Your Self-Care Starting Point

This quick quiz is designed to help you to identify the areas in your life that are currently supporting your health, happiness and wellbeing, and those that are not.

Once you can see what's working well in your life right now, you can take those habits and build on them to make them stronger and add new positive habits to them. At the same time, identifying the areas that present opportunities will help you to see what new habits may be of assistance to you.

For each item, please tick the relevant column for how often you do/experience it.

Mostly / Sometimes / Rarely
I eat healthfully.
I exercise 3 or more times per week.
I get the sleep I need for good physical and mental energy.
I set aside personal, quiet time for myself, whether I’m meditating or simply letting my thoughts drift.
I regularly spend time doing things I enjoy.
I spend enough regular quality time with family and friends.
I give my time, energy and experience to activities and causes that are meaningful to me.
I notice and heed the emotional signals that tell me I’m out of balance: irritability, overwhelm, resentment.
If I feel that I’m catching a cold or am becoming unwell, I slow down and take care of myself.
When I need or want to, I say no to requests for my time.
If I have something planned for myself, I don’t automatically set that aside when someone makes a request of me.
I find the time to do the things I want to do.
I regularly experience wellbeing, contentment, even joy.
I meditate.
I drink enough water.
I limit my caffeine intake.
I limit my sugar intake.
The stress in my life is manageable.
My home environment supports my wellbeing.
I know my personal strengths and use them regularly.
I am clear on my personal values and use these when making choices and decisions.
I have people around me that I can rely on for support.

What have the results of this quiz highlighted to you?

What patterns do you notice (if any)?

What is your key takeaway from this process that you can use for considering potential new habits for your life?

Remember, the aim of this process is simply to identify opportunities. We all have areas of strength and areas of opportunity, no matter how long we've been on our wellbeing journey.

The more patterns and opportunities you can identify via this process, the clearer your path will be for building positive habits that will support your health, happiness and fulfilment.

UPLIFT Program

Copyright 2017 Wellness at Work Australia