Library Assoc. of Ringwood Inc.
Board of Trustees Meeting August 28, 2017
Ringwood Public Library (“RPL”)
ATTENDANCE: Amy Boyle Geisel, Heather Nemeth, Heather Manley Caldwell, Ed Thomas, Lisa Straubinger, Karen Marcus, Elise Bedder, Director. Three members of the public were present, Laura Henderson, Wendy Sandford and Amanda McCormick Gillman.
Absent: Anne Siebecker, Susan Rakosi Rosenbloom.
Call to Order and Statement of meeting notice: The meeting was called to order at 7:40PM by President Amy Boyle Geisel and she read the following statement: Adequate notice of this meeting was provided in the usual course to the Suburban Trends, Record, Herald News, WGHT, Channel 77, Borough Manager, and the RPL website. Notice was posted inside the library.
President’s Welcome: Amy Boyle Geisel invited Amanda McCormick Gillman to join the Board of Trustees. She was given the Mission Statement, the NJLT Manual and was administered the Trustee Oath of Office. As Ms. Gillman is replacing John Sumislaski, she will be up for re-election in December. The Director will have a policy and personnel book ready for the new trustee.
Minutes: Tabled to September meeting.
Treasurer’s Report: see pages attached. Elise, Maxine and Heather will meet to look at the budget. Discussion ensued about the fine policy and Elise Bedder said that the Pals Plus Consortium has changed the fines on DVDs and is looking into the policy in general. Heather Manley Caldwell would like direction on the reports and their impact on the budget. The Dorothy Monigan fund will buy books and support programs regarding women’s issues.
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Correspondence:Most of the correspondence concerned the brick program. Amy Boyle Geisel responded that the new walkway is safe and that there were design flaws in the old walkway which made it unsafe. See attached Report on Distribution of Old Engraved Bricks by Eileen Manley.
Committee Reports:
Interior Design: Creative Library Concepts measured the space. The Board reiterated its desire for a digital floor plan that incorporates the existing plan; 15 hours maximum at $75 per hour; the new floor plan then becomes the library’s property.
Robotics Program: Heather Nemeth made a motion to authorize payment for the Arduino program of $1200 plus $825 for November/December. Karen Marcus seconded and the motion passed with Amanda Gillman abstaining.
Overnight Girl Scout Program: Scheduled for Friday, October 20th , 50 first and second grade girls and chaperones will spend the night in the library. Crafts, star gazing and storytime will be featured.
Amy Boyle Geisel made a motion to authorize purchase of waterproof material for book sale signs. Heather Nemeth seconded and the motion passed.
PUBLIC HEARING: Amy Boyle Geisel made a motion to go into Public Session at 8:45 PM. Lisa Straubinger seconded and the motion carried. Laura Henderson said that she was training staff in tech services and technology. Amy Boyle Geisel made a motion to come out of Public Session at 9:50 and Heather Nemeth seconded. The motion passed.
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Board Comments: Amy Boyle Geisel suggested that Board members look at NJLA website to see webinars, workshops. Seven hours of training is needed for state certification. The annual Ringwood Library Association meeting, December 11th will be held in the library. Amy Boyle Geisel asked for a complete list of Association members and will work on the letter. Karen Marcus and Susan Rakosi Rosenbloom are forming the Goals Committee for strategic planning.
Director’s Report:Elise Bedder produced annexed three pages for the Director’s Report and a one page Technology Report. The Director would like a quicker response from the accountant to determine status of tax returns. Heather Nemeth, Ed Thomas and Karen Marcus will be on the Music Committee. Discussion ensued about Mike Einreinhof working on putting all of the brick photos on a thumb drive and then dedicating a laptop to showing the display. This will be done until the final virtual memorial is finished.
Payment of Bills: Lisa Straubinger moved that the bills be paid, Heather Manley Caldwell seconded and the motion carried with Amanda Gillman abstaining.
Executive Session: At 9:36 Amy Boyle Geisel moved to come out of Public Session and Lisa Straubinger seconded. The motion passed. At 9:37 Karen Marcus moved to go into Executive Session. Amy Boyle Geisel seconded and the motion carried. At 10:10 Amy Boyle Geisel moved to come out of Executive Session. Heather Nemeth seconded and the motion carried. Amy Boyle Geisel made a motion to approve the actions taken in Executive Session and Heather Nemeth seconded. The motion carried.
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ADJOURNMENT: Amy Boyle Geisel moved to adjourn at 10:15. The next meeting of the Ringwood Public Library Board of Trustees will be held on Monday, September 25, 2017 at 7:30 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Karen Marcus
August 31, 2017
Approved: September 25, 2017