Aquatics I Course Syllabus 2009-2010
Mrs. Susan Pardo, Instructor
Course description:
Aquatics I is a course designed for the advanced swimmer. The course consists of four major instructional components of the American Red Cross Health and Safety courses. This course is geared toward preparing a student to be certified as a professional lifeguard.
Course topics:
1. Review of all the major strokes.
2. Developing swim fitness.
3. American Red Cross courses. Basic Water Rescue Community First Aid CPR for the Professional Rescuer-AED Lifeguard Training Waterfront Lifeguard (time permitting)
Course Objectives:
The student will learn and practice skills required to become an effective lifeguard. The student must maintain a high level of fitness to be an effective lifeguard. The student will read texts and have written homework, exams and quizzes to ensure accurate understanding of the principles and concepts of lifeguard training.
Course Requirements:
Student is required to be at least 15 years of age before the end of the semester in order to be eligible this course.
Student must be able to pass a swimming pre-test given the first week of the semester.
Student must purchase the textbooks and pay Red Cross support fees.
Student must pass all skills tests and exams with an 80% or better in order to become ARC certified.
Student must be prepared for class each day: books, pencil, paper, swim suits and present a good attitude.
Student is to have completed homework or assignments ready to hand in at the beginning of class.
Course Expectations:
Student is expected to follow all class and school rules at all times.
Student will be dressed to swim every day unless instructed by the instructor. Student must have white t-shirt , blue gym shorts, towel, sneakers or flip flops every day.
Attendance is required for certification. Excessive absence will result in the student not becoming certified in some sections.
If a student is excused from class due to illness by a note, the student will be expected to observe the lesson and/or complete a written assignment.
Cell phones, IPODS, MP3 players are not allowed in class. No food or drinks except for water and all containers MUST be plastic.
Term grades are non-dependant on ARC certification!
Student will be graded on the following criterion: 25% Participation
25 % Tests and quizzes
10% Homework
40% Classwork and Skills
Student is required to hand in assignments on time. No assignments will be accepted late.
If student is legally absent from school, he/she has two days to get the missed work from the instructor; failure to do so will result in a zero for that assignment.
Student Service Learning Students:
Student will be expected to be dressed and ready to participate each day in class. You will be expected to have all Lifeguard Materials with you. (mask, whistle, in proper attire)
Student will be expected to re-certify and pass all ARC certification classes related to specific training.
Student will be graded on participation, and a written journal which will be collected each week on Friday. A reflection paper will be written and graded at the end of each term.
50% Participation
50% Journal and Reflection Paper
Aquatics I textbooks and cost required:
1. Lifeguard packet $27.00
2. CPR mask $13.00
3. ARC Support fees $5.00
4. First Aid Packet $2.00
Foxx 40 Whistle $7.00--- $54.00
Please make checks out to Walkersville High School
I______(print name) have read the above
Requirements and information concerning the Aquatics I course.
Student signature______-
Parent signature______
Phone number ______
Parent email: ______
Student email:______