approve the Agenda as presented
Move by: Richard Kennedy
Second by: John Notor
Vote: Yes, 3 No, 0 Abstain 0
Motion Passed
- The Vice Chair gave information on the attendance to be used.
The paper sign in sheet will be the official document.
The planned IMAT system will be used. - The minutes of the Atlanta meeting were reviewed and no changes were made.
Motion:To approve the minutes from the Atlanta meeting doc: 18-07-0088-00_RR-Tag_minutes
Move by: Richard Kennedy
Second by: John Notor
Discussion: None
Vote:Yes, 4 No, 0 Abstain 0
Motion Passed
- The Secretary reported to the Chair on the number of 802.18 voters attending the Interim meeting and the Chair announced that a quorum was present at 11:15
- The Chair went through the new business items and no changes were requested.
- The Chair reported on the matters from the previous meeting. There are currently 3 IEEE 802 Wireless submission documents at the ITU-R relating to IMT Advanced.
- There are no EC ballots in process at this time.
- There is no old business to discuss.
- The Chair reviewed the WRC 2011 initial agenda. WRC-Agenda-11+Res.doc
- The Resolves section shows the coming important activities in all the bands as well as further questions for the current international studies.
- The document ‘Ofcom digital dividend’ (dttfuture.pdf), was reviewed briefly by the Chair and Andy Gowans from Ofcom.
- The meeting recessed for lunch at 12:30 pm.
- The meeting reconvened at 13:30
ALiaison document, 11-08-0xxx-00-0000-ls-to-ITU-IARU-terahertz-v5, to ITU & IARU regarding Terahertz Technology was presented by Leonid Razoumov, and the group assisted in editing the document to prepare it for transmission to the ITU-R.
This document contains a liaison to ITU (International Telecommunication Union) and IARU (International Radio Amateur Union) regarding the description of radio bands above 275 GHz.
There are several outstanding questions raised by the document wording that were placed into square brackets until clarified.
[IEEE 802 in discussions with individuals[who are those individuals, need clarification, ask about WRC delegates] connected with ITU, have been assured that no such excluding language is expressed or intended by the ITU. In fact WRC-2007 conference approved the US proposed “Addendum 8 to Document 5-E” which puts off further allocation activities within this spectrum until 2011 or later, and explicitly states the band between 275 - 3000 GHz is appropriate for both passive and active services if such services can be demonstrated. Thus the difference of statements and intent between current releases of the 2007 ITU/WRC and the 2007 IARU documents clearly needs to be addressed and finally clarified for the benefit of scientific, commercial and amateur communities.]
The document will be circulated for review and obtaining the information to satisfy the square brackets. A revised version will be available for the March Plenary meeting.
- Ofcom ‘Spectrum Usage Rights’, SUR, documents were projected and discussion on various sections were held. This SUR is to help the usage of licensed spectrum by the license holder. The responses are due to Ofcom January 28th and February 8th.
- John Notor brought up several IMT Advanced contribution documents for the ITU-R, for comparison with the IEEE input to the SG5 for the January meeting. The latest ITU-R document is dated prior to the IEEE submissions from the November Atlanta plenary.
- The meeting went into independent study at 1700 for the remainder of the afternoon.
Tuesday 15, January - The meeting reconvened at 08:00
The ITU-R RO7-WP5D-C-0004 Chairmans report was displayed.
The attachments provide the initial thoughts on the time lines.
The following information are extracts from the document.
Attachment 1:
Draft text for the main body of the Circular Letteron an invitation to propose candidate radio interface technologiesfor IMT-Advanced.
The purpose of this Circular Letter is to invite submission of candidate Radio Interface Technologies (RITs) for IMTAdvanced for the development of a new ITU-R Recommendation (“Radio Interface Recommendation”) describing radio interface(s)of IMT-Advanced. As well, this Circular Letter invites subsequent submission of evaluation reports on these candidate RITs by independent evaluation groupsin addition to that of evaluation report by original proponent.
Attachment 2:
Draft text for Annex 2 of the Circular Letter on an invitation to propose candidate radio interface technologies for IMT-Advanced
Submission and evaluation process and consensus building
[Time schedule]
Figure A2-1 shows overall time schedule for the IMT-Advanced development process towards the first release of IMT-Advanced radio interface Recommendation. The circular letter for an invitation to propose radio interface technologies is scheduled to be issue the 23rd meeting of the WP 8F. Proposals for IMT-Advanced radio interface technologies are to be received by the 28th 27th meeting of WP8F. First The evaluation of the proposed radio interface technologies and consensus building process are performed thereafter. The conclusions of the process may be recorded in the document [IMT.RADIO] which describes framework and key characteristics of the radio interfaces of IMTAdvanced. The ITU-R Recommendation describing the detailed specification of the radio air interface specifications of IMT-Advanced [IMT.RSPEC] is scheduled to be released at the fourth quarter of 2010.
The time line for the proposals starts around September 2008 (#25) and end July 2009 (#27). These dates are still to be fixed by SG5.
Technical information on the candidate radio interface technologies should be submitted to the ITU by proponents in the form of complete Technologies Description Template (Attachment X), and a completed IMT-Advanced Requirements [and Objectives] (Attachment Y), and a completed IMT-Advanced Minimum Performance Capabilities (Attachment Z), together with any additional inputs which the proponents may consider relevant to the evaluation and prove that the proposal meets the requirements [and objectives] of IMT-Advanced (e.g. self-evaluation results). Proponent may alternatively submit proposals directly to evaluators in any manner acceptable to the evaluators.
- The upcoming SG5 meeting at the end of January 2008 will probably give firmer dates.
It will be important for the IEEE Wireless Submissions to be created in a timely manner. - The meeting moved into independent study at 11:15
- Adhoc discussion were held during the afternoon and the meeting recessed at 17:00
Wednesday 16, January - The meeting reconvened at 08:30
- The Chair gave an update on the transmission of the letter to the ITU-R requesting clarification of the status of the 275 -3300 GHz Band
- The group worked on version 5 of the Liaison letter.
- The edits resulted in a version 6. At this point a document number has not been assigned and will continue to use: 11-08-0xxx-00-0000-ls-to-ITU-IARU-terahertz-v6
- The Chair read out resolve 950, from the ITU-R Agenda for the WRC 2011that addresses this band.
- The meeting went into independent study at 1430.
Thusday 17,January - The meeting reconvened at 08:00
- After a brief review of the agenda items rev 6 of the Terrahertz distributed was distributed and the meeting moved into independent study until the 4PM closing plenary meeting.
- The meeting reconvened at 16:00 with the closing plenary.
- The Chair indicated that he will inform the 802.18 members, after the ITU-R SG5 meeting, of the progress of the IEEE 802 IMT-Advanced submissions.
- There being no further business the meeting closed at 16:15
- The next meeting will be at the Plenary in Orlando Florida March 16-21 2008
Name: / Affilliation: / Working Group: / Jan 08 / VotersMike Lynch / Nortel Networks / 802.18 / X
Peter Murray / TMG, Inc./Qualcomm / 802.18 / X
Richard Kennedy / Oaktree/ETS-Lingren / 802.11 L / X
Vijay Auluck / Intel / 802.18 / X
Winston Caldwell / Fox Digital / 802.22 L / X
John Notor / Cadence / 802.18 / X
John Barr / Motorola / 802.15 L / X
Andrew Gowans / UK Ofcom / 802.18
Steve Talbot / UK Ofcom / 802.18
All the documents can be found in the January 2008 folder on the 802.18 website:
Submissionpage 1Peter Murray, TMG, Inc.