2017 WECC MAC Work Plan
# / Assignment / Lead(s) / Due Date / Status / Notes1.0 / 2017 Work Plan
1.1 / Finalize plan in new format / Brenda Ambrosi / Kris Raper / Q4/2016 / Complete / Sent to MAC leadership team October 28, 2016
1.2 / Circulate for input / Brenda Ambrosi / Kris Raper / Q4/2016 / Complete / Circulated to MAC Leadership at end of October 2016
1.3 / Get MAC approval / Brenda Ambrosi / Kris Raper / Q4/2016 / Complete / Posted and approval at December 2016 meeting
2.0 / Processes
2.1 / Publish Meeting Calendar / Duncan Brown / Q4/2016 / Complete / Per Charter publish well in advance of coming year
2.2 / Monthly agenda / Duncan Brown / Q1/2017 / Complete but Ongoing / Increase (a) MAC involvement in agenda making process; (b) add “roundtable” as standing item; (c) permit BOD comments; (d) post materials 3 business days prior to meeting; Implemented January 18
2.3 / Determine if there’s a more effective table configuration for meetings to better inter-relate with BOD, WECC, and public / WECC Facilities/Taud Olsen / Q1/2017 / Complete / Continue as is due to space limitations and physical attributes of the room
2.4 / Develop officer elections process / Bob Nelson / Q1-2/2017 / Align with Standing Committees’ process; draft available in a few weeks; discuss in June
2.5 / Outstanding Contributor Award (drive awareness; individual vs team vs committee effort – criteria and process) / Bob Easton / Q1-2/2017 / Document circulated by Melanie Frye; Work Group: C5 – Grace Anderson, C3 – Brian Theaker, Melanie Frye; update in June
2.6 / White paper template / Grace Anderson / Q1/2017 / Complete / Approved at December 2016 meeting and posted under Approved Documents
2.7 / Establish communication process with Peak
(related to 3.6) / Rob Kondziolka / Kris Raper / Q1-2/2017 / Peak interested in on-going communications; update in June
3.0 / Liaison Efforts
3.1 / Transmission Expansion Policy Planning Committee / GreggLemler / Ongoing / RAC charter finalized for review by WECC legal/technical writer – to be posted for BOD week of May 22; subcommittees’ charters posted twice for public comment and will be completed on same time schedule; transition by late fall 2017
3.2 / Joint Guidance Committee / GreggLemler / Ongoing / Continue to help integrate RAC; leadership training in October; reviewing value and effectiveness by year end; new rep Dave Angell (RAC)
3.3 / Operating Committee / Gary Tarplee / Ongoing / Moving forward with new structure
3.4 / Planning Coordination Committee / Bob Easton / Ongoing / RAC charter finalized for review by WECC legal/technical writer – to be posted for BOD week of May 22; subcommittees’ charters posted twice for public comment and will be completed on same time schedule; transition by late fall 2017
3.5 / Market Interface Committee / Brenda Ambrosi / Ongoing / Revising charter, developing 3-year work plan, and discussing leadership term lengths
3.6 / Peak MAC on committees’ review
(related to 2.7) / Rob Kondziolka / Kris Raper / Ongoing / Peak interested in on-going communications; update in June
3.7 / Nominating Committee / Brian Theaker & Task Force (see Notes) / Q1-3/2017 / Task Force: C1 – Bob Easton; C4 – Fred Heutte; C5 – Grace Anderson; Liaisons: C2 – Russ Noble, Int’l Diana Wilson; reviewing candidates’ resumes; slate of candidates available by late June/early July
3.8 / Nominating Committee Composition Work Group / Brian Theaker& Task Force (see Notes) / Q1-3/2017 / Task Force: C1 – Bob Easton; C2 – Dick Ferreira; C4 – Fred Heutte; C5 – Kris Raper; Int’l – Diana Wilson; motion approved May 17; for approval by BOD in June; bylaw changes require Board/NERC/FERC approval
4.0 / Communications
4.1 / Reminder: WECC to copy MAC on class communications / Charlene Dy / Ongoing / WECC to send MAC Board summary for distribution to classes
4.2 / Reminder: Outreach to each class by MAC reps / All Class Reps / Ongoing / Determine (a) effective type of communication for each class; (b) topics of interest; (c) frequency of communications/meetings
4.3 / WECC to send updated MAC member contact information to MAC members / Natalie Carter / Q1/2017 / Complete / Circulated on November 30, 2016
5.0 / MAC Effectiveness Survey / Running list of respondents
5.1 / Confirm survey questions with MAC / Bob Nelson / Q2/2017 / Using same questions; discuss in June
5.2 / Present results and compare against previous years’ results / Bob Nelson / Q2/2017
5.3 / Create list of action items that could assist with support of, and improvements to MAC activities / Bob Nelson / Q2/2017
6.0 / BOD Effectiveness Survey / Running list of respondents
6.1 / Confirm survey questions with MAC / Linda Jacobson-Quinn / Q2/2017 / March – survey questions sent to MAC; late May – editable survey to MAC/WIRAB; early July – issue formal survey; August – deadline to respond and aggregation of results
6.2 / Present results and compare against previous years’ results / Linda Jacobson-Quinn / Q3/2017
6.3 / Create list of action items that could assist with support of, and improvements to BOD activities / Linda Jacobson-Quinn / Q3/2017
7.0 / Strategic Involvement
7.1 / Reminder:WECC to send “standard” WECC reports to MAC going forward / Charlene Dy / Ongoing / State of Interconnection and other identified reports to be circulated
7.2 / WECC to send Delegation Agreements to MAC so MAC members understand WECC’s obligations / Taud Olsen / Q4/2016 / Complete / Circulated on January 3
7.3 / Determine how MAC perceives it ought to be involved in WECC’s strategic direction development or review for consistency / Rob Kondziolka / Q1-4/2017 / Process to be documented and how it might be done differently next time; positive review of Board work and MAC’s engagement in it; add topic to annual workshop[1]
7.4 / Discuss BOD’s Strategic Direction / Rob Kondziolka / Q4/2016 / Complete / Resolution passed at December 6 2016 meeting
7.5 / Discussion of October 5, 2016 RAC & ADS proposal to determine next steps/possible resolution and reliability defined / Rob Kondziolka / Q4/2016 / Complete / Meeting to be held November 1. Resolution passed at November 18, 2016 meeting
7.6 / 2018 budget / Grace Anderson & Task Force (see Notes) / Q2/2017 / Complete / Task Force: C1 – Rob Kondziolka; C2 – Russ Noble; C3 – Gary Tarplee; C4 – Michele Beck; Int’l – Diana Wilson; motion approved on May 17; compensation analysis to be done in 2018
8.0 / Annual Reviews
8.1 / State of Interconnection / Gary Tarplee / Q3-4/2017 / Review for impacts
8.2 / 2018 Charter / Rob Kondziolka / Q4/2017 / 2017 Charter approved December 6, 2016
8.3 / Major re-write of WECC Bylaws (post bifurcation effort by GC & WECC staff) / Duncan Brown & Task Force (see Notes) / Q4/2017 / Task Force: C1 – Gregg Lemler; C2 – Dick Ferreira; C4 – Michele Beck; C5 – Dave Clark; Int’l – Brenda Ambrosi;
Buckets 1/2 approved in March; Bucket 3 posting in early June for September Board approval; Bucket 4 posting pushed out later in 2017
9.0 / Annual Meetings
9.1 / Reminder:Membership Classes / All Class Reps / Q1-2/2017 / Objective: create interest, increase participation, involve membership, etc.
9.2 / MAC orientation / Brenda Ambrosi / Kris Raper / Melanie Frye / Q1-2/2017 / Develop program; package to include key WECC documents, MAC contact info, Board bios, etc.; preliminary materials assembled; draft orientation manual for presentation inJune
9.3 / Strategic and/or technical training session with or without Board / Diana Wilson / Q1-2/2017 / Complete / Explore opportunities for additional MAC-Board engagement; Requested MAC members to send input at January/February/April webinars and March meeting
Revised May 23, 2017Page 1 of 4
[1]The Board used 6 months to conduct its process. The MAC believes the process was very good and responsive to engagement and input. The MAC was involved from the beginning and MAC input helped shape the outcome. The MAC does not have a recommendation to the Board for improvement to the Board process. Although the MAC was adequately engaged, the MAC might be able to improve the collective input. The MAC did not allocate significant and focused time dedicated to this subject. To improve in this area, the MAC should consider allocating time at its annual workshop to address WECC’s strategic direction.