3rd Annual Sprayberry Supply Drive September 8th- October 9th, 8:30am-2:30pm Please join us in supporting a WONDERFUL school that has some AMAZING kids!! These Sprayberry Stars deserve this!
Classroom Items: Electric pencil sharpener, Black ball point pens, Mechanical pencils, #2 pencils, Notebook paper, Colored copy paper, Cardstock (any color), 3x5 index cards, 1” three ring binders, File folders, Labels for file folders, Large file folder holder, Dividers, Staples, Page protectors, Clear contact paper, 3-hole puncher, Sharpies, Dry erase markers, Dry erase board cleaner, Expo markers, Blue/Black pens, Highlighters, Paper clips (any size), Push pins, Masking tape, Office scissors, Drawing compass, HP 61 Ink cartridge, HP 61XL tri-color Ink cartridge, HP61XL black Ink cartridge, Epson 200 Ink cartridge, Epson 200XL Ink cartridge, HP4620 Officejet Ink cartridge, Batteries (all sizes)
Arts/Crafts Items: Canvases (all sizes & colors), Tempera paint, Crayola washable paint, Acrylic paint, Do-a-dot art markers, Glitter (solid and multi-color), Felt sheets, Buttons, Ribbon, Wiggly eyes, Elmer’s bottled glue, Elmer’s glue sticks, Velcro (dots, strips, etc with sticky back), Magnets (with sticky back), Construction paper (all colors), Border for bulletin boards, Sentence strips, Metal binder rings, Poster putty, Medium size hot glue gun, Hot glue sticks
Manipulatives/Sensory Items: Taboo and other type thinking board games, Playdough, Bouncy balls (indoor/outdoor), Musical toys, Maroon therapy spoons, Scooper plates, Sensory items/toys, Interactive books w/Velcro, Dot-a-dot play & learn ABC books, Packages of beans/rice/sand
Medical and Personal Care Items: Stethoscope, Kleenex, Hand sanitizer, Hair brushes, Hair combs, Toothette disposable swabs, Toothpaste, Toothbrushes, Bar soaps, Deodorants, Shaving cream, Tubes of Vaseline, Tweezers, Nail clippers, Procedure mask with ear loops, Alcohol prep pads, Bandage scissors, Flexible ice/cold packs, Peppermint candy,Snacks (ex: starburst, skittles), Bottled water, Capri Suns
Cleaning Supplies and Paper Goods: Paper plates, Plastic ware (spoons, forks, knives), Plastic cups, Bathroom sized cups, Clorox wipes, Hand soap, Baby wipes, Assorted size baggies (freezer, gallon, sandwich), Laundry detergent, Dish washing detergent, Swiffer steam mop pads, Canned air, Broom, Dust pan, Plug-In air fresheners
Other: XL t-shirts, Tube socks (packages), Wash cloths, Dish/Hand towels, Sterilite 3-5 drawer organizer, Over-the-door shoe holder, Child’s plastic wagons, Children’s Tricycles, Bicycles with training wheels, Disney DVD’s, Educational DVD’s, Kids Musical CD’s, Clear storage boxes with lids (any size), Head phones, Area plush rugs, Large non-breakable mirror, Gift cards (to Walmart, Winn-Dixie, Hobby Lobby, Learning Experiences), Portable fan, Portable heater, Bean bags, Radio, CD player, Digital clock, DVD player, Flat screen TVs, iPad, Printer/scanner, Paper shredder
To make arrangements for a different drop-off time, please call 205-342-2660. Monetary donations welcome (check made payable to Sprayberry). Thank you for supporting our kids!