Child at immediate risk of significant harm as consequence of Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE)

If as a professional you believe that a child has suffered or is likely to suffer significant harm or have any other child protection concerns do not delay and contact the Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub team to discuss your concerns, and follow in writing on the MARF as detailed at

Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH)
Phone: 020 8496 2310 (Monday - Thursday 9am-5.15pm and Fri 9am-5pm)
Out of Hours Tel: 020 8496 3000
Fax: 020 8496 2313

MAP (multi-agency planning) and MASE (multi-agency sexual exploitation) meetings

1. Purpose of MAP meetings

1.1 To share and clarify information relating to child sexual exploitation (CSE) for an individual case;

1.2To establish the exact nature of concerns relating to CSE;

1.3To complete or review the risk assessment allowing contributions from all professionals working with the child/ren;

1.4To establish risk for any other children, including siblings;

1.5To consider the likelihood of prosecution of relevant adults;

1.6Agree on action and make recommendations to address the concern;

1.7To develop a safeguarding and support plan for the child and parent/carer;

1.8To work towards a recovery strategy;

1.9To identify the risk factors to be taken into account and decide as a group on the level of risk to the child (category 1, 2 or 3).

2. Membership

  • Children’s social care child protection manager/team manager (chair)
  • The professional who referred the CSE concerns into children’s social care
  • Lead officers from education and health services (e.g. the school’s child protection officer, school nurse or sexual health advisor)
  • Social worker for the child
  • Any other relevant person (e.g. youth offending team officer, placement key worker, specialist CSE worker, 722
  • Identified police officer from the sexual offences, exploitation and child abuse command, missing persons unit or sapphire unit
  • Child and/or family.

3. Ensuring Police attendance

3.1 Category 1 cases should be referred to the CSE Single Point of Contact, using the agreed referral form to . (see appendices).

3.2 Category 2 & 3 cases should be referred to Police CAIT by completing an 87a to

3.3 When joint enquiries are already in progress the investigating officer should be invited through their met.pnn email address.

4. MAP meeting attendance

4.1Whenever possible the child and their parent/carer should be invited to the MAP meeting; however attendance at the meeting of the child and/or their family should only be considered if attendance will not compromise the child’s safety or the progress of an investigation. The final decision should be taken by the children’s social care child protection manager or team manager for the child’s case. The decision should be clearly recorded on the child’s file.

4.2If representatives from agencies are not able to attend they must send a replacement on their behalf. If this is not possible then a written report must be provided to the chair of the meeting.

5. Possible MAP meeting outcomes

5.1There is no need to proceed further at this point

5.2 There is a need to invoke child protection procedures

5.3 There is a need for further assessment

5.4 There is a possibility of criminal action against an adult

5.5Counselling and/or specialist services are required to divert the child from involvement

5.6 The case needs to be allocated to the children in need/family support team to progress the child’s safeguarding and support plan

5.7 A referral to MASE is needed.

6. Review MAP meetings

6.1 MAP meetings must be reviewed no later than three months after the initial meeting. Reviews should be held more regularly if the case is deemed high risk.

6.2 MAP meetings cannot be replaced by other meetings about the child e.g. CIN meetings, CP conferences, and must be held in addition to these meetings.

7. CSE risk assessment

7.1 When a social worker is made aware of concerns relating to CSE, a risk assessment must be completed in order to ascertain whether the case meets the criteria of a category 1, 2 or 3 case.

7.2 Risk assessments should be reviewed in line with scheduled MAP meetings to ensure that new information shared by professionals present at the meeting is included in the risk assessment.

7.3 The risk assessment framework and the criteria relating to category 1, 2 and 3 cases can be found in the London Child Protection Supplementary Procedures, Safeguarding Children Abused Through Sexual Exploitation. (see appendices).

8. Purpose of MASE meetings

8.1 For professionals to refer young people who are at risk of or who are experiencing sexual exploitation, who are subject to a MAP plan but for whom the risks are not decreasing and specialist advice or support is needed.

8.2 To refer information/intelligence about venues, people or locations involved in sexual exploitation. MASE will use this information/intelligence to target strategic action and/or target referrals to mitigate risks to children and young people.

8.3 MASE is in addition to, and does not replace, procedures relating to protecting children under the London Child Protection Procedures and Working Together 2013.

8.4 The responsibility for the oversight, monitoring and implementation of any plans remains with the professionals network working with the young person.

9. MASE membership

  • DI for Public Protection, MET Police
  • Head of Safeguarding and Family Support and Head of Children in Care
  • Child Sexual Exploitation Co-Ordinator
  • MET Police Borough Single Point of Contact (SPOC) for CSE
  • MET Police Sexual Offences, Exploitation and Child Abuse Command SPOC for Waltham Forest
  • Waltham Forest Gangs Programme Lead
  • Head of Youth Offending Service
  • Harmful Sexual Behaviour Lead
  • Specialist CSE service caseworker(s)
  • NELFT Community Health Services CSE Lead
  • BARTS Health NHS Foundation Trust CSE Lead
  • Education CP/CSE Lead
  • Designated Nurse for Looked After Children

10. MASE referral and attendance

10.1 A MAP meeting must be held prior to referring a case to MASE. If the plan agreed at the MAP meeting is not effective in reducing the risks to the child then a referral to MASE should be considered.

10.2 Waltham Forest children’s social care embrace a culture of professional challenge and therefore professionals who do not feel that appropriate action is being taken in regards to protecting a child/young person, can follow the local authority’s escalation process. This can be found on the Waltham Forest Safeguarding Children’s Board webpage on the Council’s website.

10.3 Professionals wishing to refer to MASE must attach a copy of the MAP plan to the referral form and clearly state the reasons for referring into MASE and send to .

10.4 The professional referring into MASE will be allocated a time slot to present the case to the panel and will receive feedback from the panel in person. If the referring professional cannot attend, a representative who knows the case well must attend on their behalf.

10.5 Professionals who wish to share information/intelligence regarding venues, people or locations involved in CSE should share this information with the lead in their agency who attends MASE.

10. For guidance and information

Please contact

Lisa Witherden, CSE coordinator


Tel: 07715 901256

CSE SPOC Referral Form

This referral form is for children who require involvement from the Met police CSE single point of contact, under the Police Category 1 level of risk – a vulnerable child, where there are concerns they are being targeted and groomed and where any of the CSE warning signs have been identified, but where there is no evidence of any offences at this stage.

Please complete and send to

Referring Professional
Telephone: / Secure email:
name: / Middle
name: / Surname:
Any Alias: / Ethnicity:
DOB: / Gender:
School: / Social worker:
Is the child a
LAC (looked
after child)? / If LAC, local
authority area responsible:
Family composition
Name / D.O.B / Relationship to subject
Reason for Referral
(Please include CSE risks indicators identified)
CSE Risk factors and concerns
(mark those that apply and provide information on each risk factor in the text box below)
S / Sexual health and behaviour
A / Absent from school or repeated running away
F / Familial abuse and/or problems at home
E / Emotional and physical condition
G / Gangs, older age groups and involvement in crime
(include known gang names/affiliations)
U / Use of technology and sexual bullying
A / Alcohol and drug misuse
R / Receipt of unexplained gifts and/or money
D / Distrust of authority figures
Details of perpetrator(s) , location(s) and other children at risk
(Please provide details e.g. name, DOB, address and any other details about adults or young people of concern and details of locations, times and dates when CSE has occurred)

MAP (multi agency planning) agenda

Statement setting out expectations for MAP meeting

This MAP (multi-agency planning) meeting has been convened in relation to YOUNG PERSONS NAME and concerns of risks relating to child sexual exploitation.

This meeting will examine risk factors and vulnerabilities, using the Child Sexual Exploitation risk assessment framework in the London Safeguarding Children Board (LSCB) supplementary procedures, Safeguarding Children Abused Through Sexual Exploitation (2009). The meeting will assess the CSE risk using the before mentioned framework based on the information shared.

All attendees are asked to be aware of the language they choose to describe the young person and situations being discussed today. Statements such as “putting themselves at risk”, “prostituting themselves” and “being promiscuous” suggest the child is complicit in and/or to blame for the abuse they experience and should be avoided.

It has been acknowledged by the Office of the Children’s Commissioner, LSCB and Ofsted that this language and prevailing attitudes have led to systematic failings to protect and safeguard children at risk of child sexual exploitation. This meeting aims to ensure a multi-agency responsibility for action planning to safeguard children at risk or experiencing child sexual exploitation.

Guidance Notes

  • Information given at this meeting is confidential. Matters discussed here should only be disclosed to professional colleagues with a real need to know.
  • This borough has an equal opportunities policy. It is important that everyone at the conference is treated with mutual respect giving due regard to race, religion, language, culture, gender, sexuality and disability. Discriminatory attitudes, opinions or language expressed at this meeting will be challenged.
  • All participants will be invited to contribute any information they have. Information not presented openly at the meeting cannot be considered in assessing risk. It is important that it is clear from individual contributions what is fact and what is opinion.

Agenda Items

  1. Introduction and status of meeting
  2. Apologies
  3. Factual information / details
  4. Reason for convening MAP
  5. Indicators developed
  6. Sexual health concerns
  7. Family awareness / response to risks
  8. Child protection considerations
  9. Potentially involved adults
  10. Risk discussion
  11. Chair’s summary (including level of risk)
  12. Decisions and recommendations
  13. Review date

MAP (multi-agency planning) minutes template

Date of meeting: / Chair:

Basic Information:

Child name: / FWi number:
Date of birth: / Ethnicity:
Gender: / Male / Female / Legal status:
Parent/ carer(s): / Date of birth:
Relevant adults in household: / Date of birth:
School/ college:
Social worker: / Team:

Agencies involved:

Name anddesignation / Agency / Contact details / Attended Y/N

Minutes of meeting:

Chair’s summary:

People of Interest:

Name / Age/ D.O.B. / Information known / Do they pose a risk Y/N

Level of Risk:

Consider if additional risk factors identified:

Domestic violence / Yes/No
Gang association / Yes/No
Concerns about human trafficking / Yes/No
Concerns about religious radicalisation / Yes/No

Category 1

Category 2 

Category 3 


Actions to consider / Yes / No
Referral to MASE
Initial child protection conference
Action / Lead / Timescale

Date of Review Meeting:


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Risk assessment framework

Category / risk level / Education / Running away/going missing / Sexualised risk taking / Rewards / Contact with abusive adults and / or risky environments / Coercion
/ control / Sexual health / Substance use / Emotional health

3 / Truanting from school
Non-school attender / excluded
Regular breakdown of school placements due to behaviour problems
Non school
attender / excluded
breakdown ofschool placements
due to behavioural
problems / Regularly coming home late
Absent without permission and returning late
Frequently staying out overnight without explanation
Episodes of running away / going missing
Persistently running away / going missing from placement
Looking well cared for despite having no known base
Regular breakdown of placements
due to behavioural
Persistently running
away / going missing
from placement
Pattern of street
homelessness / Overt sexualised dress / attire
Getting into men’s’ cars
Meeting adults through the internet
Getting into men’s cars
Meeting adults through the internet
Clipping (offering to have sex and then running upon payment)
Older boyfriend (5+ years)
boyfriend (5+
(offering to
have sex andthen running
payment) / Unaccounted for monies and / or goods
Unaccounted for monies and / or goods, especially jewellery
and mobile phones
for monies
and/or goods
phones / Associating with unknown adults and / or other sexually exploited children
Associating with unknown adults and / or other sexually exploited children / young people
Extensive use of phone, particularly late at night
Having access to premises not known to parent / carer
Reports from reliable sources, suggesting involvement in sexual exploitation
Seen in known red light districts
Picked up in red light
Having access topremises not known to
parent/carer / Reduced contact with family and / or friends
Limited contact with family / friends
Disclosure of physical / sexual assault followed by withdrawal of allegation
Physical injuries external / internal
Disclosure of
physical / sexual
assault followed by
withdrawal of
Abduction andforced
(described by
young people as‘locked in’)
No contact withfamily / friends
system (no contact
with support
Physical injuries –
external / internal / Sexually transmitted infections (STIs)
Multiple STIs
Multiple STI’s
Terminations / Experimenting with alcohol/drugs
Regular use
of substances
Concerns for
drug dependency
Chronic drug
crack / heroin) / Poor self-image
Expressions of despair
Internal (self-harm)
-Eating disorder
-Sexualised risk taking
Chronic low self- esteem
Expressions of despair
Internal (self-harm):
-Eating disorder
-Sexualised risktaking
External (intensive
acting out) :
-Bullying /
-Violent outbursts
Chronic low self-esteem
Expressions of despair
Internal (self-harm):
-Eating disorder
-Sexualised risk taking
External (intensive
acting out) :
-Bullying /
-Violent outbursts
-Offending behaviour

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MASE Referral Form

This referral form is for cases which require escalation to the MASE. Please complete and send to ith the MAP plan attached.

Referring Professional
Telephone: / Secure email:
Date of last MAP meeting: / CSE risk level decided on:
name: / Middle
name: / Surname:
Any Alias: / Ethnicity:
DOB: / Gender:
School: / Social worker:
Is the child a
LAC (looked
after child)? / If LAC, local
authority area responsible:
Are there any specific people of interest associated with the child (e.g. possible perpetrators, other children at risk):
Family composition
Name / D.O.B / Relationship to subject
Current MAP plan to reduce the risk of CSE:
CSE Risk factors and concerns
(mark those that apply and provide information on each risk factor in the text box below)
S / Sexual health and behaviour
A / Absent from school or repeated running away
F / Familial abuse and/or problems at home
E / Emotional and physical condition
G / Gangs, older age groups and involvement in crime
(include known gang names/affiliations)
U / Use of technology and sexual bullying
A / Alcohol and drug misuse
R / Receipt of unexplained gifts and/or money
D / Distrust of authority figures
Other CSE risk factors and information:
Challenges and barriers identified
MASE recommendations / actions
Action / Who / By when

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