Preservation Iowa
2010 Preservation At Its Best Awards
Each year, Preservation Iowa (formally the Iowa Historic Preservation Alliance), in partnership with the Iowa Gaming Association, seeks to honor individuals, organizations, projects, and programs whose work demonstrates a commitment to excellence in historic preservation. In doing so, we hope to inspire others to take action to preserve, protect, and promote historic resources.
Awarded projects will be announced during National Historic Preservation Month in May. Winning projects will be announced during a luncheon presentation and awarded certificates/plaques from Preservation Iowa and highlighted in the summer edition of The Iowa Preservationist and on the Preservation Iowa website.
Nominated projects must have been completed within the geographic boundaries of Iowa and completed within the last two years. Uncompleted projects will not be considered. Nominations can be made by/for individual owners, corporation, developing group or organization. Property owner must be notified before submission of property/project.
Adaptive Use - Conversion of a historic structure for a new or compatible use while retaining its architectural integrity. This category could include a mixed use project.
Commercial (small and large) - Rehabilitation/restoration of a historic commercial structure. Commercial awards are given for both small structure (under 5,000 total square feet) and large structure (over 5,000 total square feet). This category could include a mixed use project.
Community Effort - A community’s concerted effort to save a historic structure, district or cultural resource. (Nominating groups could include, but are not limited to, downtown organizations, historic preservation commissions, city/county governments, development groups, neighborhood associations, preservation groups, etc.)
Preservationist Award - Individual or group that has championed historic preservation planning, policy or activities over the course of their lifetime.
Public Structure - Rehabilitation/restoration of a publicly/government owned structure.
Residential - Rehabilitation/restoration and continued use of a residential structure. Residential awards may be considered for single family homes or multiple family structures.
Rural Preservation - Preservation or restoration of Iowa rural landscape, heritage or built environment.
Sustainability in Preservation - Incorporation of sustainable practices into the rehabilitation/restoration of a historic structure. Project does not need to be LEED certified to be considered for award but nomination does need to demonstrate sustainable practices used in project. Award can be made to any typology of building project.
Preservation Iowa invites a jury of preservation experts to review nominations for the Preservation At Its Best Awards.
Projects will judged on degree of historic preservation excellence, community impact, quality of work completed and thoroughness of the nomination submitted. Multiple awards will be given in a category if there is more than one project worthy of recognition.
Three nomination packets should be submitted for jurors’ review, and should include:
§ Completed nomination form
§ A typed narrative, no longer than 750 words, describing the project. The narrative should clearly address each of the following:
o The beginning and ending date of the project.
o Description of before condition and historic significance of the building. Include building’s square footage and building construction date
o Description of work completed.
o Project challenges and creative solutions.
o The project’s long range impact on structure and the neighborhood/community.
o Accomplishments or contributions (if individual or organizational award)
o Other supporting information.
o Description of project funding.
§ If the nomination is for an individual please include a short biography.
§ At least 4 photographs documenting the project. (Including before and after images) Images may be submitted as:
o High resolution digital images are preferred (.jpg or .tiff formats preferred). Digital images can be submitted by an attached cd or emailed. Please also include a printed copy of each digital image for nomination packet.
o Original photographs, 4x6 or larger (original photographs will not be returned)
o Xeroxed are not acceptable for reproduction.
o Where necessary please include photo credits.
There are no nomination fees.
Three (3) copies of the nomination packet described above should be submitted in hard copy format and may be mailed to:
Michael Wagler,
200 East Grand Avenue
Des Moines, Iowa, 50309.
Digital images may be emailed to . Please denote in nomination packet if you intend to email images to ensure arrival.
Additional questions by be directed to Michael Wagler at 515.2014941
Submitted materials will not be returned. Submission to the Preservation At Its Best Awards provides Preservation Iowa permission to use materials in organization promotional materials.
2010 Preservation At Its Best Awards Nomination Form
Sponsored by Preservation Iowa and the Iowa Gaming Association
(If hand written please print clearly)
Award Category (check one):
_____ Adaptive Use
_____Community Effort
_____Preservationist Award
_____Public Structure
_____Rural Preservation
_____Sustainability in Preservation
Property/Project Information:
Property/Project Name*: ______
Property/Project Owner*: ______
Property Address: ______
City, State, Zip: ______Contact Phone: ______
Contact Email: ______
Nominated By: (write “same” if nominated by information is same as project information)
Name: ______
Address: ______
City, State, Zip: ______Contact Phone: ______
Contact Email: ______
Photographs submitted: ___ CD and printed out in nomination packet
(check all that apply) ___ Printed in nomination and emailed to
Three (3) copies of the nomination packet described in Award Guidelines should be submitted in hard copy format and may be mailed to: Michael Wagler, 200 East Grand Ave., Des Moines, IA, 50309. Digital images may be emailed to . Please denote in nomination packet if you intend to email images to ensure arrival. Additional questions by be directed to Michael Wagler at 515.201.4941 or .
*Denotes information to be used for award certificate.