Representatives present
North Bergen - Emil – Digger – Walter
Union City - Guy – Waiters
Jersey City – Frank
Passaic – Ed – Javvier
West New York – Smithy
Kearny - Ralph
Hackensack – Bill
Hoboken – Randy – Danny
Hudson County – Mike A.
Meeting was called to order at 7:20 pm
- Minutes from the 15 August meeting were presented from the 15 August 2013 meeting
Ralph motioned to accept. Frank 2nd the minutes
Voted all in favor by all present representatives
- Frank addressed the treasury report from the 2012 season and any money that has been paid for the 2013 season.
- Guy was voted in 2 weeks prior at the at the 7 August meeting as Treasure but since there were no funds transferred or present to Guy , Frank did the report since he was President and had knowledge or any funds they were in the Trust account for the HCYFL
Balance from 2012 was $151
Teams paid for the 2013 season Hoboken $2350 – Passaic $2350 – Hackensack $750
Total revenue in account(Jersey City PAL Trust account for HCYFL ) as of today is $5601
Guy – requested that he wants to see the 2012 bank statements, and have a full financial report for the 2012 season produced and distributed to all members. (StatementReport )
Mike from Hudson County stated that the county will be able to help set up a 501C Trust account for HCYFL
- Frank Stated that the bills for the 2012 season were as followed
- 4 checks made out to total $24,280 for Referees
- 1 check made for administration fees for Steve Nash for $5000
- 1 check for $554 for trophies
- I withdrawal for purchase of a checkbook (Checks ) for the HCYFL Checks $24
- Total spent for the 2012 season was $29,858
- Balance from 2012 was $151
- Frank stated he attended a Hudson County Executive meeting today 22 August to address the $12,000 given to HCYFL for the 2012. Frank states he gave them all the required paperwork and information they needed to see where the funds of $12000 from the Hudson County Freeholders went to last year. He also stated that the referee’s fees for 2012 werepaid $24280 and the County Executive did not understand why the money was in question. This was stated from Frank and Guy did not feel they were given the appropriate information that was passed on since no Statement of Reports was produced for the 2012 season.
Smitty motioned to accept the fees for 2012 season and Ralph 2nd
Voted and all accepted except for Guy he wants to see the Statement report for the 2012 season
- The fees for each team in the 2012 season were in question and where all the funds actually went to since each team paid $2250 on top of the money that was donated from the Hudson County Freeholders
- Frank stated that Hudson County does not want to be involved in the day to day operations of the HCYFL.
- Frank has contacted Mike from Skyline Referees Association and provided them with HCYFL 2013 Schedule and agreed on the fees of $60 per referee per game. 3 referrers per game along with a assigner fee of $1000 ( Frank will notify Skyline of the Jersey City – West New York game once it is finalized)
Smitty accepted – Ed 2nd
- Bill gave out a copy of all schedules
- There was a issue with West New York vs Jersey City game on 13 October
Choices to fix the issues were
- The game would be moved to 13 October which is a Saturday. With the help from Mike they would work on getting a field in Jersey City for the game to be played
- The Heavy weights game be moved and played as the first game if it remains on Sunday if Jersey City could not get a field Saturday night
3. To move the game to West New York to be played on Saturday night. This would now have Jersey City have 3 home games and West New York having 4 home games
- Coaches Contact list were passed out Bill stated Hoboken email keeps bouncing back if anyone had Vinny’s correct email please pass it on.
Ed requested that Javier be added to the contact list for Passaic
- Coaches Contracts from 2012 were passed out. They were looked over and agreed to be used for the 2013 season. The Date needs to be changed to 2013 and also Roy Miller’s name needs to be removed from form.
Ed motioned to accept – Digger 2nd
Voted and all representatives were in favor of using these forms for all coaches.
- Weight Restriction tape
Representatives agreed that Weight restriction tape is needed for striped players for the 2013 season. Each town would have a different color from their helmet colors.
Mike and Guy feel it could be purchased before the season starts
Emil may be able to help the league acquire the tape for players who are striped for non skilled positions.
League will purchase tape for each town
- HCYFL League Rules were discussed
- Game Balls were discussed and voted to allow teams to use either Wilson or Nike balls. Games balls must be clean and have white lines and wording visible
- Guy motioned to input in the rules and to notify Referrers that there is NO Running Clock in the HCYFL
- Ralph motioned that the rules should read that each team uses their own game ball
Frank accepted – Javier 2nd the Rules additions and clarifications
- During the 2013 Season for regular season games teams will have 3 Referrers on the field per game
- Play-offs and Championship games will have 4 field Referrers on the field and 1 Clock operator
Guy motioned to accept Play-off and Championship Referrers Ralph 2nd
- Guy motioned that there is no need to have separate By-Laws and Constitution for HCYFL league. These documents should be combined into one document Ralph 2nd
- HCYFL Constitution
- A letter should be written to Hudson County Freeholders and the Executive Committee suggestion that Hudson County provide a mediator to be a neutral party in case they is a spilt/tie vote on any decisions or rulings for the HCYFL. Mike stated that the County is working on a letter of some sort for this. Guy suggest that Mike be the mediator for the HCYFL
- Motion to keep an Executive Committee for 501c purpose. The titles for the committee would be changed and adhered to only governing the proceeds for the 501c account. The wording for the titles for the committee should read that they personal in the positions to fill the following titles of President, Vice President, Treasure, Secretary and Sergeant of Arms have no authority of running the HCYFL they are only there to govern the league when it come to any 501c issues. All members of the HCYFL will govern the HCYFL league on any football issues. Each member of the HCYFL will have a representative which is given a equal vote in deciding and voting on rules and any football matter in the HCYFL.
A vote was taken and the following teams voted to have a Executive Board for 501c purpose only
Teams that voted yes for the Executive Committee were as followed
West New York
Jersey City
Teams who voted NO to having a Executive Committee were as followed
Union City
North Bergen
Kearny – Ralph expressed his NO vote and stated that after the last few weeks of going back and forth and moving forward he does not understand why teams now have voted in favor of having a Executive Committee also he made it noted that he does not know what happened or why he was even called in attending a meeting with the Hudson County Executives and Freeholders
Union City – Guy does not understand why teams would not vote to have this Executive Committee after it was voted in the last previous weeks not to go with a board to govern the league. Guy feels the members of HCYFL should govern its own league and not have people in positions that have any affiliations with any program sit in one of these positions and having any kind of vote.
It was stated that there are no minutes from any prior meeting for the 2013 season prior to the 15 August meeting or any paperwork that could show any documentation supporting any votes of the last 3 prior meetings.
Mike stated he has taken and has copies of minutes for the meeting showing proof that there were votes taken to have the members of the HCYFL to govern its own league.
After hearing all parties sides it was discussed to re-visit this vote of having a Executive Committee in the Constitution of the HCYFL in the off season meeting.
Smithy accepted – Digger 2nd
- Executive Committee members were put back in place from prior to the 30 July meeting
President Frank
Vice President Emil
Treasure Javier
Sergeant of Arms Tommy
Secretary Was open since the removal of Steve Nash from HCYFL
Frank nominated Bill - Ed 2nd
Voted was rendered all accepted except Ralph he abstained
Emil also stepped down from Vice President
Digger nominated Vinny but he was not present to accept.
Digger then nominated Guy no one 2nd
Digger nominated Smithy – Smithy accepted
Voted was rendered all parties accepted except for Union City who voted No and Kearny – Ralph abstained
- Members of HCYFL teams need to be adjusted removing the following teams Jersey City Blue and Paterson. Then adding Hackensack to current members of HCYFL
Current Members of HCYFL are as followed
Jersey City West New York
Union City Kearny
North Bergen Hoboken
Passaic Hackensack
- HCYFL Constitution was voted and accepted by all parties except Union City and Kearny who abstained
- HCYFL By-Laws
- Weights need to be adjusted to read as followed
Division Weight without pads - Weight with Pads - Max lbs with 1 lb per week max of 9lbs
Lightweight 110 ------118------127
Middleweights 130------139------148
Heavyweights 160------169------178
- Weekly Weights Gain Allowance
Date - Week Weight Gain Allowance LW------MW------HW
9/15 1 0 lbs 110 ------130------160
9/21 2 1 lb 111 ------131 ------161
9/29 3 2 lbs 112 ------132 ------162
10/6 4 3 lbs 113 ------133 ------163
10/13 5 4 lbs 114 ------134 ------164
10/20 6 5 lbs 115 ------135 ------165
10/27 7 6 lbs 116 ------136 ------166
11/3 8 7 lbs 117 ------137 ------167
11/10 9 8 lbs 118 ------138 ------168
11/17 10 9 lbs 119 ------139 ------169
- Player Eligibility League Schematic ( Cut-off date of 31 December 2013)
- Any player being born in 2005 is league age of EIGHT (8) year old
- Any player being born in 2004 is league age of Nine (9) year old
- Any player being born in 2003 is league age of Ten (10) year old
- Any player being born in 2002 is league age of Eleven (11) year old
- Any player being born in 2001 is league age of Twelve (12) year old
- Any player being born in 2000 is league age of Thirteen (13) year old
- Any player being born in 1999 is league age of Fourteen (14) year old
- Play-offs Tie Break
Swap Rule 2 and 3
Tie Breaker
- Head To Head
- Least amount of Points Scored through the season of 7 games
- Most amount of Points Scored through the Season
- Coin Toss by the HCYFL Secretary with Reps from tied teams present
Frank motioned to accept Digger 2nd
All in Favor
- Eligibility BY Position
- Heavy Weights to wear Strips ( Tape to verify players who are not skilled players)
- To allow players to wear various numbers of any sort to play any position. Coach must notify the Referees and the opposing Coach of a player who’s number does not represent a certain position.
Example #1: A offensive linemen to wear number 45 (where a normal linemen number would be 50-70)
Example #2: A running back to wear number 85 (where a normal number for a running back would be 1-49)
COACHES MUST NOTIFY GAME OFFICALS (REFEREES and OPPOSING COACHES of any such player who may be wearing a Jersey number that does not correspond with certain positions)
This was brought up by Ralph because of the numerous parents/ players in the league where players want to wear their parent’snumbers)
Ralph motioned to accept – Frank 2nd
All in Favor
- Mediator for HCYFL
This person would be a Neutral Party one who would represent HCYFL and have the best interest of all players in the event that any situation may occur during a game. This person would make any ruling that needs to be made on the spot.
Guy nominated Mike to hold this position since he has no ties with any program and wants fairness for all parties.
Bill motioned to accept
Digger 2nd
All were in Favor of having Mike make these decisions
Mike cell phone number is 201-484-9145
- Player Variation Certification
Will be held in North Bergen 10 Sept 2013 at 5pm at the Recreation Building
Teams need to have the following information present in order to verify players
- Books to be in order
- 2 forms of Player Certification Forms filled out and complete
- Rosters Forms will all information
- Players Name
- Address
- Date of Birth
- School
- Number on Jersey
- Phone Number
- Empty Box for weight
- Birth Certificates
- Picture of Player
- Copy of Major Bill
- School Form either schedule or letter from school verifying players attend school
- Guy Typed a letter that Union City is using to send to the Board of Education in Union City requesting that the BOE verify and certify each player is a representative of the Union City School System. Bill read the letter that Guy presented. The letter asked for the BOE to verify the players name, the players DOB, Address and verify the player attends a school in the district.
Smithy State that certain BOE will not certify nor help in the matter of verifying that the players attend the schools that we should just use the player forms that are provided
- Next meeting will be held on 3 Sept Time – TBD Location TBD
Digger stated we could use North Bergen again many representatives were ok with it being in North Bergen again since it was a medium location for all to get to.
Meeting was called to adjourn at 9:30 pm