
The following is a set of guidelines that pertain to agencies contemplating use of their organization as a field instructional site for undergraduate social work students. Instructional sites are also encouraged to meet these guidelines.

  1. Interest in participating in social work education extends throughout the agency and includes the board, management, professional staff, and support staff.
  1. The philosophy of service at the site is compatible with the values and ethics of the social work profession and with the educational objectives of the Faculty of Social Work.
  1. The instructional site is committed to the principles and practices of equity employment, and this principle extends to student.
  1. The setting is be able to provide a sufficient range, quality, and level of experience to enable the student to achieve the faculty’s objectives for field instruction, or to work collaboratively with the faculty in exploring ways in which these can be achieved.
  1. The setting should ideally be able to provide educationally-sound placements for at least two social work students, thereby fostering peer learning.
  1. There is sufficient time allocated to the staff assigned as agency resource persons to function as field instructors (agency-based instruction) or in exceptional circumstances as resource persons (university-based instruction).
  1. The field instructional site is able to provide the student with reasonably adequate facilities in order to fulfill their agency related assignments including desks, private interviewing facilities, access to the field instructional site’s procedural material. Office supplies, and equipment. It is anticipated that the instructor will be provided with a private facility for meeting times with the student. Finally, where students are engaged in agency related activities, they have recourse to the same reimbursement for incidental costs accorded to staff (e.g., reimbursement for transportation costs).
  1. The field instructional site agrees not to use students to replace its regular staff, nor to require students to render services other than those clearly identified as having agreed-upon educational goals.
  1. The field instructional site understands and agrees to participate in the educational experience for the duration of the originally contracted time. It is recognized that students may periodically encounter educational difficulties and it is expected that unless the clients of the field instructional site are placed in jeopardy, the staff from the instructional site will work with the field instructor and faculty in creating opportunities to help the student resolve these difficulties.
  1. The field instructional site can expect the student and faculty to comply with its policies and regulations.
  1. For agency-based instruction, the site will have staffs who have a minimum of a B.S.W. degree (Canadian Association of Schools of Social Work criteria), two years post-degree experience adequate work experience at the site, and are willing to assume this role.
  1. For university-based instruction, the agency makes available a resource person who, in consultation with the student’s field instructor, arranges for learning tasks, provides day-to-day supervision for the student, and assists in the student evaluation procedures.


New Sites

Throughout the year, the field coordinator recruits agencies which appear to meet the agency and field instructor criteria. Where agencies have not been field instructional sites before, or where they have not been agency-based instructional sites before, they are provided with field evaluation and agency guidelines documents, as well as material on agency-based field instruction. This allows the potential site an opportunity to confirm their interest in pursuing field instruction in light of the faculty’s expectations.

Pre-Placement Planning

The pre-planning phase involves first determining the level of commitment that exists in the agency to have students placed there. Usually there are two levels of sanction: one administrative and the other among staff that are likely to be involved with students. In most instances both are explored by administrative staff, but where this has not been thoroughly and openly explored as part of the pre-placement process, there is a possibility that there could be ongoing resistance to the placement and a lack of cooperation in providing opportunities for students. It is important that the unit taking a student sees this as an agency project. Taking a student becomes a collective responsibility rather than that of a single instructor. This is particularly true if a resource person is expected to provide substantial supervision in the educational experience.

Where agencies express interest, the field coordinator normally follows the written material with an on-site visit to discuss potential learning opportunities for students and further questions concerning the benefits or expectations about field instruction.

Once the agency has agreed to take on the role of instructional site, a formal agreement is developed between the agency and the university.

Field Instructional Site Agreement

The Field instructional site agreement address issues of: notice of student placements, role responsibilities to be carried by field instructors, the orientation process, resources for students, legal responsibility in circumstances of professional liability, and notice of termination. Agreements are a requirement of the university before the agency-based instructor can be appointed as a field instructor by the university.

These agreements are signed in triplicate, one for the university, one for the faculty, and one to be returned to the agency providing the field instruction. These agreements, once signed will continue to be in force over multiple years until either the university or agency decides to terminate. They continue to be in force, notwithstanding the fact that in some years no student may choose a placement at this particular site.

It is important for instructors to be familiar with the terms of the agreement which identifies their rights and responsibilities.

Appointment of Field Instructors

Field instructors are appointed by the university as “Field Instructor – Nil Salary.” Field instructors are required to sign and return the appointment letter. This will entitle instructors to the privileges of access to library services and other benefits available (such as workshops, training opportunities, etc.) as they arise throughout the year. ID cards are issued at the Registrar’s Office (I.D. Centre) located at 400 University Centreduring regular office hours (8:30 a.m. – 4:15 p.m. Monday to Friday). Valid photo ID and staff number are required by the ID Centre. Before you plan to go to the Registrar’s Office,please contact the Field Program Assistant, Patti Kafka, at 204-474-6171 or email toconfirm that your appointment has been processed by the University of Manitoba. The appointment process can take approximately two to four weeks.


Legal Checks

A number of sites, particularly those with legal or mandated child welfare responsibilities require Criminal Record Checks and Child/Adult Abuse Registry checks, before the student’s placement can be confirmed. Legal check requirement are determined by each agency field site. Field instructors should advise the student of these requirements well in advance of field commencement.


Students will receive written notification confirming their placement. This will normally occur in May, June, or July.

Field instructional sites will also be notified about the number and names of students placed, their addresses, and telephone numbers, and the faculty-field liaison assigned them.