middle school
tommy hurt, principal
Ray Partin, assistant principal
BURNEY JENKINS, dean of students
pam boggs, counselor
730 south hamilton STREET;georgetown, ky40324
phone (502) 863-3805 fax (502) 867-1372
The mission of Georgetown Middle School is to prepare all students for life-long learning so they can become involved, informed, productive members of society.
Get Motivated!
Make Good Choices!
Stay Focused!
We feel that well-informed parents promote a better school environment. Consistent with this belief, we are encouraging your child to bring this handbook home so that you may become acquainted with the various phases of school life. You will note that we have included academic, extracurricular and student services information, attendance regulations, the code of student conduct, dress code, as well as other general information that will aid a student in becoming a better member of our school. It is our belief that parental involvement makes for a successful student, thus we welcome you at all times to come and be a part of your child's education. We also welcome any volunteer services that you may offer that will make GeorgetownMiddle School a "blue ribbon" school. Volunteers are encouraged to be trained through our Volunteer Program. For more information contact our Youth Service Coordinator.
This handbook has been developed for the purpose of informing you of policies, procedures, and organization of your school. We hope that is will assist you in making your school days pleasant and more profitable. It is each student's responsibility to read, understand, and abide by this book.
Your Site-Based Decision-Making Council is responsible for making decisions that directly affect the school and its’ students. Regularly scheduled meetings are held once a month. All parents and teachers are welcomed to attend. The Council is made up of one administrator, three teachers and two parents.
PTO (Parent Teacher Organization): Our mission is to maintain a solid partnership between parents and teachers that will provide support to the school and its’ students. PTO sponsors the annual Academic Banquet, the Perfect Attendance Award, the Teacher Appreciation Week, the annual PTO Valentine Banquet, and other activities throughout the year. All parents and teachers are encouraged to participate in this exciting organization. The PTO can be reached by leaving a message at
863-3805 ext. 302 or at
The goal for YouthServiceCenter is to enhance students' ability to succeed in school and to help remove any barriers to the youth's success. The YouthServiceCenter has been established to assist children, youth and families not only to meet their basic needs but also to link them with community agencies and a variety of other resources and services. YouthServiceCenter is operated by an advisory council made up of parents, youth, and community representatives from local agencies, businesses, and school staff. These individuals assist the coordinator with decision making and operation of programs. The phone number is 863-3805 Ext. 203. Office hours are from 8:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. Appointments may be scheduled after hours by contacting the coordinator, Lee Dawson.
SECRETARY…………………..…...EXT. 1800
COUNSELOR ………………..….…EXT. 2889
CAFETERIA ……………….……….EXT. 1844
ABSENCES:When a student is absent, parents are requested to call the office in the morning. You may reach the attendance clerk at 863-3805 Ext. 2873 until 12:30 p.m. Upon returning to school, the student should bring in a written excuse or a doctor's excuse to their homeroom teacher. You will find the attendance policy on pages 19 and 20.
ACCESS TO THE RECORDS: Records are released to parents and students at their request. Outside agencies wishing records must have a signed statement from the parent or guardian stating that a release for disclosure of records to the student. These records can be obtained through our registrar’s office.
ACCIDENTS: If an accident occurs, the school staff member on duty must fill out an accident report. Someone trained in first aid will give minor medical attention. Parents are notified of any emergencies requiring immediate attention. All students are to have an emergency form in the office. Parents should fill these forms out, NOT the student, with the parent’s signature.
ASSEMBLIES: Assemblies are held to enrich the curriculum. All assemblies are approved in advance by the principal.
AGENDA BOOKS: An agenda book is a requirement for each student. If a student should happen to loose theirs, they will need to purchase another at a cost of $5.00. It is imperative that the student keep his/her assignments in this book so that all homework and projects will be turned in on time.
BANQUETS: Individual Team Sport and an Academic Banquet will be held each year. Those who have participated in an athletic activity will be invited to attend these individual dinners. If a student has maintained a high academic average (92+ average for the year), or served in Math Counts, BETA Club, or on the Academic Teams thentheywill be invited to participate in the academic dinner.
CAFETERIA: Our cafeteria offers breakfast and lunch to all students. Lunch prices are as follows: Student- $2.00; Students Reduced- $.40; Board Employees-$2.75; Visiting Adults- $3.50. Breakfast prices are as follows: Students- $1.25; Students Reduced- $.30; Board Employees-$1.50; Visiting Adults -$2.25. Extra milk or juice price is $.45 each. ADVANCE PAYMENT IS RECOMMENDED. This is helpful to the parent by reducing the amount of time a student could forget his/her money. The cafeteria staff accepts payment for a week, a month, or whatever time span you desire. Checks are welcomed. Students whose families financially qualify may receive free or reduced breakfast and lunch after their application is approved. The cafeteria’s policy is “no charges”. If your child should forget his/her lunch, they may inquire about the alternative lunch (peanut butter & jelly sandwich with milk) with the cafeteria’s manager. Free lunches and breakfasts are also available in thesummer for those children under the age of 18 years.
CAR RIDES: If you are being dropped off to school in any vehicle other than a school bus, you must enter the side door. Cars are not permitted in the bus area directly behind the building. Do not allow your child to leave the vehicle until you have reached the side of the building. Morning traffic is too dangerous to allow students to enter the front of the building.
CHECK-IN POLICY: A student who arrives late before 8:15 a.m. will go directly to their homeroom, with his/her note. A student who arrives late (after 8:15 a.m.) to school must check in with the attendance clerk (second window) in the front office, and then go directly to his or her locker and then to class. A student must have an admit slip to assure attendance accuracy.
CHECK-OUT POLICY: If it becomes necessary for a student to be checked out of school during the school day, we request the following procedure be used: 1) On the day the student is be checked out, send a note with the student's full name, the date, time and reason for leaving. 2) The student will give the note to their homeroom teacher. 3) Only the parent or guardian can check a child out of school and upon entering school must show proper ID before a child can be released. This is mandatory for the protection of your child. The office staff will make a copy of the ID to keep for their records. After the initial time this is done, this won't need to be done again. 4) Upon returning to school, the parent should sign the student back in and produce a doctor's, dentists, and etc. excuse to the attendance clerk (2nd window in front office. 5) If a student is checked out of the same class more than six (6) times a doctor's note is required.
FRIDAY DETENTION:Monday detentions will be assigned by an Encore teacher. Tuesday detentions will be assigned per grade levels. Monday and Tuesday detentions begin at 3:05 p.m. and end at 4:05 p.m. Friday Detention will start at 3:05 p.m. and end at 6:05 p.m. Students must have work to do while in these detentions. If the student is dismissed from a regular detention or a Friday Detention because of poor behavior, they will be assigned CAB time.
EMAIL: If you would like to receive our staff’s Buffalo Bulletin, you can be included on the school’s e-mail list. This is helpful for the parents to keep up with the activities going on in our school. There is a sign-up list during our Open House or you may send your name and e-mail address to: (If you were on last year’s list, please sign-up “new” for each year. Information can change.)
We believe that a middle school student needs as many extracurricular activities to explore as possible. At the time of this printing, we have the following activities:
- 6th, 7th & 8th Grade Bands
- Choir
- Honor District Choir Band
- High School Volleyball
- Boys’ 6th & 7th Grade Basketball
- Boys’ 7th & 8th Grade Basketball
- Girls’ 6th & 7th Grade Basketball
- Girls’ 7th & 8th Grade Basketball
- Track
- 8th Grade Math Counts
- Boys’ Soccer
- Girls’ Soccer
- High School Girls’ Softball
- 6th, 7th & 8th Grade Academic Teams
- Jr. Beta Club(7th8th Grades)
- High School Cross-country
- Cheerleading (All grades)
- High School Swim Team
- 6th & 7th Grade Football
- 7th & 8th Grade Football
- Early Release Program
- Space Camp (6th grade)
- High School Tennis
- Governor’s Cup Competition
- Dance Team (All grades)
- Kentucky United Nations Assembly (KUNA)
- School Musicals
- CampGMS (incoming 6th grade)
- Peer Mediation (All grades)
- Elkhorn Creek Environmental Activities
- Student Technology Leadership Program (STLP)
- Boys’ Baseball (All Grades)
- Poetry Club
- International Jr. Thespian Society
FIRE, TORNADO & EARTHQUAKE DRILLS: Fire drills, tornado drills, and earthquake drills occur during the year. During fire drills, it is the responsibility of the student to leave the building quickly and quietly. Each teacher will explain the correct procedure for exiting the classroom and the building. During tornado drills and earthquake drills, students should evacuate their rooms to the designated assigned areas. Maps are posted in every classroom displaying the route to be taken.
GRADES ONLINE: You may check on your student’s grade through STI website:
You will need your child’s pin number and social security number to access this program. The pin number will be sent home with your student shortly after school starts.
GRADING PROCEDURESThe grade card contains a percentage grade and a corresponding letter grade for each subject. The standard grading scale adopted by the Scott County Board of Education is as follows:
A = 100-92B = 91-84
C = 83-76D = 75-68
F = 67 & Below
Students receive their report cards every 9 weeks. Students receive their mid-term reports every 4½ weeks. With receiving the mid-term report every 4½ weeks, this will give the student time to get his/her grade higher in time for the actual report card. The final report card for the year will be given on the last day of school at the end of the school day. If your child should be absent on the last day, it will then be mailed to your home.
GUIDANCE SERVICES:Developmental guidance is the responsibility of all educators. Our guidance counselor provides guidance in the areas of self-esteem, decision-making, relationships, sexual harassment and career development. A student's visit and conversations are always kept confidential. Any student may sign up with the counselor or the registrar for a meeting time with the counselor. Students’ records are kept in the registrar’s office. The registrar office handles all open enrollments, physicals, immunization records, registrations and withdrawals. Should your child, due to medical reasons, need homebound assistance you may contact our registrar’s office for more information. Parents may reach the guidance office at 863-3805 (registrar ext. 2890 and the counselor ext. 2889).
HALL PASSES: Students are not to be in the halls or in the office without a hall pass, which will be distributed by the classroom teacher. They will be sent back to class if without one. Students will be required to
sign-in and out of each classroom as needed. Different hall passes will be given by teachers. They will be color coded with the teachers’ name on them and the specific place each student is going. Green: Office Yellow: Restroom Red: Teacher to Teacher White: Library Blue: Water Fountain
HOMEWORK: Homework is important in helping the individual student achieve a sense of responsibility for his own achievement. It reinforces and enhances the classroom learning experience. Students should be encouraged to seek help from their parents with their homework. By checking homework regularly, parents help the student develop proper work habits and improve grades. Parent involvement helps in developing student pride in neatness, pride in correctness, and pride in creativity. It is the student's responsibility to obtain their homework due to an absence. We would like to encourage our students to use our homework hotlines to retrieve homework. On a daily basis the hotlines are updated. Depending on your child’s grade level (6th, 7th, or 8th), call the school’s main number after school hours (3:30 PM) and the extension of that grade’s team leader. A student should be absent more than two days before requesting the office to circulate a homework assignment sheet. Upon the third day of excused absence, the parent should notify the office of this request before 11:00 a.m. Then the collected homework will be available in the office by 3:00 p.m. Please make sure to have your child’s combination to their locker so you can retrieve their books (if needed for the work). However, if a student is suspended they are NOT entitled to make up that homework or receive credit for it.
Only school provided locks will be used. Students should never give their combinations to anyone else nor should they set the lock on the final number or they risk the chance of someone getting into their locker and taking things that don't belong to them. If the student's lock is missing they are responsible to obtain another lock from the front office. There will be a $5.00 fee to replace the missing lock. If a student should damage the locker they will be responsible to pay for the repair of these damages. They will be expected to clean their lockers if they should put chewing gum, stickers, etc in them. When they are issued a locker, at the beginning of the year, it will have been already cleaned out of these substances. Students are asked not to put left over food in their lockers for sanitary reasons. If a student keeps their locker organized it helps the student not waste time between classes.
LOST AND FOUND:Personal items should be marked. Found items will be placed in the Lost and Found Box located close to the cafeteria. When the Lost & Found Box is full, the office will make an announcement to encourage students to look for lost or missing items. The announcement will be announced for at least three days. [This time frame will allow if a child was absent and did not hear the announcement.] All unclaimed items will be taken and donated to a charitable organization. The Lost and Found Box will be emptied on a regular basis. It is the student’s responsibility to keep up with their personal items. If an item is lost, they need to inquire at the custodial office, check with their teachers and/or check the box. If the item is still not found, they can write up a description of the item and turn it in to the front office to be read over the intercom announcements.
If an item is found such as: eyeglasses, jewelry, textbooks, they will be turned in to the front office and included on the intercom announcements and the Buffalo Bulletin.
MEDICATIONS: PRESCRIPTION MEDICATION CAN ONLY BE GIVEN WITHWRITTEN PERMISSION FROM THE PHYSICIANwith explicit directions and the physician's signature. This form will be sent home only upon request. Medication must be brought by the parent to the front office with the dosage and time the medication is to be administered. The pharmacy can give extra prescription bottles to keep one at school and one for home. All medication will be kept in a locked cabinet. It is the student's responsibility to remember to come to the front office to take their medicine. He/She will be asked to sign the medication log at the time the medicine is distributed to him/her. WE DO NOT HAVE A SCHOOL NURSE. A member of our office staff will administer the medication. Parents are encouraged to administer medication at home whenever possible. It is State Law that no medication can be administered without proper consent (including inhalers). Inhalers are the only medication permitted to be kept on the student after the proper forms are in the office