Holbeach Parish Council
Holbeach Parish Council
Minutes of the Meeting of Holbeach Parish Council held on Monday16th April 2012atCoubro Chambers, 11 West End, Holbeach following the open forum.
As per the register.
ThreeParishioners, Cty Cllr Nick Worth, Tony Walkerand three police officerswere also in attendance.
- Apologies
There had been no apologies made.
VacanciesTownand St Johns Wards
It was reported that all the vacancy notices had been received from SHDC; and that they would be displayed around the Wards for 14 days. The Clerk noted that an election could be called following a request from 10 electors.
- Declarations of Interest
It was highlighted that the book was available to declare any interests.
- Minutes of the Previous Meetings and Matters Arising
The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 12th March 2012 were signed by the Chairman as a true and accurate record.
Proposed by Cllr Harrington; seconded by Cllr Arthur Male.
Agreed-nem con
The minutes from the Committee part of the Parish Council meeting held on 12th March 2012 were signed by the Chairman as a true and accurate record.
Agreed-nem con
The minutes from the March Planning meeting were signed by the Chairman as a true and accurate record.
Agreed-nem con
The minutes of the extra ordinary Parish Council meeting held on 26th March 2012 were signed by the Chairman as a true and accurate record.
Proposed by Cllr Harrington; seconded by Cllr Arthur Male.
Agreed-nem con
Matters Arising
There were no matters arising from the public meetings; with any matters from the confidential meeting to be raised in Committee.
- Police Matters
It was reported that it had been a quiet weekend. Cllr Cornwell reported there was still a problem with speeding through the villages. The Police reported that they were continuing to move those responsible on.
Cllr Spencer reported that QV Foods were looking to organise a fun day in July. The Police reported that any police requirements would need to be requested through Headquarters.
The three Police representatives left the meeting.
- County Council Matters
Cty Cllr Nick Worth reported that the Olympic Torch would be coming to Holbeach on 4th July 2012 at 11am. He also reported that there would be activities organised for before and after the event. He also noted there would be a number of road closures; the Chairman requested details be placed on notice boards.
It was also reported that stewards were required for the day; and that any interested parties should contact Cty Cllr Nick Worth.
Cty Cllr Nick Worth also reported that £500 had been received from LCC for the Jubilee Celebrations.
It was also reported that LCC were prepared to fund the building of a larger bus shelter (to replace the micro shelter). There was a brief discussion regarding the possible location of the new bus shelter.
It was generally agreed that the bus shelter should be moved back to outside the Horse and Groom public house.
Proposed by Cllr Harrington; seconded by Cllr Arthur Male.
Agreed-nem con
Cty Cllr Nick Worth reported that the school caretaker was now opening the gate into Stukeley Grounds; with a former Councillor willing to close it. It was reported that the gate would only be open during term time; as it had been put there by the school for school use. It was noted that the gate would be closed at 4.30pm each term time day.
- Highway Matters
It was reported that Nealsgate at Holbeach St Johns would be closed 9am – 4pm on 23rd April 2012.
It was also reported that footpath number 19 at Andersons Sluice would be closed – as and when required; during the period of 30th April to 29th June 2012.
Cllr Cornwell reported a pot hole on Low Road. The Clerk undertook to obtain the telephone number for reporting pot holes.
- Allotments
a)Cllr Arthur Male report
Cllr Arthur Male reported that there had been a rent increase for the allotments on Northons Lane of £5.00 per acre. Cllr Arthur Male requested a general meeting on allotments with the Clerk.
b)Clerks Report
The Clerk reported that the rent demands had been sent out; with responses beginning to come back in.
c)Crown Allotments Holbeach Bank
It was reported that any action required (that is, informing the Police etc) had been undertaken.
Cllr Arthur Male requested that two items be taken into Committee; which was generally agreed.
- CartersPark
a)Cllr Spencer’s Report
Cllr Spencer reported that all was currently running well; and that he intended to undertake a tour of the Park with Tony on Thursday. He noted that the cameras and the barbed wire would be added to the list of things to look at, as requested in the Open Forum.
Cllr Spencer agreed to report back to the next meeting.
b)Litter Picking Weekends and Bank Holidays
It was reported that this item be taken into Committee; which was generally agreed.
c)Scouts – Local Community Week
Cllr Spencer reported that the Scouts had contacted the Parish Council and had requested to work within the Park between 14th and 20th May 2012.
Cllr Spencer reported that the Scouts would be supervised at all times; by a member of the Scouting movement.
It was reported that the post on the tennis court had been repaired.
It was requested that two further items be taken into Committee; which was generally agreed.
The Chairman reported a letter had been received from Carol Johnson regarding the Rotary and the Co-op’s plaques to be erected. There was a brief discussion regarding the sign thanking everyone for their donations.
It was generally agreed that the plaque be erected. Proposed by Cllr Jenny Worth; seconded by Cllr Harrington.
Agreed-nem con
Cllr Spencer undertook to devise the wording and calculate the costings involved; and to return to the Parish Council for agreement.
The Wicksteeds inspection report was given to Cllr Spencer.
- Parish Playing Field
Cllr Spencer reported that he had visited the playing field on a number of occasions.
Cover for holidays was discussed as the person normally undertaking these duties Mondays to Wednesdays inclusive had advised she is to be away in May.
It was agreed the Clerk would approach Michael Hearn to cover the period in question.
It was also suggested the Clerk should obtain further details regarding the duties of the said person.
It was reported that a letter had been received regarding the dyke being filled with garden waste. Cllr Spencer agreed to investigate and report back to the Parish Council.
- StukeleyGardens
Cllr Spencer reported that there were no issues.
- ParkRoadCemetery
a)Cllr Spencer’s Report
Cllr Spencer reported he had visited the cemetery and that there was nothing to report.
b)Burial grants and inscriptions for approval
Burial grants and inscriptions were approved as per annexed.
c)Cemetery Chapels
Cllr Jenny Worth reported that charitable status had nearly been achieved; and that the organisation was already a company limited by guarantee, and had a bank account.
d)Consider Increase in Cemetery Fees
The Clerk reported that the last increase had been in May 2010; and that Mrs Harrington had offered to undertake a benchmarking appraisal.
It was generally agreed for Mrs Harrington to undertake the appraisal and that the item is placed on the next meeting’s agenda.
Agreed-nem con
It was reported that two benches had been taken away, repaired and returned; and that four old ones had been removed completely.
Cllr Spencer undertook to check the benches and report back to the Parish Council. There was a brief discussion regarding no more benches to be placed without permission.
Cllr Harrington reported he felt strongly – and proposed - that all those that had been given permission to have benches should be allowed to keep them; but that any duplications should be taken away.
Seconded by Cllr Arthur Male.
- HallgateCemetery
Cllr Spencer reported he had visited the cemetery; and that Mrs French had requested permission to plant a small tree.
Cllr Spencer undertook to meet with the family and decide on a location for the tree, ensuring that it was not obstructive or not adjacent to any headstones. It was also noted that the type of tree intended to be planted was important.
Proposed by Cllr Harrington; seconded by Cllr Arthur Male.
Agreed-nem con
- Closed Churchyard
It was reported that the churchyard was looking very good at the moment.
It was reported that the Chair of the Rotary Club Community Committee had written to the Clerk noting that the lower branches of the centenary tree required pruning; and that a Member of the Club had offered to do it. Cllr Spencer undertook to investigate.
- Property
a)Cllr Harrington’s Report
It was reported that Browns would be providing a specification for the remainder of the work on Coubro Chambers.
It was reported that there had been no further correspondence with regard to any of the other properties.
It was generally agreed that property inspections would be on the June agenda.
b)Nature Reserve Fishpond Lane
It was reported that a letter had been received from Holbeach in Bloom asking for continued support of the work being undertaken at this site.
There was a brief discussion regarding the need to ensure that any workers were properly insured; and that any alterations intended for the area needed to be agreed by the Parish Council.
It was agreed to record thanks to Mr Graham Rudkin, Mrs Carol Rudkin and Mr Martin Howard for all their efforts.
Cllr Cornwell requested a copy of the organisation’s insurance documents; and suggested that they be permitted to continue, providing the Parish Council is informed of any changes, with particular regard to any tree work.
Agreed-nem con
Cllr Jenny Worth reported that the Parish Council would need to undertake its own inspection of the trees to ensure they are safe by autumn 2012.
- Holbeach Bank Playing Field
Cllr Cornwell reported that the missing fence panels at the entrance of the playing field would remain left for the time being – due to being at the end of the financial year. She suggested looking into having a hedge there instead.
The Clerk undertook to inspect the deeds to see if it was indeed the Parish Council’s responsibility; and agreed to report back to the Parish Council.
It was also requested that the dead tree be looked at.
- Planning
Cllr Maureen Male reported she would be looking at the planning applications on a weekly basis and would send them out to Members; and would request that they are sent back with any comments for compilation.
- Queens Diamond Jubilee
Cllr Harrington reported that there had been two meetings so far. He reported that Frank Sauntson from the Royal Observer Corps along with a youth representative would be lighting the beacon.
He also reported other items at the event including a schools competition;Holbeach Town Band playing and a BBQ. It was reported that the celebrations would commence at 8.30pm; with the beacon being lit at 10.00 – 10.30pm.
It was reported that the WI would be providing lunches and tea at the memorabilia event.
It was also reported that shop keepers would be encouraged to decorate their shops; with the best entry wining a trophy.
One Parishioner left the meeting.
Cllr Jenny Worth thanked Cllr Harrington and Cty Cllr Nick Worth for their hard work.
- Financial Statement and Accounts for Approval
Finance Committee – Report by Cllr Brighton
The Clerk reported that as at 31st March 2012 the combined high interest accounts contained £13,407; with the Business Reserve and Current Account having £2,743.
Members agreed that cheques as per the annexed list be approved.
Cllr Brighton reported that the books were completed up to the end of March 2012; and that the internal auditor was currently in. He also reported that they had begun using the Sage software.
Members wished thanks be recorded to Cllr Brighton for his work in this respect.
Cllr Harrington requested that one item be taken in Committee; this was generally agreed.
Holbeach St John’s Village Hall
It was reported that a letter requesting funding had been received from Holbeach St John’s Village Hall. The Clerk reported that the Village Hall had last received a donation of £150 in 2010.
Cllr Harrington proposed that the same donation be given, that is £150; seconded by Cllr Jenny Worth.
Agreed-nem con
Report Notice of Audit 2nd July
It was reported that the audit notice had been received.
- Best Kept Village & Small Towns Competition
Cllr Harrington proposed that the Wards enter the competition; seconded by Cllr Arthur Male.
Agreed-nem con
It was noted that the notices should be displayed in the Wards.
- Lincs Association Local Councils
The Clerk reported that a new model contract of employment was available from LALC and the Clerk undertook to obtain a copy for the office for any Member to view.
She also reported that there were training events which she would like to attend.
It was generally agreed that the Clerk be given authority to attend the courses.
- Ex Cllr & Staffing Matters
It was generally agreed that this item be taken in Committee.
- General Correspondence & General Business by Leave of the Chairman
The Chairman requested that this item be changed to ‘items for the next meeting’s agenda’.
Agreed-nem con
The Chairman thanked Mrs B Hasler for attending the meetings and producing minutes over the past year, as this was to be her last meeting; noting that they had been good, timely minutes.
It was resolved that the Parish Council go into Committee.