Report on the Implementation of the ActionPlanRepublic of Moldova – European Union
February 2005 – February 2008
Chapter 2.7 People-to-people contacts
Education, training and youth75.Bring education and training systems closer to EU Member state standards and the Bologna process
Implement legislative reform and other measures that will prepare Moldova’s adherence to the Bologna process (promote greater autonomy of Universities, modernise curricula,
introduction of a credit system). / The Republic of Moldova is a member to the Bologna Process.
Positive dynamics have been registered in the following objectives:
- Implementation of the Bologna Process provisions on the higher education;
- Statutory back-up of reforms on the higher education in the context of the Bologna Process provisions;
- Application of the statutory acts promoted by the Ministry in educational institutions;
- Collaboration aiming at carrying out activities on modernization of the higher education system of Moldova with:
- International organisations
- Ministerial departments, and other authorities within the public central administration,
- Associations of students and youth;
- Non-governmental organisations;
- Reconsideration of the higher education institutions’ mission for going by the quality in education;
- Modernisation/development of the university curricula, etc.
Referring to compliance with the legislation, it is to be mentioned that the draft of the Law set on education, as well as the Concept for modernisation of the education, were issued within the terms scheduled by the Legislative Plan for 2005-2009. The draft of the Law set is scheduled to be presented for discussion at the Paliament in the winter session.
During 2006-2007, a set of statutory acts, necessary for the implementation of the legal provisions, was issued and approved.
The major ones are listed as follows:
- Regulation on how to organize and hold trainee’s study courses;
- Framework Regulation on how the hostels within educational institutions should function;
- Model Contract for higher and specialized secondary tuition (full-time tuition) in the groups financed from the state budget;
- Framework Regulation on the mode and conditions of granting scholarships to the students of higher education institutions, the pupils of specialized secondary education institutions and vocational secondary schools, and persons tuited at specialized post-graduate institutions;
- Regulation on election, appointment and confirmation of the higher education institutions’ authorities.
Resulting from the amendments made in 2005 to the Law on education and adoption of the higher education new structure, in 2005, 2006, and 2007, a new Framework Plan for the 1st cycle was adopted (higher education diploma) and new study programmes worked out by the Plan.
Importance of the Framework Plan for the higher education (cycle I), can be resumed to the following:
- it establishes general principles of organisation and realization of the educational process at the higher education institutions;
- it reflects basic requirements for the development of study plans in various general fields of study at the cycle I, for all the forms of study;
- it can be transposed into a wide range of study plans, implementing particularities and specializations of each educational institutions, each field of professional training and each specialization;
Admission in 2006 and 2007 was carried out by the Nomenclature for the fields of professional training at higher education institutions, adjusted at the UNESCO, ISCED – 97 and EUROSTAT model classifiers and considering overbalances on the labour market.
Also, as a result of introduction of the European System of Study Transferable Credits (ECTS), the Guide on Implementation of the National System of Study Credits was developed, adopted and distributed within the higher education institutions (March, 2006). In order to improve the institutional implementation of the above mentioned document, seminars and trainings were organised with the representatives of the higher education institutions, responsible of the implementation of the study credits system. The ECTS implementation is being monitored during examinations at higher education institutions as well.
Since the promotion of 2005, an Administrative Annex to the Diploma is completed and issued free of charge and mandatory for all the graduates of higher education institutions, by the unique European model, which is Diploma Supplement.
In 2006 and 2007, supplementations and specifications to the Diploma Supplement were operated, that aimed at facilitating procedure of recognizing study acts of the Republic of Moldova abroad. In 2006, completion and development of the supplement extended onto the Master’s degree tuition as well.
In the academic year of 2006/2007, development of the National Framework for Qualifications (NFQ) was initiated. The Ministry of Education and Youth has developed a plan for actions and a model scheme for the NFQ, by which expert commissions have developed projects on the domains of vocational training. The model scheme was adopted by the order no. 369 of October 19, 2006. By the same order, higher education institutions responsible for draft development were appointed. Statutory framework that would adjust qualifications obtained on graduation from the cycle I to the European Qualifications Framework is being developed.
Aspects related to development of the NFQ were examined within the framework of national and international conferences with the participation of Council of Europe, UNESCO, etc. experts.
In 2006 and 2007, development of the statutory acts on organisation of the Master’s degree tuition continued. The draft concept of the training in the field of public administration (initial and in-service training) and science of law. When developing respective acts, tendencies and best practices of the European community in this field have been considered.
At present, the Regulation on organisation of the Master’s degree tuition, which is cycle II, is being approved. Admission to the Master’s degree tuition by the new formula will be brought about starting from 2008. At present, the Ministry, together with the dependent educational institutions, is developing the Framework plan for the Master’s degree tuition.
In September 2007, the European Commission granted to the Republic of Moldova 9 000 EUR for the Bologna process objectives’ implementation. To exploit this support of the EC at best, by the Minister’s order, in October, a Work-Group was set up and an Action Plan was developed. The Group’s activity shall focus on 3 priority domains within the framework of the Bologna process, as follows:
- ensuring education quality;
- qualifications’ framework;
- recognition.
The Project implementation will last till June, 2008. Within the framework of the Project’s implementation, some statutory acts (regulations, methodological guidelines), methodological supports, a booklet on the national education system shall be developed and published, conferences and seminars held. First seminars within the framework of this Project were held at and by the State University of Moldova in November/December, 2007, focusing on such aspects as knowledge evaluation and tuition certification, whereas a draft of the Regulation on knowledge evaluation and tuition certification has been worked out.
MoEY supports and promotes activities referring to the academic mobility. In this context, the Regulation on mobility of students and didactic staff within higher education has been developed and approved (College Meeting of 10.11.06).
When developing FTEM, it was provided for financing of the academic mobility programmes for 23 students/fields of vocational training.
In order to guarantee to young people a larger access to higher education, in 2006 and 2007, Regulation on organization and realization of admition to the higher education institutions was worked out. The suggested methodology ensures the equity and non-discrimination, basing on the merits, in higher education. The second year consequently, the candidates have the possibility to operate three specialities, in this way the access to the higher education becomes wider, and the chances to succeed are higher. The implementation of the new methodology for admission will allow a wider autonomy to the universities when selecting candidates.
Ensuring quality in education. Liability for quality in higher education lies with higher education institutions that are requested to ensure quality, efficiency, effectiveness at all levels of the educational process.
Many of higher education institutions participate in the TEMPUS projects that refer to the ensuring quality of tertiary (higher) education. At the national and institutional level, a number of seminars, conferences, symposiums on the respective topic were organised.
Many of higher education institutions have developed Guides on quality and instituted the function of Pro-rector responsible for quality in edcation.
Promotion of the image of the Republic of Moldova
To promote a favourable image of the national educational system abroad, the MoEY has cooperated with higher education institutions to develop and edit set of info-materials (booklets, brochures, posters) about the institutions. In July, 2007, these materials were passed through the Ministry for External Affairs and European Integration on to the European states.
Promotion of the image of national educational system and of the Republic of Moldova is also realized through participation of the Moldovan pupils in international competitions and contests. Thus in 2007, the Moldovan pupils have won 23 medals and 4 letters of commendation at international contests in mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, informatics, etc.
As much important at this issue is participation of national experts in various seminars, conferences and other educational meetings organized by the European Commission, the Council of Europe, Stability Pact for the Southeastern Europe, OCEMN.
Accession of the Republic of Moldova to the Bologna Declaration also affords the opportunity to inform international community, especially through participation in the Conference of European Ministers for Education (May 2007, London) or in workshops of the Bologna Followup-Group (October 2007, Lisbon), about results attained in National Educational System.
In April, 2007, on the occasion of the Europe’s Day, the Exposition “Europe at Our Home” was held. The exposition was organized together with the diplomatic missions accredited in the Republic of Moldova, one of the objectives of it being to promote also Moldova’s culture, traditions, history and results attained in diverse activity domains.
During 2006-2007, 7 international treaties were signed with: Republic of Poland, French Community of Belgium, HellenicRepublic, Russian Federation, Republic of Latvia, Republic of Slovakia, and the High-Level Group for European Children. 7 drafts of Agreements with various states are under negotiation.
Evaluation and accreditation
In the context of improving system of evaluation and accreditation of educational institutions, the following actions were carried out:
-The Deontological Code of specialized Commissions’ members for evaluation and accreditation of educational institutions (Order of the MoEY College of Oct. 19, 2007);-Modifications and amendments were made to the Regulation of specialized commettes for evaluation and accreditation of secondary to higher educational institutions (Order of the MoEY College of Dec. 27, 2007);
-The draft Law on ensuring quality in education in the Republic of Moldova was developed, which was included in the draft package of Laws on education and passed on for examination to the Government and the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova. This draft Law determines state policy on ensuring quality in education at all stages and phases, and regulates organisation, functioning and monitoring of the quality system in the Republic of Moldova; provisions of the Law are applicable to all the educational institutions that provide educational services and initial/continuous training programmes registered in the Republic of Moldova and licensed to issue national acts on education;
-Modifications and amendments to the Law no.1257-XIII of 16.07.97 on evaluation and accreditation of educational institutions in the Republic of Moldova and the Law no.423-XIV of 04.06.99 on adoption of the Regulation of evaluation and accreditation of educational institutions that should be adjusted with the set of Laws, after they are adopted by the Government and the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova;
-A number of amendments to the mechanism of academic evaluation and accreditation of educational institutions and training programmes was adopted (some new indexes and criteria were developed and are used for evaluation and accreditation; some measures were taken to continuously ensure efficiency and transparency of this process by including into evaluation and accreditation commissions representatives of the respective vocational associations, students and employers, and the results of the evaluation and accreditation are published; it is planned to include into the commissions for evaluation and accreditation of educational institutions experts from another states; the first educational institution evaluated by experts from French-speaking countries was the Medical and Pharmaceutical University “Nicolae Testimiteanu”);
-The criteria, standards and indexes were developed for evaluation and accreditation of vocational secondary institutions;
-The criteria, standards and indexes for evaluation and accreditation of pre-school and sports institutions are being developed;
-Collaboration is set with the international organisations for ensuring quality in educational system (ENQA, EAQAN, INQAAHE, CEE Network etc.). / MEY
Use participation in the programme Tempus III to explore the possibility of fostering the development of human resources and human capital. / During the reported period, a special attention was given to intensify participation of the educational institutions, teaching staff, as well as training personnel from the Republic of Moldova in the Community programmes. The MoEY, in collaboration with the TEMPUS National Office, has launched the campaign for monitoring implementation of the TEMPUS programmes. In this context, the European Commission has adopted a plan for monitoring, according to which actions are being undertaken. Monitoring of the TEMPUS programmes is carried out by means of conferences, round tables, evaluation of impact of the programme on modernization and reformation of higher education, development of didactic and methodological support, technical and technological donations.
Dissemination of information about the conditions of participation, terms for application is carried out by the MoEY in cooperation with the National Office for the TEMPUS Programmes. The information dissemination campaigns were organised within the conferences, round tables, visits to the educational institutions and by placing information on the MoEY web-site.
For the same purposes, in 2007, the MoEY ordered creation within the country’s higher education institutions of the working groups that will carry out, both at the institutional level and the national level, information campaigns on the conditions and terms for application for the TEMPUS and Erasmus Mundus projects. Same campaigns were carried out in October/December 2007by the TEMPUS National Office and MoEY.
Thus in 2007, 9 TEMPUS Projects of the structural and complementation type in the Republic of Moldova were run in the Republic of Moldova, with a total value of about 1 million 590 thousands Euro.
Also, the national higher education institutions have actively managed the new Erasmus Mundus community programme “External Cooperation Window”. Moldova is accepted to the 6th group of the Community Programme Erasmus Mundus External Cooperation Window (Belarus, Moldova and Ukraine). The programme assumes Master’s or Doctor’s degree scholarships in one of the 20 universities of the group 6.
In July 2007, the MoEY disseminated information about the possibility to apply within the Programme for Master’s degree scholarships (the information was placed on the web-site of the MoEY and passed on to all the higher education institutions).
Thus, through this programme and applications made by the educational institutions, many students of the Republic of Moldova, starting September 1st, 2007, have got scholarships for academic mobility in European higher education institutions.
Thus, in the academic year 2007/2008, 25 Moldovan students got scholarships within the Programme:
USM – 20 scholarships (15 for students and 5 for Master’s)
US Cahul – 4 scholarships (3 students and 1 for Master’s)
ULIM – 1 Master’s degree scholarship
By the decision of the European Commission (Memorandum of the European Commission signed on February 23, 2007) and for the purpose to implement support provided by the EU Council for fulfilment of the Bologna Process provisions, the Republic of Moldova has received a grant of 9 thousand EUR. In order to give value to this grant, a Plan for its implementation has been adopted by the minister’s order and a work-group has been established. The financial support of the EU Council will be used for the fulfilment of certain activities that refer to quality in education, implementation of the 2nd cycle and aspects related to the mutual recognition.
On Feb. 14th a National Conference will take place to launch the TEMPUS IV Program. The Conference will be held by the MoEY together with the TEMPUS National Office. Within the framework of this Conference, a TEMPUS IV new Program of the European Commission the will be prezented, as well as conditions and opportunities for participation in the Erasmus-Mundus Programme and the Erasmus Mundus External Cooperation Window. / MEY
Involve civil society stakeholders and social partners in higher education and VET reform. / In order to make the implementation of the SALT Program more efficient, in 2006/2007, the Government approved Action Plans and established inter-ministerial working groups.
All the institutions of educational system – under-university, residential institutions, creation centres, sports schools, vocational schools and colleges (in total 1667) - were involved in implementation of the SALT programme.
At present, 479 of such institutions have access to the internet through the ADSL technology, the rest of institutions – through the Dial-up connection. In 2008, the MOLDTELECOM Co.Ltd. is going to provide with the internet connection about 1000 of educational institutions through the ADSL.
Since 2008, the network “MoldEduNet” is being implemented.
By the GD no.270 of March 13th, 2007, the Concept of the Informational Education System (IES) was adopted.
The technical documentation was developed for two subsystems of the Informational Education System :
- implementation of the IT in education;
- training of the didactic and management staff.
Work-groups created for this purpose have developed the tasks plans for each subsystem of IES. In 2007, the implementation of the above mentioned subsystems of IES commenced.
In the Law on the state budget for 2007, expenditures of 27 mln Lei were planned and valued for financial support of the SALT implementation. Practically, either through the SALT assistance or from their own financial resources or donations, all the educational institutions of Moldova have created IT-classrooms with PCs connected to the internet.