
July 26, 2013 Department of English Volume XLV Number 6

Baylor University


The Baylor English department helped to sponsor “’Everybody to their own visioning’: Eudora Welty in the 21st Century: An International Conference of the Eudora Welty Society” April 4-7, 2013. The following presenters connected to Baylor gave papers:

Courtney Bailey Parker (graduate student in English):“Obstructing the Modernist Vision of Artistic Epiphany: Eudora Welty’s ‘A Memory’ and the Mythos of Joyce’s A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

Sarah Ford: “Submerged: What Lurks Under the Water in ‘The Wanderers’”

Courtney Kunkel (graduate student in English): “’Mama: You Been on My Mind’: The Impact of Mothers in Welty’s ‘June Recital’”

Adrienne Akins (former graduate student in English, current assistant professor at Mars Hill College): “’It ain’t him to blame’: Eudora Welty, Bob Dylan, and Exculpatory Guilt”

Dustin Morrow (graduate student in English):“Leota’s Black Roots: Masking Race and Politics in Welty’s ‘Petrified Man’”

Gary Rees (lecturer in English): “Dark Exposure: Eudora Welty, Leni Riefenstahl, and The Last of the Nuba”

Nicholas Pruitt (graduate student in History): “’Lord, I Know Not Many People in the Delta Love Thee’: Reticence Toward Organized Religion in Delta Wedding”

Nathan Roberts (graduate student in English): “Metafiction and Marital Communication in the Short Fiction of Eudora Welty”


Dr. Kevin Gardner has been invited to contribute an essay on L. P. Hartley’s The Go-Between to the “Revaluations” series in The Sewanee Review.

Dr. Kevin Gardner has received news that his essay, “Canis Satiricus: Alexander Pope and His Dogs,” has been accepted for publication by ANQ.


As a member of the steering committee for the South Central Conference on Christianity and Literature, Dr. William V. Davis attended the recent annual meeting in New Orleans, where, in addition to helping to plan future events, he also chaired a session of the conference and gave a reading of his poetry.

Dr. William V. Davis’s poem, “The Light,” has been published in the Sewanee Theological Review, 56:2 (Easter, 2013), 197.

Dr. William V. Davis attended the American Literature Association conference in Boston where he gave a paper on the poetry of Robinson Jeffers.


Dr. Luke Ferretter gave a conference paper entitled, “Seriously Modified Beliefs: D. H. Lawrence and His Minister”, at the 2013 International D. H. Lawrence Conference, Paris, France, April 4-6 2013.

Dr. Luke Ferretter was commissioned to write an article entitled “D. H. Lawrence”for The Year’s Work inEnglish Studies93(2014).

Dr. Luke Ferretter was commissioned by Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews to write a review of Encountering Althusser: Politics and Materialism in Contemporary Radical Thought, ed. Katja Diefenbach et al (London and New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2013), 382 pp.


Dr. Joshua King’s review of “Browning, Victorian Poetry and the Romantic Legacy: Challenging the Personal Voice by Britta Martens” was published in Victorian Studies 55.2 (Winter 2013): 329-331.


Julie Ooms had her article, “Battles are always fought among hum beings, not purposes”, accepted for publication in Renascence.


James Watson’s article, “The only words I know are Catholic ones”: Sacramental Existentialism in Cormac McCarthy’s Suttree, has been published Southwestern American Literature, 38:2 (Spring 2013).


Jeremy Larson’s “Embracing Popular Culture’s Fascination with Mythology,” has been published in Pro Rege, XLI:3 (March 2013).


Alan Noble’s article, “The Absurdity of Hope in Cormac McCarthy’s The Road,” has been published in South Atlantic Review (May 2013).


Nathan Kilpatrick presented his paper “Am I My Brother’s Keeper?: Ron Hansen’s Collaboration with Cain and Abel in A Wild Surge of Guilty Passion” at the Western Regional Conference on Christianity and Literature on May 17.


David Miller, a 1991 Ph.D. English graduate, was named Mississippi College’s Distinguished Professor of the Year. Miller, who also serves as chairman of the university’s Honors Council, has been a professor at Mississippi College for more than two decades.


Information has been received from Tallgrass Publishing concerning their new publication, The Tallgrass Literary Review. To celebrate the first issue, Tallgrass Publishing will be offering a literary contest for those interested in submitting. The first place winner will receive $500; the second place winner will receive $300; and the third place winner will receive $100. The publication invites seasoned as well as new writers to submit an article. The article must be about the Great Plains, and cannot be more than 6,000 words. Genres such as rural life, family life, poverty, and religion are preferred, but all articles pertaining to the topic will be considered. The deadline for submissions is September 30, 2013, and can be sent to . For more information, please visit their website at or see the email on file in CS 106.

Echoes of the Aeolian Harp

Dr. Bill McDonald, Chair of the Departmental Social Committee, and committee members invite faculty, including teaching assistants to share ingredients for sandwiches for lunch on Wednesday, January 24, from 11:30 to 1:30 in the Faculty Lounge.

From Aeolian Harpings 28:22 (17 January 1990).