Portsmouth Neighborhood Association
PO Box 83694
Portland, Oregon 97283
PNA Board Meeting January 18th, 20146pm
Bridge Meadows
Board Members:
Erica Timm - Chair;Amy Michet – Vice Chair; Karen Ward – Treasurer; Zach Hollandar – Member at Large, Whitney - Secretary
Absent Board Members:
PNA members: Anna Soderberg, Christine Ayer – representative from Bridge Meadows, Travis Elmore, Mary Margaret Wheeler Weber
Guests: Judith and Lynn – Parks and Recreation – Summer Concert Series
Meeting Notes
Amy motioned to approve the December minutes. Zach seconds. All in favor. December Minutes are approved.
Treasure’s report:
$3,477.89 in the bank. $20 or $30 dollars yet to coming out for VIRB. $10/month for the website.
Street Painting Project:
Amy motions to approve $75.00 to pay City Repair for the application for the City Repair project at N Houghton and N Fortune. Zach seconds. All in favor. Motion approved.
Summer concert in the park update from Judith and Lynn:
Six park series for North Portland.
2 concerts at Kenton Park
2 concerts at Columbia Annex
2 concerts at McCoy Park
They work closely with the committee to help fund concerts through sponsorships. Everyone is contributing to the bottom line.
Average cost per concert: $3,500.00. Neighborhood Associations often chip in some.
Sponsor level: $250.00 - $2,500.00 (allows you to mc an entire set)
Kenton has $1,000.00 in the bank.
McCoy has $250.00 in the bank.
Other NAs also chip in both volunteers and money.
There will be a completely separate meeting for the planning committee, post meeting at Sundown Pub.
Amy motions to approve the resolution in the opposition to the creation of the toxic waste dumps at terminal 4. Karen seconds. All in favor. Erica will sign and send opposition along.
Clean Up day:
May 3rd or May 17th. Portsmouth and University Park Neighborhoods together.
Portsmouth Art Committee:
Will hold monthly meetings, 2nd Tuesday. Time and place TBD.
Tree Team Update:
Portsmouth Neighborhood Annual Tree Planting – February 8th – 9am-1pm.
Meeting at St. Andrew’s at N Lombard and N Hereford.
Vicki Ezell – FYI re: Clarendon Garden – need to remove sweet gums at the garden. 6-8 out of 20 plots have viable sun. Replacing the large trees with smaller fruit trees might be a good solution.
Discussed and decided that board will narrow down some choices and we will have a table for everyone to vote at the community meeting on Feb. 18th.
Speakers for Feb. 18th Community Meeting:
Amanda Fritz, Roosevelt High School, Portland Fruit Tree Project, Clean energy works, and Water Treatment Plant. 7:00-8:00pm for presentations. 8:00-8:30pm Q and A. Let’s think about a tabling event at our next community meeting.
Whitney motions for $30.00 for community meeting snacks if we do not get donations. Amy seconds. All in favor.
Meeting adjourned at 7:05 PM
Minutes taken by Whitney Dorer
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