Application for Independent Study Course

Application for Independent Study Course

Independent Study

Application for Independent Study Course

Grades 11/12

School Name School District ______

Student Name Grade

Supervising Teacher Name

Semester 1


Semester 2 Please check and add the year in which the course is to begin.

Applications must be received by the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development by December 1st for the following September, and June 1st for the following February.

Supported by:

PrincipalDirector of Curriculum and Instruction


To be filled in by Department of Education and Early Childhood Development

Course name

Course code

1. Name of Course:

2. Rationale: What are the main reasons for doing this course?

3. Course Overview: Provide a general survey of course content and requirements.

4. Course Outline: Please list student outcomes – that is, what students should know and be able to demonstrate at the end of the course.

Which of the following Essential Graduation Learnings are addressed in this course in a substantial

way? Please check and elaborate.

Aesthetic Expression

Students will be able to respond with critical awareness to various forms of the arts and be able to express themselves through the arts.


Students will be able to assess social, cultural, economic and environmental interdependence in local and global context.


Students will be able to use the listening, viewing, speaking, reading and writing modes of languages as well as mathematical and scientific concepts and symbols to think, learn and communicate effectively.

Personal Development

Students will be able to learn and to pursue an active, healthy lifestyle.

Problem Solving

Students will be able to use the strategies and processes needed to solve a wide variety of problems including those acquired in language, mathematics and scientific concepts.

Technological Competence

Students will be able to use a variety of technologies, demonstrate an understanding of technological applications, and apply appropriate technologies for solving problems.

Further Explanation

5. Content: Please list the content, topics, experiences and activities that support student

achievement of the outcomes.

6. Resources: List the main resources that will be used to support student learning:

7. Assessment: Check and elaborate, any or all (or add more) of the following assessment strategies that will be used to determine student achievement of the outcomes.

 Research Paper

 Essay

 Portfolio

 Performance Assessment

 Student Demonstration

 Tests and exams

 Other (Please elaborate)

Note: Independent Study courses require similar effort in terms of content and rigour as prescribed NB courses. Applicants may wish to attach additional information to this application form.

For full details, please see the Independent Study Credit Background document: