April 25, 1972

Orem City met in regular session Tuesday, April 25, 1972 at 7:00 P.M. Present were Mayor Protem E. Dixon Larson, Chairman; Councilmen Harley Gillman, Glen Zimmerman, LeRoy Walker and Eldon Bailey; City Manager Earl Wengreen, Assistant City manager Ned Briner, Treasurer Lamont Royer, Engineer Russell Brown, Attorney Frank Butterfield, Planner Newton Andrus, and Clerk Virgina Jensen.

Others in attendance were as follows:

T. Craig Frost BYU Project

Kathryn Jenkins BYU Project

Mrs. L. Jackson General Interest

Lynn Hendrickson School Project

Janet Hacking School Project

Dan Redfearn BYU Project

Leslie Hills General Interest

Clarke Ashton BYU Assignment

John Gillman General Interest

Donald B. Rawlings Riding Club

Lavar Taylor General Interest

Gary Hardman General Interest

Bryant M. Carter General Interest

Dennis A. Ruffell General Interest

R. K. Allen General Interest

Don S. Taylor General Interest

Winston Jones III General Interest

Winston Jones Jr. General Interest

V. Emil Hansen Senior Citizens

Leo J. Ford Refuse Collection

Val E. McAllister General Interest

Lane Bailey General Interest

Kevin Bean General Interest

David L. Rowley Senior Citizens

I.J. Burr Senior Citizens

Jerry Young Press

Harvey Pace General Interest

James Simmons General Interest

Edgar Dodd General Interest

Walter B. Parker General Interest

CM Willingham General Interest

Gene Calderwood General Interest

Frank Stratton General Interest

Vaughn E. Thomas General Interest

Dian Montague General Interest

Erick Sandstrom General

Betty J. Summers General Interest

Ernie E. Summers General Interest

Clyde Weeks Press

Mrs. TK Bradford General Interest

Hiddi Bradford General Interest

Geraldin Neilsen Police Business

Toby Bath Police Business

Francis Fillmore Police Business

Meeting opened with prayer by Eldon Bailey.

Motion was made by Harley Gillman and seconded by Glen Zimmerman to approve the minutes of April 11, 1972 as read and corrected, and passed unanimously.

Councilman Zimmerman commented that Salt Lake City has integrated into their ordinance the requirement that all new residences plan for a two car off street parking. He suggested that Orem start working on his right away as there is a problem. The City Manager said this should be referred to the Planning Commission.

Councilman Gillman brought up the problem of people hauling sand from City property above the cemetery. He stated that on Saturday there was a continual parade of trucks and trailers hauling sand out of the area. City Manager Wengreen said to control this hauling sand his recommendation would be to either put in a gate or a vehicle barricade. Mr. Gillman suggested that a sign could be put up which would warn people not to remove the sand. Attorney Butterfield said the City could file a petty larceny charge against offenders

Donald Rawlings made the following report of vandalism in the area of the riding club arena. He stated that motorcycles are racing around and tearing things up. However, the serious problem is things being shot up. In the last month they have had to replace 19 light globes at a cost of $5.50 per glove. He also said their club house had been broke into twice and several trophies stolen. There are 18 shots in their building and the City water tank has several thousand round shot into it. As a taxpayer he is interested in seeing an end to the vandalism. Police Chief Simmons was briefed on this when he arrived. Mayor Protem Larson summarized if as follows:

The riding club feels there has been undue vandalism in shooting out of lights which are costly, feel damage is being done to water tanks, they feel the patrolling being done is inadequate. Motion was made by LeRoy Walker to instruct the City Manager to have signs posted as needed notifying shooters they will be prosecuted for shooting within proximity of City property and to encourage the Police Chief to have the area patrolled. Motion was seconded by Eldon Bailey and passed by a majority vote. Those voting aye: Eldon Bailey, LeRoy Walker and Glen Zimmerman. Voting nay: Harley Gillman.

The following letter from the Planning Director has been sent to all Council members:

April 21, 1972

Dear Mayor Crawford:

At a special meeting of the City Planning Commission

April 19, 1972, the following action was taken:

Motion passed to recommend to the City Council

the attached revision of Section 29-3-3-8-A and

B of the Orem City Zoning Ordinance.

Motion passed to recommend to the City Council

the attached revision of Section 29-3-3a-8-A and

B or the Orme City Zoning Ordinance.

These two changes to the Zoning Ordinance eliminate

the requirement for fencing of fourplex units in the

R-2 zone (29-3-8-B) and standardize the solid waste

collection provision within the R-2 and R-2 zone.

(29-3-3a-8-A and 29-3-3-8-A)

I, like the Planning Commission, feel these items

should be passed and become apart of the Zoning

Ordinance at the earliest possible time. Your

expeditious handling of these items will be



Newton Andrus

City Planner

A motion was made by LeRoy Walker to accept the recommendation of the Planning Commission to amend the zoning ordinance and set a public hearing for May 23. 1972. Motion was seconded by Elson Bailey and passed unanimously.

Police Chief Simmons introduced Sergeant Don Taylor from the Bountiful Police Department. Chief Simmons made a presentation wherein police cars would be provided for all patrolmen. Sergeant Taylor said this had been done in Bountiful and gave facts and figures regarding their program. Each officer would have a car for use 24 hours per day. The concept is that this would be a deterrent of crime and each officer would be more readily available when a call came in for either an accident or crime.

Sergeant Taylor said instead of purchasing new cars, they purchased used cars from the State Motor Pool and for the game amount of money were able to get enough cars for all their force.

After the report, Chief Simmons said he wanted the Council to be aware of this program. If he puts it in his budget he will try to justify it at that time and would appreciate some consideration.

Officers Bath and Nielsen showed the drugs that were confiscated in the recent raid.

David L. Rowley Jr. and I.J. Burr met to present proposed plans for a building for the Senior Citizens. They had two plans, one for a one story building and the other for a building with a basement. After discussing this Mr. Rowley suggested that moneywise, as far as space is concerned, the one with the basement would be the best. If they can go ahead with the building and have it completed by a year from July they could still get a grant. The city would need to provide $50,000 and will have to give an answer by June 1st. Councilman Walker made the suggestion that the Council will need some time to consider the proposal.

Motion was made by Glen Zimmerman and seconded by LeRoy Walker to authroize the Mayor to sign a proclamation, designating May as Senior Citizens month.

The following memo was given to each member of the Council:


TO: Mayor Council

FROM: Ned Briner, Assistant City Manager

SUBJECT: Septic Tank Construction

DATE: April 24, 1972

It is the recommendation of the City Manager's Office

that Title 22, Section 22-2-2 which presently reads:

"It Shall be unlawful for any owner, or his agency, or

other person having charge of or occupying any property

located upon any street, alley, passage-way, or area

within Ore m City, and within 500 feet of a public sewer,

on any street or alley or passage-way in Orem City, Utah,

to maintain or use, or cause or permit to exist any

privy vault, septic tank, or cesspool on such property,

except that a septic tank, upon the approval of the

Inspector of Sewers may be connected with the public sewer upon such terms or regulations as may be provided by the City:

Be amended by resolution and read as follows:

"It shall be unlawful for any owner, or his agent, or

other person having charge of or occupying any property

located upon any street, alley, passage-way, or area

within Orem City, and within 300 feet of a public sewer,

or any street or alley or passage-way in Orem City,

Utah, to maintain or use, or cause or permit to exist

any privy vault, septic tank, or cesspool on such

property, except that a septic tank upon the approval

of the Inspector of Sewers, may be connected with the

public sewer if in compliance with the following regulations:

1. The proposed individual sewerage disposal system is

to be located in the area other than those classified as

having severe limitations for septic tanks by the Soil

Conservation Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture,

and reported in Soil Survey of Utah County, Central

Part. Issued January 1972.

2. The proposed individual sewage disposal system is

to be constructed on a lot of at least (5) acres in

areas and having a minimum of 250 feet frontage on a

dedicated street.

Further that Ordinance #158, Section Vii, 7-1 (3) which reads:

"Both off-site and on-site sewer wins of not less than

8 inches in diameter shall be installed, except that sewer

mains shall not be required where in intervening distance

between the subdivision and the closest available public

sewer in greater than 100 feet times the number of lots

in the subdivision; provided, however, that all dwellings

and other buildings used for human occupancy which are located within 250 feet from an existing available sewer shall be

connected to said sewer."

to be amended by resolution to read:

"Both off-site and on-site mains of not less than

eight (8) inches in diameter shall be installed, except

that the sewer main shall not be required where the

intervening distance between the subdivision and the

closest available public sewer is greater that 100

feet times the number of los in the subdivision; provided,

however, that all dwellings and other

buildings used for human occupancy which are located

within 300 feet of an existing available sewer

shall be connected to said sewer

* will require a public hearing.

Motion was made by Harley Gillman to refer an amendment to Ordinance #158 to the Planning Commission for study and recommendation in preparation to act on the suggestions of the City Manager regarding revision of Section 22-3-2 revised Ordinances of Orem City, 1959. Motion was seconded by Glen Zimmerman and passed unanimously.

City Manager Wengreen made a report on overdue Special Improvement accounts. He said he needs permission to go ahead with collecting these accounts.

Following is a list of the delinquent accounts in question.

District D Vern Stratton

J.B. Thurman

District E Bob Calder

Julian Hansen

John D. Stratton

District F Leonard Holliman

Stanley Houghton

Mach Jacobsen

Bob Honey

John Paulson

Garth Kump

John Stratton

A.V. Washburn

District H Thelma Gordon

Ken Huff

Motion was made by Eldon Bailey to authorize the City Manager to move ahead to publish notice of tax sale on the delinquent Special Improvements. Motion was seconded by Harley Gillman and passed unanimously.

Motion was made by LeRoy Walker and seconded by Glen Zimmerman to authroize the signatures on the ordinance annexing the John Gillman property and passed unanimously.

City Manager Wengreen distributed copies of a report on the finances of the Metropolitan Water District and their request for funds.

After discussing this motion was made by Harley Gillman to deny the request for $36,000 for the Metropolitan Water District this year but consider $36,000 in the next budget year. Motion dies for lack of second. Motion was made by Eldon Bailey to give the Metropolitan Water District $18,000. This motion also died for lack of a second.

Motion was made by Glen Zimmerman to deny the request of the Metropolitan Water District at this time, but if the need arises before July 1, after they have spent their present funds, to transfer funds from the contingency and give them up to the $36,000. Motion was seconded by LeRoy Walker and passed unanimously.

Change orders of Cherry Hill Park Improvement were presented as follows: One, for $114.00 to change doors from wood to settle- the other to install a small section of cleanout of sewer system, $36.00. Motion was made by Harley Gillman to approve the change orders on Cherry Hill Park. Motion was seconded by Glen Zimmerman and passed unanimously.

Motion was made by Eldon Bailey to pay the following invoices:

$1,119.00 Utah County Auditor

1,736.70 City - County Health Department

101,754.94 Gem-Am Transp. Corp.

1st payment on Water tank

Motion seconded by LeRoy Walker and passed unanimously.

The separation of garbage and refuse was discussed. Leo Ford cited examples where large items were put in the garbage containers, and create real problem. The Council advised Mr. Ford to draft a letter to go to the citizens explaining the garbage pickup. The Council would like to see the letter before it goes out.

Me. Edgar Dodd was present with a request for permission to install a septic tank on a lot on Carterville Road. His home will be on a quarter acre lot. There have been two other permits issued right next to it.