HELD THIS 22nd DAY OF MAY, 2014 AT 5:30PM
PRESENT: Mayor Knudson, Councillors Lois Miller and Asaph Johnson
CAO, Michelle White
CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Knudsoncalled the meeting to order at 6:30pm.
Moved by Mayor Knudson
RES 14-11-74“that the agenda be adopted with the following additions:11.g. Seniors’ week proclamation.” CARRIED
Moved by Councillor Johnson
RES 14-11-75“that the minutes ofthe regular Council meeting of April 24, 2014 are adopted as presented.” CARRIED
Moved by Councillor Johnson
RES 14-11-76“that the minutes of the regular Council meeting of April 28, 2014 are adopted as amended.” CARRIED
VISITORS AND DELEGATIONSArlineLeonard– discussion regarding the Romaine family memorial bench located on Main Street.
Moved by Councillor Miller
RES 14-11-77“that the Village will have the Romaine memorial bench moved from its current location to the Snake Lake School property.” CARRIED
125 – 3rd Ave. utility billing - Tabled pending results from Alberta Environment.
Centennial – Advertising in 2 different summer tourism publications, facebook page and website. Administration will be calling all organizations and confirming their various events. Bonita Ryan has agreed to paint the photo stand-ins. Shaman and the Big Valley Legion have donated to Memorial Park upgrades. Chad Mailer is confirmed to arrange the geocache treasure hunt. The Ag Society is confirmed for doing a dinner & concert on Sunday night. Horse & buggy rides will not be brought in. The Rodeo Association may be doing exhibition bull riding.
RES 14-12-78Moved by Councillor Miller
“that in accordance with municipal Bylaw 801, Section 21.9(a), the Village will transfer utility account charges more than 90 days outstanding to the corresponding property tax account.”CARRIED
2014 Tax Levy - There was discussion about raising the minimum tax levy. It will not be done this year but re-examined for the 2015 levy.
RES 14-00-79Moved by Councillor Johnson
“Council will give first reading to Bylaw 811, being a Bylaw to authorize the rates of taxation to be levied against assessable propertywithin the Village of Big Valley for the 2014 year.” CARRIED
RES 14-00-80Moved by Councillor Miller
“Council will give second reading to Bylaw 811, being a Bylaw to authorize the rates of taxation to be levied against assessable propertywithin the Village of Big Valley for the 2014 year.” CARRIED
RES 14-00-81Moved by Mayor Knudson
“Council will give third reading and pass Bylaw 811, being a Bylaw to authorize the rates of taxation to be levied against assessable propertywithin the Village of Big Valley for the 2014 year as amended.” CARRIED
RES 14-51-82Moved by Mayor Knudson
“that the Homecoming Committee be granted $2,000 in FCSS funding in support of the 2014 Homecoming & Centennial event.” CARRIED
Weed complaint – Weeds in the undeveloped field north east of 5th Ave.were discussed.It was decided the area will not be cultivated and seeded to grass at this time. Staff will make sure there is no ongoing dumping at the site.
RES 14-72-83Moved by Mayor Knudson
“that Public Works will make every effort to remove all black know tree fungus from public lands and the Public Works Foreman monthly report be received as information.” CARRIED
MAYOR KNUDSON:Ambulance Association meeting, Beautification Committee
COUNCILLOR MILLER: Rodeo, Recreation meeting, Beautification Committee
COUNCILLOR JOHNSON:Parkland Regional Library meeting – report attached
RES 14-11-84Moved by Councillor Miller
“thatthe financial statements be accepted and Accounts Payable approved as presented.”CARRIED
Tabled - bank reconciliation for April 2014. Bank balance of $417,769.27 was verbally reported by CAO.
INFORMATION: All items listed in Agenda accepted as Information.
RES 14-11-85Moved by Mayor Knudson
“that Big Valley Village Council proclaims June 2-8, 2014 as “Senior’s Week” in honour of the past, present and future contributions of the seniors of this community and throughout Alberta.” CARRIED
RES 14-11-86Moved by Mayor Knudson
“that Council go in-camera to discuss a land matter at 8:21 pm.” CARRIED
RES 14-11-87Moved by Councillor Miller
“that Council end the in-camera session at 8:29 pm.” CARRIED
RES 14-66-88Moved by Mayor Knudson
“that Council set the price for unserviced industrial lots on the east side of block 23 at $3,000 per standard size lot. All necessary subdivision and land titles fees are to be at the expense of the purchaser and an agreement is to be signed at the time of sale stating that the land must be developed within one year of purchase.” CARRIED
The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, June 26that 6:30 pm.
Mayor Knudson adjourned the meeting at 8:32pm.
MAYOR Chief Administrative Officer