Rossett Community Council
Meeting on 15th April2015
- Present
Cllrs. W. Pace,(Chair), P.C. Cade,K. Dolan,J. Fortune, C. Guest, T.C. Harmer, J.H. Jones,
J. Montgomery,A. Parrington,
P.C.S.O.’s Aled Hughes & Nicola Smith (Part Time)
- Apologies for absence.
S. Hopper, R.E. Shepherd, G.O. Smith,
3Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting.
The minutes of the March meeting were approved and signed by the Chairman.
- North Wales Police.
Crime figures for March 2015
Crime type / No. / `CommentsBurglary – / 1 / Darland Lane, Nothing Taken
Burglary –Other than dwelling / 1 / Golden Groves - Copper
Criminal Damage / 2 / Chester Road. Potato thrown at vehicle
Greenfields- Back window smashed
Anti Social Behaviour / 1 / Butchers Arms – Fighting.
News: - Crime Prevention Team attended Golden Lion 15.4.15
- Former Darland Golf Club
Presentation by Mr. Robert Bent (Planning Consultant) and Mr. Alex Woolam (Site Owner)
A map was tabled showing the development of 36 houses on the Western and Southern boundaries of the former Golf Club site. It was stressed that this was an outline plan and was floated to measure the reaction of the people living nearby and affected by such a development. Planning Approval has not been applied for. Two observers in attendance objected to the proposal on the grounds that they had bought properties in Pippin Lane for the rural aspect and not being overlooked
Further objections were based on the facts that the area is liable to flooding and it erodes the Green Barrier.
The presenters undertook to return to the Council should the proposal progress.
- Reports from Representatives
- County Borough Councillor.J.H. Jones.
- The wall at the weir on Burton Road is reported to be damaged and will be repaired this summer.
- Broad Oak Crossing. Network rail will upgrade the Broad Oak crossing.
- The Golden Groves. The residents of Burton Green regard the building as an eyesore. It is likely to be demolished.
- Community Councillors
- Translation of some elements of the web site into Welsh. Details will be obtained.
- Dog Fouling is still a problem
- Local Government re-organisation.
This Council objects to the Welsh Government proposal to amalgamate Community Councils. It supports the One Voice Wales response which opposes the proposal.
The Clerk intends to attend a meeting on the subject in Mold on 20th April.
- Matters for discussion
Councillor Vacancy, Closing date for application is 20th April
Street Lighting. Charges will increase by 2.7% above last year.
Litter at Llyndir Hall & The Butchers Arms. Letters sent to proprietors requesting a tidy up
Pippin Lane. Has not been adopted by Wrexham County Borough Council ?
- Correspondence
The following items were noted
- Wrexham Area Civic Society. Spring 2015 Newsletter
- Came & Co. Insurance Broker’s newsletter ‘Council Matters’
- Planning
There were no observations on the following.
i.25 Darland Lane. Amended application. Removal of garage etc.and new dormer windows.P/2014/0714
ii.Green Farm, Holt Road – 2 storey extension .P/2015/0222
iii.Burton Gate, Station Road. Replacement windows. P/2015/0213.
- Finance
- VAT return submitted for 2014/2015.(£ 4,400.23)
- Staff Salaries increased by 2.7% (in accordance with conditions of employment)
Payments due
Creditor / Purpose / Value / Cheque No.Gresford &DC Library / Donation / £,1,500.00 / 2620
Rossett Pre School Play Group / Donation / £ 500.00 / 2621
Wrexham County Borough Council / Rates on Toilets / £ 1,048.35 / 2622
Jones Lighting / Maintenance / £ 576.05 / 2623
Ashtree Services / Grass Cutting etc. / £ 288..00 / 2624
C.J. Doyle / Park Warden / £ 243.00 / 2625
F.B. Doyle / Clerk / £ 287.49 / 2626
HMRC / Tax / £ 132.40 / 2627
Scottish Power / Lighting energy / £ 454.44 / 2628
AVOW / Payroll charges & Payroll fee / £ 95.00 / 2629
Total / £ 4,4974.73
Balance at Bank on completion of above / £ 80,460.42
Other Business.
- The question has been asked ‘Are the Toilets required’. Whilst the Community Council has voted to review the situation prior to the setting of next financial year’s precept, it was agreed that local views are required. This question will be raised during the 2 fete's to assess views and consideration will be given to setting up a function on the website to allow residents to vote for/against the provision of the facilities.
- The Street lighting outside the Church has been out of service for some time due to a mains fault on the Scottish Power network.
- The Village ‘Clean up’ should be advertised in Essentiallyours’ to obtain maximum support. A date will be set in the near future.
- As both the Chair and Deputy suggested they do not want to continue with their current roles, all members were asked to consider prior to next month's AGM, if they would be interested in taking on one of these roles. The Clerk will email all Councilors' a list of roles which are to be appointed at the AGM, as a reminder.
Date of next meeting 20th May 2015.
Signed as a true record……………………………..Chair. Date………………