Healthy Living

This course will help develop eating habits that will help turn your best performance in athletics and daily life by learning current nutritional information as it relates to total health and fitness. The course explores health exercise programs, sports nutrition, current health issues, dietary guidelines, body composition, and safe and effective weight loss programs. You will gain knowledge and evaluate resources to help you reach and obtain your health and fitness goals. You will become more aware of the control you actually have over your life relating to personal diet, exercise and wellness choices. You will develop skills in selecting recipes and healthy food preparations. A student does not have to be in a sports program to take this class.


1.  $25.00 class fee needs to be paid within the first two weeks of the semester to the Activities Office. The fee covers the cost of all consumable supplies used during the course. This excludes paper, pencils, pens, and folder. If paying by check, please make it payable to Cuyahoga Falls High School or CFHS.

2.  Bring all needed class supplies to class everyday. This includes:

·  Binder (dividers) or Class Folder with Pockets

·  Notebook paper

·  Pens / Pencils

3.  Maintain your class binder/folder and other supplies. Your folder serves as your main resource. Bring it to class each day and collect the important information your teacher gives you. Folders may be graded periodically throughout the semester; therefore, it is important to keep it organized.

4.  Actively and cooperatively participate in class discussions, lessons, and labs.

5.  A comprehensive final exam will be given at the end of the semester.

Course Content:

·  Food Handling Techniques

·  Kitchen Prep. Review

·  Food & Kitchen Safety

·  Food Preparation

·  Nutrition Basics

·  Nutrients & their Functions

·  Weight Management

·  Health & Wellness

·  Food Patterns

·  Meal Planning

·  The Food Supply

·  Sustaining the Environment


1. Follow the Tiger ROAR: Respect, Organization, Achievement, and Responsibility.

Failure to follow the ROAR will result in the following consequences:

1. Verbal Warning

2. Private conference with writing assignment/ Detention

3. Contact home/ Parent Conference

4. Referral to Office

*Steps can be disregarded depending on severity

2. Warm Up: On the board, a written assignment will appear. You are expected to record the date, question(s) and answer(s) on a piece of paper at the beginning of class. This paper will be collected for a grade. Keep all warm up activities on one piece of paper.

3. When You Are Absent: If you are absent from class, you are expected to make up any missed work. When you return, check the class crate for all in class assignments. If you do not have time at the beginning of class, check the crate after class.

4. Turning in Assignments: Homework assignments are expected to be turned in at the beginning of class before the class lesson begins. In-class assignments are expected to be turned in at the end of class. Extended time may be given for an in class assignment by the instructor.

5. Late assignments: Late assignments will not be accepted unless granted approval from the instructor.

6. Hall Pass Usage: Students are to sign out on sign out sheet and take Hall pass. The hall pass should only be used for emergencies only!

Absolutely no use of personal electronics during instruction time!!

(examples include: cell phones, headphones, ipads, tablets, etc.)

1. Fire Drill- Three rights, straight out the parking lot doors. Meet on grass, Stow Ave.

2. Tornado Drill- Little Gym.

3. Lock Down- Kitchens 5 & 6

4. Place & Secure- In the classroom with door closed.

* For all safety procedure: All equipment needs to be turned off, windows need to be closed, lights off, door closed, and everyone needs to be quiet to hear additional information. Thank you for your cooperation. *

Teacher Contact Information:

Mrs. Kendall Haidet

330-926-3808 x502108


Healthy Living Classroom Rules & Expectation

Follow the Tiger ROAR:


·  Listen attentively to others and respect others’ opinions

·  Use positive and socially acceptable language


·  Be prepared with required materials and assignments

·  Use daily planner as required


·  Actively participate in class

·  Put forth your best effort

·  Follow directions the first time given


·  Be responsible for personal property

·  Maintain materials in the condition they are received

·  Be on time

·  Accept consequences

If You Choose to Break a Rule:

1.  Verbal Warning

2.  Private Conference / Detention

3.  Notify Parents / Parent Conference

4.  Referral to the Principal’s Office

**Steps can be disregarded depending on the severity of the rule breaking**

Communication: Please feel free to contact me at anytime: Mrs. Haidet

330-926-3808 x502222

Class Website:

STUDENTS: I have read the expectations and will honor them while in Mrs. Haidet’s room.


PARENTS: My child has discussed Mrs. Haidet’s expectations with me. I understand them.


TEACHER: I will be fair and consistent in administering my expectations in the classroom.
