ExecutivePerformance Evaluation
Revised 4-2-15Page 1
Executive Name: Click here to enter text / Evaluation Period: Click for date to Click for dateJob Title: Click here to enter text / Evaluation Meeting Date: Click for date
Division: Click here to enter text / CEO: Click here to enter text
Type of Review:
Select Type of Review
Overall Performance Review Rating: Consider all sections of the review to determine the employee’s overall rating.Select only one option from the dropdown, based on the following scale:
5. Exceeds expectations consistently; superior performance
4. Very good to excellent performance in most areas
3. Competent in all areas, very good in some
2. Competent in most areas, some improvement needed
1. Does not meet performance standard (requires a Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) or other action)
Choose a rating.
CEO’s Summary Comments:Click here to enter text.
Executive’s Comments:Click here to enter text.
Recommended/Required: It is recommended that HR review the document for coaching/feedback prior to the executive meeting and final sign offs. For an overall rating of 2 or 1 a copy of the prior Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) should be submitted along with the employee’s annual review to support any immediate action to be taken at that time, and prior to any meeting with the executive.
Signature Section:Signature acknowledges review/update discussion of evaluation, but it does not necessarily imply agreement by the executive. The executive and CEO are required signatures before submitting to HR for review.
Click here to enter text / Click here to enter text Date / Type signature here / Click for dateExecutive / Title / Signature / Date
Click here to enter text / Click here to enter text Date / Type signature here / Click for date
CEO Date / Title / Signature / Date
Click here to enter text / Click here to enter text Date / Type signature here / Click for date
Human Resources Director Date / Title / Signature / Date
Run an e-learning training report for this review period. The report includes CRJ’s annual required courses, i.e. Treatment Philosophy, Workplace Violence, HIPAA and Sexual Harassment. List below any completed coursesrecommended/required for developmental/job enrichment noted in the employee’s last IDP if not listed in the attached e-learning (e-Academy) report. In completing this review, all trainings should be considered to determine if the employee applied the learning/improved their performance.
Course Title / Related Competency/ Performance Standard(s) / Date Completed / Number of HoursClick here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. / Click for date. / Click for #. /
Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. / Click for date. / Click for #. /
Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. / Click for date. / Click for #.
Indicate primary goals/objectives noted in last year’s IDP and over the course of the year that were communicated to the executive as critical to achieve. Consider how you weighted the goals in terms of importance, the capacity of the executiveover the course of the year and any additional resources needed to accomplish the goals/objectives.
1.Click here to enter text.Comments:Click here to enter text.
Rating: / Choose a rating. /
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Comments:Click here to enter text.
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Comments: Click here to enter text.
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Comments: Click here to enter text.
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Comments: Click here to enter text.
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6.Click here to enter text.
Comments: Click here to enter text.
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Comments: Click here to enter text.
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10.Click here to enter text.
Comments: Click here to enter text.
Rating: / Choose a rating.
Category summary: / Choose a rating. /
This area addresses 4 to 6 critical primary job responsibilities, noted in the job description, that significantly impact the executive’s ability and capacity to perform at an acceptable level on a daily basis. Consider any Developmental Objectives noted on last year’s Individual Development Plan that might have impacted performance when rating each primary responsibility.
1.Click here to enter text. / Choose a rating. /2.Click here to enter text. / Choose a rating. /
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4. Click here to enter text. / Choose a rating. /
5. Click here to enter text. / Choose a rating. /
6. Click here to enter text. / Choose a rating. /
Comments on strengths and improvement needs: Click here to enter text.
Category summary: / Choose a rating. /
Consider feedback and on-going coaching you provided throughout the year to support the executive’s opportunity for development and improvement. The comments should reflect what the executive is doing well (strengths) and what areas need improvement, using the Performance Standard under each competency. Review Developmental Objectives noted under last year’s review/Individual Development Plan to include whether this learning opportunity was applied and demonstrated. Also reflect back on any training that was needed to support these expectations.
Strategic Skills:Performance Standard: Develops long term plans that are innovative, yet pragmatic; Translates strategy into business plans and tactics; Modifies business plans based on changing business conditions; Understands market/organizational positioning, opportunities and risks; Understands and communicates competitive opportunities, trends and challenges; Effectively links short term priorities with long term plans; Integrates internal operating capabilities and capacity with external factors in developing business direction; Encourages risk-taking and rewards innovation
Number of annual reviews completed on time (<30 days) out of
Turnover rate: % / RetentionRate: % / Avg. training hours per employee:
Comments on strengths and improvement needs: Click here to enter text.
Performance Standard Rating: / Choose a rating. /
Performance Standard: Explains the vision and mission to others within and outside of the organization; Models behaviors that support the organization vision; Identifies and addresses barriers to achieving the vision; Clearly articulates the business’ strategic intent and purpose; Describes objectives in a way that aligns individual and team activities; Energizes staff with sense of mission and purpose; Recognizes the efforts of others who demonstrate support of the vision and mission; Projects and communicates the impact of today’s actions on future plans; Describes the relationship between organization’s goals and those of each individual; Keeps others focused on future direction while dealing with day-to-day issues
Comments on strengths and improvement needs: Click here to enter text.
Performance Standard Rating: / Choose a rating. /
Business Perspective:
Performance Standard:Maintains current knowledge of key legislation, regulations, policies, procedures and economic,social and political trends and developments and their impact on the organization and its internal and external stakeholders; Ensures that the organization’s strategic plan and business practices are consistent with its vision and mission; Makes decisions with clear understanding of financial impact; Demonstrates a total organizational perspective; Drives for “bottom line” results; Makes timely and “tough” decisions, even though it may require deciding before all supporting data has been collected; Identifies the business objectives before making a decision; Effectively negotiates “win-win” outcomes
Comments on strengths and improvement needs: Click here to enter text.
Performance Standard Rating: / Choose a rating. /
Managing Complexity:
Performance Standard:Considers the impact of external events in near-term and long-term planning; Integrates administrative priorities and initiatives into plans or strategies for accomplishing organizational goals; Quickly applies new management and technical skills; Gets to the essence of complex business issues quickly; Understands how seemingly unrelated items/events interact and affect one another; Handles complex, ambiguous or stressful situations in a calm manner; Quickly integrates multi-functional inputs into courses of action; Effectively leads and molds a diverse work force; Adapts services and operations to multi-cultural preferences; Effectively establishes partnering relationships across functions to achieve objectives
Comments on strengths and improvement needs: Click here to enter text.
Performance Standard Rating: / Choose a rating. /
Financial Accountability:
Performance Standard:Has a comprehensive understanding of all corporate financial issues and practices; Is knowledgeable of and comfortable with the frameworks required to monitor performance and value strategic assets; Has the ability to understand, explain and utilize financial and accounting information to effectively manage performance of the organization and staff;Is skilled at identifying the financial impact of organizational performance factors;Can prepare and manage budgets, make sound long-term investment decisions, ensure the presence of appropriate financial controls and audit coverage and legally execute fiduciary responsibility and institutional accountability, including the assurance of organizational ethical behavior and the prevention of conflict of interest.
Comments on strengths and improvement needs: Click here to enter text.
Performance Standard Rating: / Choose a rating. /
Additional Competencies:
“Copy & Paste” additional competencies noted on the executive’s Individual Development Plan that were included to support the need to improve/enhance performance, behavioral skill building, job enrichment, or career pathing.
Click here to enter text.:Performance Standard:Click here to enter text.
Comments on strengths and improvement needs: Click here to enter text.
Performance Standard Rating: / Choose a rating. /
Click here to enter text.:
Performance Standard:Click here to enter text.
Comments on strengths and improvement needs: Click here to enter text.
Performance Standard Rating: / Choose a rating. /
The following CRJ Values and Treatment Principles require careful thought before deciding the overall rating for each area. The definitions for both categories are included in many of the core competency performance standards to help reinforce both areas. Think about whether the executive is generally modelingthe CRJ’s Values and demonstrating the Guiding Principles at an acceptable level of performance. The ratings for the Values and Principles should reflect the performance level of the above competencies. (If the executive has not attended the Treatment training then the ratings for that area should be left blank.)
CRJ VALUES (click here for comprehensive definitions of Values and Behaviors)
IINTEGRITY: Actions inspire trust from others, is principled and fair, demonstrates honesty and openness with others / Choose a rating.CREATIVITY: Demonstrates flexibility and adapts well to change, is creative with the resources available, works collaboratively with supervisors and co-workers / Choose a rating.
COMPASSION: Actions show respect and fairness towards co-workers and clients, exhibits consideration and courtesy when working with others, and actions exhibit high regard for the diversity and dignity of others / Choose a rating.
EXCELLENCE:Exhibits professionalism in attitude, dress and language, actions show a desire to continually improve job performance, actions enhance the service and reputation of CRJ / Choose a rating.
Performance Standard Rating: / Choose a rating. /
WE LISTEN: Employee listens actively and effectively to clients and co-workers. / Choose a rating.WE FOCUS ON BEHAVIOR: Employee is able to focus on and offer constructive feedback on others behavior, and avoid judging them as individuals. / Choose a rating. /
WE OFFER CHOICES: Employee is able to help others develop a range of appropriate choices and respects others’ right to choose. / Choose a rating. /
WE WELCOME CHANGE: Employee is personally and professionally open to change, and effectively assists others in creating positive changes in their lives. / Choose a rating. /
Performance Standard Rating: / Choose a rating. /
Revised 4-2-15Page 1